Video did precipiate terrorist attack.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

The anti-Islam video was used as a cover for terrorist to attack. There were massive violent demonstrations at the U.S. Embassy and or Consulate in Benghazi at the time of the attack on the Consulate and it is only logical that one would believe at first thought the attack on the Embassy was by demonstrators. And later to believe the terrorists use the demonstrations as a cover for the attack. It soon become evident that is was a terrorist attack and how long it was planned or if is was spontaneous no one knows and why the hell should it matter. Why would Rice or others try to cover up something that would eventually become evident anyway is Foxnews right wing rhetoric to discredit Obama’s administration. It was evident to Obama the day after that is was a terrorist attack and he reported such and there after.
A cover up is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld covering up the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq and lied to get support for invading Iraq sacrificing our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Balckwater. That’s a cover up because they tried to cover up the fact that no WMDs were found.
Obama won so get the hell use to it. You will see a much different Obama the next four years than we saw the previous four years. Stand back and watch. He has more “flexibility.”

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.

Foxnew and the radical right wing witch hunters with matches and ropes lied. There were protester outside the consulate at the time of the terrorist attack. So Issa go the fuch back to work and put away your white sheets and crosses
Where's it say they were protesting the video and that the murders were in response to that video? Your first sentence says it was used as a cover yet Rice went out and said that the murders were in response to the video.
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Obama bin Lying

Petraeus should have arrested Obama and charged him as an accomplice the second he ordered the CIA director to lie about the video
It doesn't. Shit. Whoever saw or hard of that video??

Just another batshit crazy thread by the old bag.
Wipe the egg off your face AFTER you watch the video and apologize for lying.

[ame=]Ambassador Rice: Anti-Islam Film Responsible For Attacks, Not Administration's Policy - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Susan Rice 'This Week' Interview: U.S. Ambassador to UN Discusses Muslim Protest (09/2012) - YouTube[/ame]
fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

sure looks like you righties are hell bent on being shamed by trusting the very people that lied through their teeth less than a few weeks ago about a romney landslide....yet you foolishly trust them....

what is it that drives you people to be this crazy?

Why not just sit back and wait for the real facts instead of pure conjecture?

why are you hell bent on trying to make America look bad?

If this was a failure, it was a failure of our Intelligence community just as the failure of our Intelligence community when 9/11 2001 happened and killed over 3000 Americans on bush's watch....

me thinks ye protest too much!
Wipe the egg off your face AFTER you watch the video and apologize for lying.

Ambassador Rice: Anti-Islam Film Responsible For Attacks, Not Administration's Policy - YouTube

She spoke eloquently on the CIA talking points. Where's the 'cover up'?

Did I say it was a coverup or am I showing that Rice did indeed say it was in reaction to a video.

I'm all for letting it play out but let's not lie and pretend Rice didn't say what she did on 5 talk shows regardless of who may have instructed her to do so.
fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

sure looks like you righties are hell bent on being shamed by trusting the very people that lied through their teeth less than a few weeks ago about a romney landslide....yet you foolishly trust them....

what is it that drives you people to be this crazy?

Why not just sit back and wait for the real facts instead of pure conjecture?

why are you hell bent on trying to make America look bad?

If this was a failure, it was a failure of our Intelligence community just as the failure of our Intelligence community when 9/11 2001 happened and killed over 3000 Americans on bush's watch....

me thinks ye protest too much!

You must be pretty shamed. My condolences.
Wipe the egg off your face AFTER you watch the video and apologize for lying.

Ambassador Rice: Anti-Islam Film Responsible For Attacks, Not Administration's Policy - YouTube

She spoke eloquently on the CIA talking points. Where's the 'cover up'?

Did I say it was a coverup or am I showing that Rice did indeed say it was in reaction to a video.

I'm all for letting it play out but let's not lie and pretend Rice didn't say what she did on 5 talk shows regardless of who may have instructed her to do so.

He did just bang some chick or chicks or whatever he did. It is none of our business. I am anxious to hear about the Benghazi deal though. Hope his wife dont kill him first

Just this once I vote for vengence. Meaning I hope he's so pissed at being thrown under the bus that he says, "fuck it" and blows the lid off of the whole Benghazi cover-up.

Or was that then and now is a new position?
She spoke eloquently on the CIA talking points. Where's the 'cover up'?

Did I say it was a coverup or am I showing that Rice did indeed say it was in reaction to a video.

I'm all for letting it play out but let's not lie and pretend Rice didn't say what she did on 5 talk shows regardless of who may have instructed her to do so.

He did just bang some chick or chicks or whatever he did. It is none of our business. I am anxious to hear about the Benghazi deal though. Hope his wife dont kill him first

Just this once I vote for vengence. Meaning I hope he's so pissed at being thrown under the bus that he says, "fuck it" and blows the lid off of the whole Benghazi cover-up.

Or was that then and now is a new position?

That was in reference to Petraeus. So do you have a point besides the one on your head? Did I say that Rice was covering up or did I say she might have been instructed to say what she did?

Overall, if you don't think the WH is covering up the true story you're an idiot. I didn't say everyone involved is intentionally covering up. They may be victims of circumstances.

I do however think Obama and Clinton are both hiding something. Not the least bit odd Clinton is half way around the world sipping wine now is it?
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This is Obama's press corps. Of course they're going to blame the video. And you will gobble it up.

The anti-Islam video was used as a cover for terrorist to attack. There were massive violent demonstrations at the U.S. Embassy and or Consulate in Benghazi at the time of the attack on the Consulate and it is only logical that one would believe at first thought the attack on the Embassy was by demonstrators. And later to believe the terrorists use the demonstrations as a cover for the attack. It soon become evident that is was a terrorist attack and how long it was planned or if is was spontaneous no one knows and why the hell should it matter. Why would Rice or others try to cover up something that would eventually become evident anyway is Foxnews right wing rhetoric to discredit Obama’s administration. It was evident to Obama the day after that is was a terrorist attack and he reported such and there after.
A cover up is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld covering up the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq and lied to get support for invading Iraq sacrificing our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Balckwater. That’s a cover up because they tried to cover up the fact that no WMDs were found.
Obama won so get the hell use to it. You will see a much different Obama the next four years than we saw the previous four years. Stand back and watch. He has more “flexibility.”

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
More arrests in U.S. Consulate attack, Libyan official says -

Foxnew and the radical right wing witch hunters with matches and ropes lied. There were protester outside the consulate at the time of the terrorist attack. So Issa go the fuch back to work and put away your white sheets and crosses

You're fucking insane.
Are they dragging out this bullshit again????? Men died and a innocent man was sent to jail to cover for this President.....What do you progressives do? Keep using the same lie. More proof it is time to get the progressives out of our schools.

A cover up is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld covering up the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq and lied to get support for invading Iraq sacrificing our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Balckwater. That’s a cover up because they tried to cover up the fact that no WMDs were found.
Obama won so get the hell use to it. You will see a much different Obama the next four years than we saw the previous four years. Stand back and watch. He has more “flexibility.”

Investigating the Benghazi attack

The official said as many as 50 people have been brought in for questioning but not all of them were arrested. They were people who were at a protest outside the consulate but there was no indication yet that they took part in the violence, he said.
The senior Libyan government official said there is no evidence yet that the attack was planned or that al Qaeda was involved.
U.S. officials believe extremists carried out the attack on the consulate in Benghazi, but that they did it after a spontaneous protest began outside the building, said Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
More arrests in U.S. Consulate attack, Libyan official says -

Foxnew and the radical right wing witch hunters with matches and ropes lied. There were protester outside the consulate at the time of the terrorist attack. So Issa go the fuch back to work and put away your white sheets and crosses

You're fucking insane.[/QUOTE]

I honestly believe she is old and has dementia. She says some really wild and off the wall crap. NO ONE can be that misinformed, ignorant, stupid- well except TM- but she's certifiable too.

A cover up is Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld covering up the fact that there were no WMDs in Iraq and lied to get support for invading Iraq sacrificing our children for oil and millions for Cheney’s Halliburton and Balckwater. That’s a cover up because they tried to cover up the fact that no WMDs were found.
Obama won so get the hell use to it. You will see a much different Obama the next four years than we saw the previous four years. Stand back and watch. He has more “flexibility.”

Foxnew and the radical right wing witch hunters with matches and ropes lied. There were protester outside the consulate at the time of the terrorist attack. So Issa go the fuch back to work and put away your white sheets and crosses

You're fucking insane.[/QUOTE]

I honestly believe she is old and has dementia. She says some really wild and off the wall crap. NO ONE can be that misinformed, ignorant, stupid- well except TM- but she's certifiable too.

What bothers me and should bother others is that she never comes back to defend the rubbish she posts.

You can count on two fingers the times she ever posted a second response to her own thread.

Maybe she's on to something. Perhaps we should flood the board constantly with anti Obama threads leaving no chance for anyone else to post anything else and then just never back up what we post.

Cue up......."that's what you already do"

That's how easy it is to predict what the chimps will respond with. Listening jillyidiot?
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