Victory in Mosul, Daesh dead!

Marion Morrison

Diamond Member
Feb 10, 2017
That's right! ISIS ass is kicked! US- backed Peshmerga, Iraqi forces, and SAA and Russia done got 'um! Oh, this is a great day!

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Watching the video, these guys have .308s and M249 SAWs.

Again, we need to make sure that we keep track, so when they turn on us like Saddam, Bin Laden and the Libyan Rebels did, we know who they are.

Saddam didn't "turn on us".

The Bushes fucked him over and he put a bounty on their heads.

As a result, countless people suffered and died.
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Saddam didn't "turn on us".

The Bushes fucked him over and he put a bounty on their heads.

As a result, countless people suffered and died.

No, actually he did turn on us by invading Kuwait. The problem was, like Bin Laden, like the Libyan Rebels... we thought he was a "guy we could work with".

Our Middle East policy is sticking our dick in a hornet's nest and then complaining about getting stung.
i am gonna go with marion on this...after bush 1 used his veto to stop saddam from being censored by the un...saddam saw no reason to think his invading kuwait would be that troublesome to bush....

Washington’s complicity in Hussein’s crimes

President Bush is fond of citing the Anfal campaign and accusing Hussein of “gassing his own people,” but the chief international backer of the Baathist regime in the 1980s was the US itself. If Hussein and his lieutenants are to be put on trial for the murder of Kurds then standing alongside them in the dock should be the surviving members of the Reagan administration, including Bush’s own father, who was Reagan’s vice-president, and the present defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who was Reagan’s special envoy to Iraq in 1983-84. Moreover, the secret archives of the CIA, Pentagon and State Department should be opened up to reveal the true extent of Washington’s complicity in all of Hussein’s crimes.

Still reeling from the collapse of the pro-US dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahlavi in 1979, the Reagan administration encouraged Hussein to launch a war on Iran as a means of containing the new Islamic regime in Tehran. When despite initial defeats the Iranian army began to turn the tide on the Iraqi military, Reagan moved to shore up the Baathists. In February 1982, despite objections from Congress, the US administration removed Iraq from the official American list of state sponsors of terrorism and thus the ban on providing financial and military assistance to the Hussein regime.

In his capacity of special envoy, Rumsfeld was pivotal in US negotiations with Hussein that culminated in the resumption of formal diplomatic relations in late 1984. As early as 1983, Washington was aware that Iraqi forces were using chemical weapons against Iranian troops in contravention of international law. As stories of horrific gassings began to emerge in 1984, the US formally “censured” Iraq but at the same time dispatched Rumsfeld to Baghdad to assure Hussein that its support for his war and for the normalisation of diplomatic relations was “undiminished”.

The full story of US support for the Iraqi regime is yet to be told. But there is ample evidence that the Reagan administration provided Hussein with billions of dollars in credits, military intelligence including satellite data on Iranian troop movements and assistance in military planning, as well as giving the green light for US allies in Europe and the Middle East to provide military hardware and aid. American and European firms supplied Iraq with the essential ingredients for the development and manufacture of chemical and biological weapons.

In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, for instance, a US-sponsored UN resolution required Baghdad to provide a full accounting of its “weapons of mass destruction”, which by that time had all been dismantled. Iraq responded with an 11,000-page report, then was immediately censored by Washington to remove details of US and European involvement in Iraq’s WMD programs. The German newspaper Die Tageszeitung obtained an uncensored copy of the report, which listed 22 prominent American corporations including well-known names such as Bechtel, Dupont, Rockwell and Honeywell, along with many European companies. “From about 1975 onwards, these companies are shown to have supplied entire complexes, building elements, basic materials and technical know-how for Saddam Hussein’s program to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction,” the newspaper wrote.

The Reagan administration’s support was political and diplomatic as well as material. In March 1986, as evidence of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons became overwhelming, the US and Britain used their veto to block a motion in the UN Security Council condemning Iraq. Moreover, the US was the only country to vote against a non-binding UN Security Council statement on the same issue. Increasingly, US agencies responded allegations of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons with a conscious campaign of deception and disinformation, claiming that the Iranian military was also using poison gas.

New charges of genocide against Hussein over Kurdish “Anfal” campaign
That's right! ISIS ass is kicked! US- backed Peshmerga, Iraqi forces, and SAA and Russia done got 'um! Oh, this is a great day!

Awesome. Let's make a list of everyone we armed to do our fighting for us so when they turn on us in 5 years, we'll know who they are.

I agree. I have a hard time wanting to high five over any "victories" in the ME. "Democracy" doesn't stand a chance in any Islamic country. In a few years they'll just vote in some hard core Jihadist type(s). Just look at where "moderate" Turkey is headed. The Turks were put in check by a secular military every decade or so, but that is now gone and now they are turning into batshit crazy Sunnis like the rest of the ME.
Watching the video, these guys have .308s and M249 SAWs.

Again, we need to make sure that we keep track, so when they turn on us like Saddam, Bin Laden and the Libyan Rebels did, we know who they are.
None of them "turned on us". They were never on our side in the first place. Your ignorance of history is astounding.
i am gonna go with marion on this...after bush 1 used his veto to stop saddam from being censored by the un...saddam saw no reason to think his invading kuwait would be that troublesome to bush....

Washington’s complicity in Hussein’s crimes

President Bush is fond of citing the Anfal campaign and accusing Hussein of “gassing his own people,” but the chief international backer of the Baathist regime in the 1980s was the US itself. If Hussein and his lieutenants are to be put on trial for the murder of Kurds then standing alongside them in the dock should be the surviving members of the Reagan administration, including Bush’s own father, who was Reagan’s vice-president, and the present defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who was Reagan’s special envoy to Iraq in 1983-84. Moreover, the secret archives of the CIA, Pentagon and State Department should be opened up to reveal the true extent of Washington’s complicity in all of Hussein’s crimes.

Still reeling from the collapse of the pro-US dictatorship of Shah Reza Pahlavi in 1979, the Reagan administration encouraged Hussein to launch a war on Iran as a means of containing the new Islamic regime in Tehran. When despite initial defeats the Iranian army began to turn the tide on the Iraqi military, Reagan moved to shore up the Baathists. In February 1982, despite objections from Congress, the US administration removed Iraq from the official American list of state sponsors of terrorism and thus the ban on providing financial and military assistance to the Hussein regime.

In his capacity of special envoy, Rumsfeld was pivotal in US negotiations with Hussein that culminated in the resumption of formal diplomatic relations in late 1984. As early as 1983, Washington was aware that Iraqi forces were using chemical weapons against Iranian troops in contravention of international law. As stories of horrific gassings began to emerge in 1984, the US formally “censured” Iraq but at the same time dispatched Rumsfeld to Baghdad to assure Hussein that its support for his war and for the normalisation of diplomatic relations was “undiminished”.

The full story of US support for the Iraqi regime is yet to be told. But there is ample evidence that the Reagan administration provided Hussein with billions of dollars in credits, military intelligence including satellite data on Iranian troop movements and assistance in military planning, as well as giving the green light for US allies in Europe and the Middle East to provide military hardware and aid. American and European firms supplied Iraq with the essential ingredients for the development and manufacture of chemical and biological weapons.

In the lead up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq, for instance, a US-sponsored UN resolution required Baghdad to provide a full accounting of its “weapons of mass destruction”, which by that time had all been dismantled. Iraq responded with an 11,000-page report, then was immediately censored by Washington to remove details of US and European involvement in Iraq’s WMD programs. The German newspaper Die Tageszeitung obtained an uncensored copy of the report, which listed 22 prominent American corporations including well-known names such as Bechtel, Dupont, Rockwell and Honeywell, along with many European companies. “From about 1975 onwards, these companies are shown to have supplied entire complexes, building elements, basic materials and technical know-how for Saddam Hussein’s program to develop nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction,” the newspaper wrote.

The Reagan administration’s support was political and diplomatic as well as material. In March 1986, as evidence of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons became overwhelming, the US and Britain used their veto to block a motion in the UN Security Council condemning Iraq. Moreover, the US was the only country to vote against a non-binding UN Security Council statement on the same issue. Increasingly, US agencies responded allegations of Iraq’s use of chemical weapons with a conscious campaign of deception and disinformation, claiming that the Iranian military was also using poison gas.

New charges of genocide against Hussein over Kurdish “Anfal” campaign

Fuckin' aye I never knew ol' Bonesey was so deep! :eek:

In b4..owait.. I'm Op. :D PS: You won't get any fairy kisses here. ;)
yea a lot of people died to take over a city of rubble....the idea of a caliphate cannot be defeated with bullets and bombs

Oh, but yes it can. The daesh understand bullets and bombs.

If I was a doctor, they'd all get a bullet to the head prescription.
That's right! ISIS ass is kicked! US- backed Peshmerga, Iraqi forces, and SAA and Russia done got 'um! Oh, this is a great day!

Awesome. Let's make a list of everyone we armed to do our fighting for us so when they turn on us in 5 years, we'll know who they are.

The Peshmerga aren't going to turn on us they are Kurds not Sunni.

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