Vermont College Professor teaches course called "White People"

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
It’s All “White” By Me

Today’s Chronicle of Higher Education has an article by a professor who teaches a course called “White People” at Middlebury College in Vermont. Now, there are quite a few white people—and not much else—in Vermont, but is this really a worthwhile use of time in a college class?

That’s the very question raised in this article claiming that “Whiteness Studies” are dead—and that’s a good thing:

In the past, detractors have said the field itself demonizes people who identify as white.

But today, academics who teach the classes say they face a fresh hurdle, one that has its roots on the left instead of the right: the election of Barack Obama as America’s first black president.

“Having Obama is, in a curious way, putting us behind,” says Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, a professor of sociology at Duke and visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania.

Bonilla-Silva, the author of books like “Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America” and “White Supremacy & Racism in the Post-Civil Rights Era,” says it is harder than ever before to convince college students that studying white privilege is a worthwhile or necessary endeavor.

Note the title of Bonilla-Silva’s book: “Racism without Racists: Color-Blind Racism and the Persistence of Racial Inequality in America.” Uh-huh. The premise—that NOT treating people differently based on race is actually racism, but racial favoritism isn’t—is how fall the fringe Left has fallen.

The Left’s obsession with race isn’t just offensive, it’s boring. Still whining about skin color? How 1960s is that? While college professors insist that their racist courses are vital, their students—black, white and everyone else-- are moving on. Talk to someone in their 20s about racism sometime. They already live in a post-racial America.

Here’s my question: If you really are determined to have a college-level course dedicated to “White People,” what do you actually study? What are the mandatory topics for a class on being white?

If you used my experiences growing up in rural South Carolina, it would be trailer parks, NASCAR and inbreeding. If you use Mitt Romney’s, it would be prep schools, limo service and country club mixers.

I can’t think of anything that all white people have in common (other than being evil because we’re white, of course). Can you?

It’s All “White” By Me : The Natural Truth
I can’t think of anything that all white people have in common (other than being evil because we’re white, of course). Can you?

A vast majority are stealthily required to account for the (alleged) sins of their forefathers; and turn the other cheek to the media's regular inferences to a tailor-made guilt complex at the behest of a "chosen" few and their partners in slime. Just to name few, you understand.
I think the good professor needs to exercise a little "truth in advertising" and call his course exactly what it is-"WHITE GUILT 101". You find no Leftists more shameful more willing to stoop to anything, however despicable, than the ones in academia. Remember the infamous "Group of 88" professors at Duke who basically wanted to conduct a wholesale lynching of the Duke lacrosse team, even after the accuser's charges were PROVEN false? I don't think I have ever seen a greater or more egregious exercise in moral turpitude in the name of liberalism, in my sixty-five years on this planet! Well, no matter how blatant and shameless the race pandering, there's an academic somewhere who will gleefully engage in it! Vile, simply VILE!
Since the days of M.L. King the goal has been to work towards a "color blind" society and nation.

And most people thought that was a worthy goal and bought into it.

It has been such a success that most of todays younger generation has grown up without the racial bias and stereotypes that their parents were subject to as kids. And the vaunted goal of a truly color blind and integrated America is within sight.

That should be heralded as a great success!! Right?


Now the radical academic Lefties have declared that "Not" to see individual people based on their race is "Racist"!!

Basically, by not being a racist and judging people by their race; you are being a racist!?!?

Only a demented Liberal mind could come up with such idiotic nonsense. :eek: :cuckoo:

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