Venting again...hear me out...

The nation has become so divided that each side will not accept government by the other. It will not remain locked in positon where each side is dedicated to preventing the other side from moving forward forever. At some point it will have to break apart.

Been there..done that.

The next reconstruction.

The difference is, this time it won't be state against state. This time it will be an eruption over the whole of the nation. Your preview isn't the Civil war, it's Syria and what's coming in Greece. You might regale yourself in some past glory, but those days have come and gone. The nation won't break in TWO, but break apart, much like to Soviet Union did. We aren't dividing along clear lines of slave v. non slave states, but dividing into tribalism with competing fractions.

I expect that some portions of the nation will become protectorates of stronger countries who already have interests here.

Well..that would be part of your conservative fantasy.

But it ain't going to happen. No matter how much you people try and make it so.

The nation has become so divided that each side will not accept government by the other. It will not remain locked in positon where each side is dedicated to preventing the other side from moving forward forever. At some point it will have to break apart.

Been there..done that.

The next reconstruction.

The difference is, this time it won't be state against state. This time it will be an eruption over the whole of the nation.
The government needs to stay out of our bedrooms. Out of my birth control, out of my sexual orientation, out of my right to choose...............fighting for "government control" of these things is exactly what the guy that lives at 1600 Pennsylvania wants us to do.

This isn't quite what's happening though. The bedroom is moving to the public park, someone else has to pay for birth control, and pay for that precious right to choose too. It's not enough to have a sexual orintation, everyone has to accept whatever perversion you have as normal for themselves as well as for your benefit.

That's the controversy.

....And, you're (obviously) still a virgin.

Whatta shame you're gonna miss The Party!!

The nation has become so divided that each side will not accept government by the other. It will not remain locked in positon where each side is dedicated to preventing the other side from moving forward forever. At some point it will have to break apart.

Again with this? Go to the Conspiracy Forum with this broken record of yours, you ignorant shit.
Been there..done that.

The next reconstruction.

The difference is, this time it won't be state against state. This time it will be an eruption over the whole of the nation. Your preview isn't the Civil war, it's Syria and what's coming in Greece. You might regale yourself in some past glory, but those days have come and gone. The nation won't break in TWO, but break apart, much like to Soviet Union did. We aren't dividing along clear lines of slave v. non slave states, but dividing into tribalism with competing fractions.

I expect that some portions of the nation will become protectorates of stronger countries who already have interests here.

Well..that would be part of your conservative fantasy.

But it ain't going to happen. No matter how much you people try and make it so.

Relax, Swallow. That is NOT the conservative point of view by any stretch. That is just one OCD freak's pet dead horse.
President Obama keeps making his voting base angry.
Now his position on Gay's has the Black community saying they are not going to vote for him.
Then he thinks he will be re-elected?
He has the Catholics angry at him, the Jews, at least half the Women in this country and now the majority of blacks.

How does he have Catholics mad at him? The majority of Catholics are in disagreement with the Catholic Church when it comes to birth control.
The nation has become so divided that each side will not accept government by the other. It will not remain locked in positon where each side is dedicated to preventing the other side from moving forward forever. At some point it will have to break apart.

Been there..done that.

The next reconstruction.

The difference is, this time it won't be state against state. This time it will be an eruption over the whole of the nation. Your preview isn't the Civil war, it's Syria and what's coming in Greece. You might regale yourself in some past glory, but those days have come and gone. The nation won't break in TWO, but break apart, much like to Soviet Union did. We aren't dividing along clear lines of slave v. non slave states, but dividing into tribalism with competing fractions.

I expect that some portions of the nation will become protectorates of stronger countries who already have interests here.

I dunno about you guys, but my favorite fraction has always been one fifth.

Fucking morons all over this place. Fractions? Dumbass.
this the way I feel.
if you liberals want to have gay marriage,trisexuality,etc..
no limits lifestyles
go have your own country.
if you want marxism,no patriotism,redistribution ofwealth...welfare state...bread lines...
legalized drugs
have irresponsible sex and then abort at will...
have sharia law communism socialism...
go have your own country.
stop trying to ruin america.

I kind of feel the same way.

If you conservatives want to have a theocratic nation that butchers people when ever it feels like..go for it.

Just leave before you do it.

Take your fascist, elistist, racist, bullshit with you.

We beat your slave owning, white christian landed gentry asses during the civil war. And your brothers in Germany got quite the pasting in 1945.

What's this "we" and "you" shit? I'll be you're a democrat, and I'd bet a LOT that you never beat anyone's ass unless you were getting paid by them to do so, Swallow. Also, you might have missed the fact that Germany is a different country. Don't thank me for the geography lesson.
The nation has become so divided that each side will not accept government by the other. It will not remain locked in positon where each side is dedicated to preventing the other side from moving forward forever. At some point it will have to break apart.

STFU, fool.
Been there..done that.

The next reconstruction.

The difference is, this time it won't be state against state. This time it will be an eruption over the whole of the nation. Your preview isn't the Civil war, it's Syria and what's coming in Greece. You might regale yourself in some past glory, but those days have come and gone. The nation won't break in TWO, but break apart, much like to Soviet Union did. We aren't dividing along clear lines of slave v. non slave states, but dividing into tribalism with competing fractions.

I expect that some portions of the nation will become protectorates of stronger countries who already have interests here.

I dunno about you guys, but my favorite fraction has always been one fifth.

Fucking morons all over this place. Fractions? Dumbass.

two thirds.
Get lost faggot troll.

You need psychological help.

You posted pics of the fat guy you wre and how you lost lots of weight. Great. Then you went onto say your girlfriend is a model / actress - pfffffffffftttt. Post a pic with any female ever dude. You're hideous last time you posted a picture.

And with all of your touting of your higher education, you'd think you had the slightest respect for how to type proper english. No? Not even that.

Your online profiles and such are bizarre as fuck, too. Google yourself, you'll see. SICK!
this the way I feel.
if you liberals want to have gay marriage,trisexuality,etc..
no limits lifestyles
go have your own country.
if you want marxism,no patriotism,redistribution ofwealth...welfare state...bread lines...
legalized drugs
have irresponsible sex and then abort at will...
have sharia law communism socialism...
go have your own country.
stop trying to ruin america.

Usually when a person says, "hear me out", they are about to give a long and reasoned discourse on an issue in an attempt to convince the listener to see their point of view.

But cannot even put together a coherent sentence.

There are some things you ought to know. First, I am a lifelong Conservative who has actually shook William F. Buckley's hand and proudly asked for and received his autograph. Ask around and you will find that is a very rare achievement, especially since I was just 15 at the time. I also shook Ronald Reagan's hand and got his autograph before he was President, along with many other conservative luminaries. Even got drunk with a few of them.

My first political speech was before my state legislature against the ERA when I was a teenager. I voted the straight GOP ticket from 1980 to 2006, with a single exception. I voted for Joseph Lieberman at Bill Buckley's request in order to get rid of a RINO by the name of Lowell Weicker.

I detest Barack Obama with the passion of a thousand burning suns. But I have not let that make me deranged to the point of irrationally attacking the amount of vacations his wife takes, or focusing on the other million little things pissants like yourself foam at the mouth over.

I also served in the military for over 20 years, so you can fuck off and die, little boy, with your inbred and retarded "go have your own country" disordered thoughts.

I am pro-gay marriage and stopped voting GOP because meager mumbling morons like yourself have overrun what used to be an intelligent party. It used to be a Conservative was the smartest person in the room. Nowadays, an UnConservative is apt to be so profoundly ignorant that it is embarassing to admit I once proudly called myself a Conservative when being a Conservative in the mid 70s was the uncoolest thing you could do. Just a glance at your opening post demonstrates just how far to the left the movement has fallen on the IQ spectrum.

My biggest regret is that I did not stop voting sooner.

Enjoy Obama. You elected him by running off people like me who cannot abide rewarding the GOP for allowing itself to be kidnapped by chickenhawks, psychos, hypocrites, and pathological liars.
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Wow, dude. Definitely should not have used your real name and posted an entire bio of yourself. That is foolish and you should consider deleting your name from your user handle, and threads like these.

I thought you were a loony dude based on this board. Now, I know that it's true.

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