Video: Missing Links ..Says Jews perped the 911 attacks against the United States

Feb 21, 2010
Jew media barons employ traitors to pen encomiums on behalf of other traitors, like Obama and the Bush and Clinton clans to get them elected, while Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell et al, remain tools of the same Jews who perped the attacks for life!


Missing Links: A 127 minute Google video exposing the Jews as perpetrators of the 911 attacks against the United States!

The facts will make it abundantly clear, that the 9/11 Truth movement has been infiltrated, and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal Jews who masterminded the attacks,

Large numbers of them holed up at Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, which is a classic J sponsored false flag site, as is Pilots for 911 Truth.

As they say, "if you want to control the dissent you lead it," thus Alex Jones who led 911 truth and has since dropped the ball, is like AE 911 and Pilots for 911 Truth, sponsored by the Jews that did it.

Similarly the Bush / Cheney are to blame crowd, are parroting the same Zionist line that attempts to establish a fiction that diverts attention from Jew calumny!
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Is Martin Timothy the biggest fucktard idiot to ever post a video as "proof" at USMB,

or is he still lagging behind the original scumbag Troofers at USMB, like Terral?
Hi Martin:

One statement in your OP appears very misleading and wrong:

Missing Links: A 127 minute Google video exposing the Jews as perpetrators of the 911 attacks against the United States!

No sir. Condemning 'the Jews' as perpetrators of the 911 attacks is like blaming 'the Americans.' Yes. A Fifty-one-man Mossad Demolition Crew (info) posed as fireproofing specialists and wired the WTC skyscrapers in the weeks leading up to the 9/11 attacks, but that does not mean 'the Jews' pulled off the 9/11 attacks.


People in caves could not carry out the attack.

* This racist comment ignores the education and training of the terrorists. Bin Laden graduated from college a civil engineer and some of the terrorists are out of college
* You don't need government help or a university degree to scare passengers into thinking you have a bomb onboard.
* You don't need government help to turn off an airliner transponder and hide among hundreds of other airliners in the area

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Osama Bin Laden

It's the first time in history a steel frame high-rise collapsed

* It is not the first time a steel structure collapsed by fire
* It's also the first time in history an airliner rammed into a steel hi-rise building built like the towers (Tube in a Tube design)
* It's the first time in history a steel framed building built like Building 7 (Con Ed substation in the lower floors and a cantilever column core) was hit by another steel framed building.
* unprotected steel collapsed within 2 1/2 hours in Madrid fire without being hit by anything

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - First Time In History

They collapsed into their own footprint

* The floors of the towers fell straight down while the perimeter columns leaned out
* These buildings could not collapse any other way due to the design of the building. It was not a solid block.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Towers Collapse

Explosives were placed in the building during weekend power downs

* Controlled demolition of much smaller buildings take months.
* The power down can not be verified by any reliable source.

Controlled demolition -Debunk 9/11 Myths

A fireman said there were only two small fires in the towers

* The fireman was on the 78th floor, the lowest of the impact floors on fire.
* A wingtip was the only part of the airliner which entered the 78th floor.
* The 78th floor is a skylobby which wouldn't have much to burn
* The fires above the 78th floor had heavier fires which followed the fuel/combustibles.
* If there were only two small fires on the 78th floor just before collapse, it only agrees with the NIST report. Cooling trusses contracted and pulled the columns in because the fires moved to other areas.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - The Fires

The Madrid and Caracas tower fires lasted much longer yet those steel framed buildings never collapsed completely

* Neither building had the tube in a tube design used at the WTC
* Unlike the towers, both buildings had their steel columns encased in concrete
* The steel which was not protected with concrete in the Madrid towers also collapsed early on just like in the towers

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Madrid/Windsor Tower

The towers were built to withstand more than one airliner impact

* The NIST never said the impact collapsed the towers
* The towers DID withstand the impact. It was a combination of fire, impact damage and lack of fireproofing over the steel in the impact levels which collapsed the towers.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myth - Plane Impact

Ex UL employee (Underwriters Laboratory) Kevin Ryan says UL certified the steel of the towers which did not fail during testing for the NIST

* UL does not certify steel. They certify assemblies which included fireproofing on the steel
* Kevin Ryan worked as a water tester and did not have anything to do with the collapse investigation
* Mr. Ryan was let go from UL because he was making false statements about the company
* The steel assembly with 1/2 inch fireproofing was rated for only 45 minutes.
* UL never tested steel assemblies without fireproofing

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Fires

The towers lease owner was being forced to remove asbestos from the towers. It would have cost him billions of dollars to remove it all.

* The towers only had asbestos up to the 38th floor of one building.
* Asbestos does not need to be removed, only sealed with a spray on sealer.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Fires

The towers were white elephants and never reached full occupancy

* The towers were at full occupancy at least since February of 2001. It was at 90% in 1998.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Fires

The photos and videos of the bowed columns were due to light refraction

* Light refracts differently in different angles. It would be impossible for light to bend in refraction in exactly the same way on every camera and video lens regardless of angle
* The bow was only on one side of each building. Why didn't it refract around the whole building if it was a product of heat?
* Videos show the violent pull in of the columns at the beginning of global collapse. It would be impossible for it to be refracted light

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Sagging Trusses and Bowed Columns

The NIST changed their mind and said the buildings did not pancake

* The NIST never said pancaking caused the global collapse
* The NIST was talking about what they investigated which was the collapse initiation. The collapse did not start by pancaking
* There is photographic evidence of pancaking on ground zero which happened after collapse initiation

Towers Collapse - Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and controlled demolition

Silverstein said he "pulled" building 7. Pull is demolition terminology for blowing up the building

* "Pull" is not demolition terminology for blowing up buildings.
* Building 6 was literally pulled with cables which is why they said "We're about to pull building 6" in a PBS special.
* Silverstein say "they" made the decision and not Silverstein
* They made the decision to pull the rescue operation out.
* The fire commander's statements agree with Silverstein's statement
* Many firefighters said they were pulled away from building 7 because they feared the building would collapse

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7

Building 7 only had a few small fires.

* Building 7's south side was covered by smoke for most of the event.
* Firefighters said the building's south side showed fires on multiple floors
* Firemen said the building was "fully involved"

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7, Building 7

Building 7 had no or little structural damage

* The firefighters put a transit on the building and concluded the building was going to collapse
* There was a very large gash in the building which ran from the top floor to at least the tenth floor
* Firemen said there was a 10 story hole in the middle of the building

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - World Trade Center 7

The towers fell at free fall/near free fall speed

* In every video and photo you can see the perimeter columns far outpacing the collapse.
* The building took over 12-16 seconds to completely collapse. The actual event was covered by debris so no one can say for sure. One rare video has the south tower collapsing at about 22 seconds.
* Conspiracy theorists cut their videos out when the perimeter columns hit the ground and not the building.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Free Fall

Molten Steel found weeks after the collapse indicates the use of thermite.

* No one has scientifically proven the molten substance was steel. Can even be molten glass coating steel or an aluminum mixed with something else
* Steel can burn/oxidize and would explain red hot steel
* The photo of firemen over a glowing hole in the ground cannot be molten steel. The heat would have been too great for the firemen
* Thermite cannot cut columns without large canisters all around the column
* No demolition in history ever had steel glow for weeks
* Thermite needs another primary charge to set it off. It would have exploded during impact explosion
* The amount of thermite needed to collapse the tower would have been massive. (Tons) Impossible to hide.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Molten Steel

A Thermite reaction is seen flowing from a window in the south tower before it collapsed.

* The size of the flow would mean tons of thermite was in that corner of the building. Impossible to hide
* The flow turned grayish as it fell to the ground, more like aluminum
* The flow was seen only from one window which happen to be where the majority of the aluminum plane would have come to rest
* The molten flow changed its direction with the sagging floor. Thermite doesn't walk
* A UPS system on the 81st floor can account for the molten flow

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Molten Steel

Squibs were seen coming from the buildings

* Because of the 'tube in a tube' design, each tower was about 95% air. Each story had an acre worth of floor space. The air from each story was compressed during the collapse. The air had to go someplace; out the window space, in staircases, down elevator shafts or other mechanical conduits. The compressed air is called "overpressure".
* Firemen who survived the collapse in the buildings core felt the overpressure strong enough to push them down the stairs. They called it a "hurricane wind".
* None of the so called "Squibs" could be seen before the collapse, which is evidence the collapse caused the effect.
* Other very heavy equipment could have fallen down open elevator shafts (Elevators and motors, etc...) and rammed into floors blowing out windows on the floors and expelling ceiling tile debris.
* The amount of these so called squibs are much smaller than would be expected in a controlled demolition, where charges are used on almost every floor.
* Videos show squibs working in reverse from an explosive blast. The amount of ejected debris increases as the collapse progresses. Explosives don't work that way. Energy in an explosive is released almost instantly and would not get stronger over time.
* What some say are squibs as building 7 collapses is nothing more than previously damaged exterior panels flapping about on a poor resolution internet video.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Squibs

People heard explosions indicating explosives were used

* Each floor had about an acre of 3" - 4 " concrete flooring. The sound of that plus office furniture and equipment collapsing on an office below would make a very loud boom.
* Steel snapping under tension would make a very loud boom.
* Large transformers exploding in the building would make a very loud boom.
* Large oil filled transformers exploding from the fire in WTC 7 could account for explosions heard in the building before collapsing
* Many of the people who said they heard explosions also said they realized it was the building collapsing causing the sound.
* Even bodies hitting the ground sounded like explosions to some people.
* Some say "It was like" before saying what they heard.
* People generally try to describe something hard to describe by saying it's like something most people know. Like the sound of a hurricane is often described as a freight train by survivors.
* You would expect a few people who are under attack by terrorists to think a loud boom is an explosive going off.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - Explosions

"Scholars" say the collapse of the towers is impossible

* None of the conspiracy "scholars" have passed a peer reviewed paper in a respected scientific journal saying the collapse of the towers was impossible.
* Many peer reviewed papers have been passed in respected scientific journals saying the towers collapsed from impact and fire alone.
* The few scholars who say they are structural engineers and are conspiracy theorists are not working in the field.
* Dr. Fetzer wrote books on JFK and moon landing conspiracies.
* Prof. Jones was a physicist who worked on cold fusion and not structural or civil engineering.
* Prof. Judy Woods was a dental engineer and did not have a job in structural engineering.
* Gordon Ross is not a structural engineer. None of his so called "papers" have passed peer review by a respected scientific journal. He hasn't made a single attempt in a respected journal.
* The scholars for 9/11 truth created their own journal which has no impact to the scientific community and is created by and for the conspiracy theorist community.
* Conspiracy theorists haven't tried to pass a peer reviewed paper in a respected scientific journal. This proves they have little faith in their own work.
* Structural engineers in Jones own university call his hypothesis "very unreliable".

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Steven E. Jones - Scholars for 9/11 truth

Debunking 911 Conspiracy Theories and controlled demolition - Structural and Civil Engineers against Controlled Demolition

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition - The Paper

Civil & Structural Engineers on WTC Collapse

Dr. Steven Jones says he found evidence of controlled demolition on Ground Zero in the form of Sulfur and Iron Spheres in the dust sample.

* Sulfur is found in gypsum board
* Iron Spheres come from flyash found in structural concrete, magnetic printer toner, torch-cutting of steel beams as part of the cleanup, aircraft impact, collapse,
* The iron-rich content of all dust samples was between 0.1 and 1.3%. Not high enough to suggest it came from large amounts of melted steel.
* Could have been there before collapse created during the construction of of one of the many buildings in NY.
* Iron Spheres could be created by oxidation or chemical reactions during moderate office fires.

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Steven E. Jones - Scholars for 9/11 truth

They would only need a handful of people to pull it off

* They would have needed thousands for the conspiracy story to be true

Debunking 9/11 Conspiracy Theories and Controlled Demolition Myths - Massive Conspiracy

A large portion of the American population believe the government planned 9/11

* The polls are worded in a way to conflate the government hiding their incompetence with government involvement in 9/11.
* Only 4.2% believe the government blew up the towers. 26.5% believe the government let Bin Laden fly planes into the building. That number is well below the 34% who believe in UFO's
* If a large percentage of people believe the conspiracy story then why doesn't it show when they interrupt live events? Why no sympathy from the vast majority in attendance?
Hi Martin:

The facts will make it abundantly clear, that the 9/11 Truth movement has been infiltrated, and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal Jews who masterminded the attacks, Large numbers of them holed up at Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, which is a classic J sponsored false flag site, as is Pilots for 911 Truth.
We agree 100 Percent! I was a member at (search "Terral") where many DoD Handlers (Michael Anderson, a.k.a. 'Painter' = CIT Handler, Russell Pickering = Loose Change Brat Handler, etc.) gathered for discussions behind closed doors. Most of the 'professing' 911Truth Movement is actually part of a DoD-run FBI/CIA/NSA Joint Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Disinformation Matrix (I explain here). Dylan Avery (Loose Change Brat = DoD Asset) and Jim Meigs (Popular Mechanics DoD Asset) debate the WTC Topics (like here) and the DoD controls 'both' sides of the deliberations. I know Richard Gage (and Bill his site manager) and Dylan Avery and Craig Ranke (CIT Disinformation Stooge) and know for A FACT that they all work for the DoD Counterterrorism Division of the Counterintelligence Unit. That is why they have all banned me from their DoD-run Boards. :0)

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And.....I singlehandedly solved the kennedy assination as well.
here is indisputable photographic evidence, you can click on the photo to make it bigger if you need to.
The assassin is the one disguised as a police officer in the top center of the photo.....likely the second, or third gunman.


  • $kennedy-assassination.jpg
    40.5 KB · Views: 124
Hi Martin:

The facts will make it abundantly clear, that the 9/11 Truth movement has been infiltrated, and is ultimately controlled by the same criminal Jews who masterminded the attacks, Large numbers of them holed up at Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth, which is a classic J sponsored false flag site, as is Pilots for 911 Truth.
We agree 100 Percent! I was a member at where many DoD Handlers (Michael Anderson, a.k.a. 'Painter' = CIT Handler, Russell Pickering = Loose Change Brat Handler, etc.) gathered for discussions behind closed doors. Most of the 'professing' 911Truth Movement is actually part of a DoD-run FBI/CIA/NSA Joint Counterintelligence/Counterterrorism Disinformation Matrix (I explain here). Dylan Avery (Loose Change Brat = DoD Asset) and Jim Meigs (Popular Mechanics DoD Asset) debate the WTC Topics (like here) and the DoD controls 'both' sides of the deliberations. I know Richard Gage (and Bill his site manager) and Dylan Avery and Craig Ranke (CIT Disinformation Stooge) and know for A FACT that they all work for the DoD Counterterrorism Division of the Counterintelligence Unit. That is why they have all banned me from their Boards. :0)


They banned you from the boards because of your incessent nutcase post, not for any other reason.

Unlike USMB, some boards don't allow mental patients to ceaselessly post the same moronic bullshit.

>Slackjawed is a jew, not an observant one really, but a jew nonetheless<
Hi Slacker:

Terral is actually raising an objection, small but still an objection, to a conspiracy theory?

I am shocked and in awe. How misguided must this new-comer be for Terral to raise even a small objection?

Martin's work is very good in most areas. He just needs a little help with some of the minor details. :0)


Hi Slacker:

Terral is actually raising an objection, small but still an objection, to a conspiracy theory?

I am shocked and in awe. How misguided must this new-comer be for Terral to raise even a small objection?

Martin's work is very good in most areas. He just needs a little help with some of the minor details. :0)



so, if i am "wasting my breath", as you say, why are you answering?

oh, i get it, because you need the attention!
the pentagon was really hit by a train.

i have a youtube video to prove it somewhere.....
Hi Lia:

Is Martin Timothy the biggest fucktard idiot to ever post a video as "proof" at USMB,

or is he still lagging behind the original scumbag Troofers at USMB, like Terral?

If Lia had actual debating skills, then he might quote real 911Truthers and make 'his' case for Official Govt Cover Story LIES.

Accept Terral's Challenge you coward!



If you had guts, you pussy coward, you'd tell us all how you can have the audacity to deny that Walt Fuckin' Disney did it.

It may be a Mickey Mouse "conspiracy" to you fuctarded deniers, but your willingness to call us names doesn't refute our absolutely PROVED theory.

Thermite! Mickey! Ice!

Conclusive proof!

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