Video on You Tube about Mitt Romney:


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

[ame=]Still Voting For 'Mitt Romney'? - YouTube[/ame]​
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Not looking great for the Governor. He can bounce back but I don't see it happening.
“I’m not familiar with precisely what I said, but I stand by what I said, whatever it was." - Mitt Romney
I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Yep. Too bad there's not a "Ron Paul" among the Democrats, calling out Obama on the same kind of shit. Then maybe we could wake people up to the fact that both parties' leadership is bought and paid for.
I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Yep. Too bad there's not a "Ron Paul" among the Democrats, calling out Obama on the same kind of shit. Then maybe we could wake people up to the fact that both parties' leadership is bought and paid for.

I can only speak to my case and my tastes...I think both parties and their nominees are out to lunch fiscally.

The numbers are just too big; the intersecting priorities are just too much to untangle, we have one part of the government fighting tobacco while another part is subsidizing farmers who may plant the crop....I read somewhere where the B2 Spirit bomber is, by design, built in a large number of states to ensure Congress will hesitate to cut the funding for it. We're building a new generation of fighter jets and submarines to replace a class of jet and sub that replaced a class of jet and submarine that was superior to anything that the rest of the world NOW has (meaning our "shit" from 3 generations ago is still superior to what the rest of the world can field). We still subsidize Sesame Street, NPR, and art nobody wants to see or pay for in large numbers. How much more in debt do we have to travel before we decide that we can't afford to pay for Click and Clack, Bert and Ernie, and Bill Viola (although I love NPR, grew up on Sesame Street and find Viola's works very interesting and thought provoking).

So I'm a values voter. The President shares more of my values than Governor Romney does.

Of course if you look at the video, I think you'll agree that we don't really know what those values are. Whatever you guess they might'll be right (eventually).
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

Anyone who is inclined to do so, can make Mother Theresa look like Adolf Hitler. But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your whining.
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

Anyone who is inclined to do so, can make Mother Theresa look like Adolf Hitler. But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your whining.

It looks like you are the one who is whinning.

Romney is the most disingenuous politician I have ever seen.

And that is saying something.
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

Anyone who is inclined to do so, can make Mother Theresa look like Adolf Hitler.

Not really.

But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your whining.

There's nothing even in the OP that even remotely resembles "whining".

Is the best you can muster up?

Romney is in trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrouble.
I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Yep. Too bad there's not a "Ron Paul" among the Democrats, calling out Obama on the same kind of shit. Then maybe we could wake people up to the fact that both parties' leadership is bought and paid for.

What "same" shit?

[ame=]Obama in 2008: 'We Will Kill Bin Laden, We Will Crush Al Qaeda' - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]President Obama: U.S. has killed Osama bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

That "same" shit?
I can't agree with all of it but boy, this pretty much decapitates the Governor.

Now, most of what you see on YouTube can't be trusted since this is heavily edited but wow...there's only so much creative editing that can be done to make the Governor look this bad:

Anyone who is inclined to do so, can make Mother Theresa look like Adolf Hitler. But don't let that inconvenient truth get in the way of your whining.

It looks like you are the one who is whinning.

Romney is the most disingenuous politician I have ever seen.

And that is saying something.

:lol: How very dramatic. And I am sure you would be equally as scathing about anyone who dared to run against your messiah.

You're a fool, Chrissie. All politicians - even your messiah - are disingenuous. It's a sad commentary on the state of US politics, but there it is. Romney is far less disingenuous than your messiah, and you voted for him. It's a tad late to start pretending you give a shit about lies.
I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Yep. Too bad there's not a "Ron Paul" among the Democrats, calling out Obama on the same kind of shit. Then maybe we could wake people up to the fact that both parties' leadership is bought and paid for.

There was it was Dennis Kucinich until he lost in the Democratic primary this year he is about as nutty as Paul but he would speak his mind about his own party when he disagreed with it.
I didn't know it was a Ron Paul supporter's project until the end. You would think that Axelrod, Gibbs, Plouffe, and Jarrett had been working on this for months; was Ron Paul's group.

Yep. Too bad there's not a "Ron Paul" among the Democrats, calling out Obama on the same kind of shit. Then maybe we could wake people up to the fact that both parties' leadership is bought and paid for.

There was it was Dennis Kucinich until he lost in the Democratic primary this year he is about as nutty as Paul but he would speak his mind about his own party when he disagreed with it.

Remember his "Department of Peace" idea? Smoking hot wife though.

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