Vietnam: China Mislabeling Products as Vietnamese


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Nobody seems to care about China screwing consumers. Related was in my years in aerospace involved several recalls because Chinese counterfeit electronics components had made it onto aircraft.

That could have easily erupted into flames while you and you’re family are at 35,000 feet.

“Dozens” of products have been identified, Hoang Thi Thuy, a Vietnamese Customs Department official, told state-run media, and goods like textiles, fishery products, agricultural products, steel, aluminum, and processed wooden products were most vulnerable to the fraud.

Vietnamese state media noted that in 2017, the Customs Department exposed a company called INTERWYSE for trying to rebrand 600 Chinese-made speakers and phone chargers with a “Made in Vietnam” label.

“It will sabotage Vietnamese brands and products and it will also affect consumers. We could even get tariff retribution from other countries, and if that happens, it will hurt our economy,” Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh told the Vietnamese National Assembly last week.

Vietnam does not have any legal requirements for certification of the “Made in Vietnam” label. The country’s current regulations require that goods be produced partly or completely in Vietnam, but does not provide a mechanism for determining the veracity of the label.

Vietnam says that China is mislabeling products as Vietnamese to avoid U.S. tariffs
China kills political prisoners and sells their body organs on the black market.
China is pulling a fast one again? Next you are going to tell me Paris handbags and high fashion accessories are made by frightened overworked teens in dank Chinese sweatshops.
We shouldn't trade with China, aside from selling them food and medicine for humanitarian reasons.

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