Veterinarian Fired After Bragging About Killing Cat


Diamond Member
Aug 18, 2014
" A gruesome Facebook photo showing a Texas veterinarian posing with a cat killed by an arrow through its furry skull touched off a furious backlash that got the woman canned and opened a police investigation.

The image of Dr. Kristen Lindsey holding the dead orange and white cat is just “disgusting,” Austin County Sheriff Jack Brandes told the Daily News.

“My first bow kill,” is how Lindsey captioned her photo, complete with cat emojis, from an account that has since been deleted.

“The only good feral tomcat is one with an arrow through it’s (sic) head! Vet of the year award... gladly accepted.”

Warning graphic photo

Texas vet fired after allegedly killing cat with arrow - NY Daily News

This vet is a sadistic creep and hopefully will be prosecuted!:mad::mad::mad:
she calls herself a vet, a real vet would have live trapped the animal to make sure that it did not belong to someone. If it then showed up to be feral, no microchip, a proper vet would have put the animal down with an injection not an arrow. This woman has serious psychological problems
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"Dear Friends, Clients, and other interested folks. We just learned of the conduct that is discussed below. We are absolutely appalled, shocked, upset, and disgusted by the conduct. We have parted ways with Ms. Lindsey. We do not allow such conduct and we condemn it in the strongest possible manner. Please know that when informed of this we responded swiftly and appropriately and please do not impute this awful conduct to the Washington Animal Clinic or any of its personnel."

From the Washington Animal Clinic PLLC
I don't have any words to express my total disgust towards that so called veterinarian!:mad-61:

I will just say Burn in Hell bitch.
she calls herself a vet, a real vet would have live trapped the animal to make sure that it did not belong to someone. If it then showed up to be feral, no microchip, a proper vet would have put the animal down with an injection not an arrow. This woman has serious psychological problems

A proper vet and caring person could have easily TNR'd the cat. She should be shot with a bow and arrow.
It may not be humane, or legal. Lets put a arrow thru her skull and then euthanize her. And then post it on face book as we joyfully triumph... Wouldn't that be funny? No, not in a zillion years. This woman needs to get a job as far away from animal health care as possible. Shame on her.
Wonder if she can be used as target practice by an archery range, she had better hope they hit the apple on her head.
Oooh I like that.

I know vets that perform their charity work by trapping, neutering, spaying and releasing feral cats.
Think of it as a late term abortion, liberals, and you'll be cool with it.

Or is that only OK for humans?

It's only OK for humans.

Haven't you been through "The Program"? It doesn't seem like it...

NSA! NSA! I found one!
A fetus is a biomass up there with a cancer or a cyst, Shoot one with a gun or an arrow. A baby, a human viable child, no argument that killing a child is wrong. But were to draw the line, well, viability, that is it. Don't know. Putting an arrow in a cats' head and bragging about it? Aren't Christians against that kind of thing? God bless the beasts and children? Saint Francis of Assisi and all that?
Aside from this woman being downright disgusting, I never cease to be amazed at how amazingly stupid people can be when it comes to the use of social media.
Did this woman honestly believe there would be no backlash publicly posting pictures of this escapade ?
The only acceptable excuse would be that she was underpaid and starving and needed to eat the cat. Otherwise, she got what she deserved for such a wanton murder, canned. And since she's made such a public spectacle of her deed, I doubt she'll get another job as a veterinarian anytime soon.
Typical of libs, they immediately call her "inhumane" for killing a (introduced) feral cat which was probably responsible for killing a dozen local songbirds. The same convoluted logic probably causes stupid libs to ignore Obama giving the windmill industry free reign to kill hawks and eagles. The stupid post shouldn't even be on the political forum.
If the doctor did nothing when the cat could've been saved, then to me, the doctor should be charged. Being fired only is too much of a slap on the wrist when pets mean everything to so many people who have any.

God bless you and those who loved the cat always!!!

As a cat owner, I think this woman is contemptible.

That said, why do you people show more compassion for a cat than a lot of your fellow humans.

Because there are many people in the world like, Unlike my cats, you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, with the possible exception of being useful as fertilizer.

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