VA, four gunlaws one day


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
They really ARE coming for your guns. Dreadful.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
They really ARE coming for your guns. Dreadful.

Virginians who perhaps bought one gun a year or so will now buy one gun a month, just for spite. :113:
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Its only fair that we remove all armed protection from judges and elected officials in the state including the governor

if guns are bad let them call 911 when they are in danger
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Its only fair that we remove all armed protection from judges and elected officials in the state including the governor

if guns are bad let them call 911 when they are in danger

Considering the reaction of 95% of the Commonwealth to the Democrats' actions, that is not outside the realm of possibility. The police could stand down at any time.
We can only hope that those gun owners, who say, "hey, I don't care if they ban guns, I will still have my shotgun...." will realize that the democrats are not going to stop ....that those shotguns are simply lower on the list, but they are on the list........

Gun owners must understand this truth.....any vote for a democrat is a vote to end gun ownership in the United States. This means any democrat, at any level of government........
They are all on the list. Confiscation is the lefts goal even when they say it is not, meanwhile being proponents for taking them away.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Firearm regulatory measures that are perfectly Constitutional and in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment.

However unwarranted and ineffective these measures might be, they’re nonetheless consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
Firearm regulatory measures that are perfectly Constitutional and in no manner ‘violate’ the Second Amendment.

However unwarranted and ineffective these measures might be, they’re nonetheless consistent with current Second Amendment jurisprudence.

How is seizing property without due process Constitutional, numbnuts?
Live with it assholes. You voted for a racist freaking idiot who advocates the murder of newborn infants and you voted for a majority of democrats in the state senate and delegates. What the hell did you expect would happen?
I were hatched up'ar. There are 3 Virginias. North, South and West(byGod) Virginia.
North is part of Satans seat.Alexandria, headquarters of his meatheads just south of his pentagram and surrounding coven.
South of T.J.'s farm is the REAL VA and our brothers from West(by God) Virginia will gladly participate. These are coal miners, loggers and that sort and are not to be fucked with. The Tennessee bros from surrounding Bristol will join as will the crowd from the northern parts of North Carolina.Race car/moonshine boys. These are people not to be fucked with. They have brains and money, unlike the Gulf hillbilly type redneck.
Conservative republicans need to learn that the republican party might not always be on your side. Something is rotten in the the republican party in Virginia.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Nothing passed into law. The win that will probably keep the peace in Virginia is: Per a local Virginia ABC TV station: Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill, advances other proposed gun laws
Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill,
advances other proposed gun laws
Senate Bill 16, proposed by Sen. Richard Saslaw, would have expanded the definition of "assault firearms" under Virginia law, outlawed their possession, and outlawed the the selling or transfer of any firearm magazine with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday morning, as hundreds gathered outside the Virginia Capitol for a gun rights rally, Saslaw requested that his bill be pulled from consideration.

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Nothing passed into law. The win that will probably keep the peace in Virginia is: Per a local Virginia ABC TV station: Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill, advances other proposed gun laws
Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill,
advances other proposed gun laws
Senate Bill 16, proposed by Sen. Richard Saslaw, would have expanded the definition of "assault firearms" under Virginia law, outlawed their possession, and outlawed the the selling or transfer of any firearm magazine with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday morning, as hundreds gathered outside the Virginia Capitol for a gun rights rally, Saslaw requested that his bill be pulled from consideration.
Withdrawal of an unConstitutional law to pass gun grabbing laws is not a good thing.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Nothing passed into law. The win that will probably keep the peace in Virginia is: Per a local Virginia ABC TV station: Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill, advances other proposed gun laws
Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill,
advances other proposed gun laws
Senate Bill 16, proposed by Sen. Richard Saslaw, would have expanded the definition of "assault firearms" under Virginia law, outlawed their possession, and outlawed the the selling or transfer of any firearm magazine with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday morning, as hundreds gathered outside the Virginia Capitol for a gun rights rally, Saslaw requested that his bill be pulled from consideration.
Withdrawal of an unConstitutional law to pass gun grabbing laws is not a good thing.
Well, There certainly isn't a constitutional law that will allow gun grabbing. Are you saying you favor trying to pass such a thing? If so, Why. I never thought you one of the"new civil war" idiots. What am I not understanding?
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Nothing passed into law. The win that will probably keep the peace in Virginia is: Per a local Virginia ABC TV station: Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill, advances other proposed gun laws
Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill,
advances other proposed gun laws
Senate Bill 16, proposed by Sen. Richard Saslaw, would have expanded the definition of "assault firearms" under Virginia law, outlawed their possession, and outlawed the the selling or transfer of any firearm magazine with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday morning, as hundreds gathered outside the Virginia Capitol for a gun rights rally, Saslaw requested that his bill be pulled from consideration.
Withdrawal of an unConstitutional law to pass gun grabbing laws is not a good thing.
Well, There certainly isn't a constitutional law that will allow gun grabbing. Are you saying you favor trying to pass such a thing? If so, Why. I never thought you one of the"new civil war" idiots. What am I not understanding?
It’s putting an outrageous bullshit law forward then say never mind as if you’re backing down. Now stop being a dumbass asshole.
Nothing passed into law. The win that will probably keep the peace in Virginia is: Per a local Virginia ABC TV station: Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill, advances other proposed gun laws
Va. Senate committee strikes 'assault weapons' bill,
advances other proposed gun laws
Senate Bill 16, proposed by Sen. Richard Saslaw, would have expanded the definition of "assault firearms" under Virginia law, outlawed their possession, and outlawed the the selling or transfer of any firearm magazine with a capacity for more than 10 rounds of ammunition.

In the Senate Judiciary Committee on Monday morning, as hundreds gathered outside the Virginia Capitol for a gun rights rally, Saslaw requested that his bill be pulled from consideration.

Didn't read the article did you. Yes the Assault weapons bill was shot down as mentioned. The other four were not.
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Hitler would be so proud of Democrats today.

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Hitler would be so proud of Democrats today.

View attachment 300486
You mean the Hitler that EXPANDED gun rights for Germans? Jesus is it THAT hard to google the facts?
Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day
M. Dowling
January 14, 2020
Sic Semper Tyrannis, There Will Always Be Tyrants

~ Virginia’s motto

Four gun-control bills flew out of the Senate panel in Virginia yesterday to include the Red flag law, background checks which we have had for decades, one gun-a-month sale law, and the right of localities to ban or not ban firearms at certain events. One of the fascists going for the guns is Joe Morrissey, who was convicted and served time for having sex with a minor.

There are many more to come.

Virginia, the home of the NRA, is ground zero for abolishing America’s Second Amendment rights. What goes on there must be closely watched. It is a state in the hands of elected officials who are communists, socialists, and fascists.

They find legal gun owners bad and criminals are part of their voting bloc.


According to law enforcement today, Virginia, massive numbers of police officers, veterans, and other residents are adamantly opposed to the state’s sweeping gun control legislation.

This same state, that allows sanctuary cities and a county for illegal aliens, many of whom are gang members, will not allow sanctuaries for guns. They are planning mass arrests, and are threatening to use the National Guard to arrest once legal gun owners.

If you ever wondered whether Democrats want your Second Amendment rights abolished, like so many communists and socialists in the world, wonder no more.

Four new gun bills have passed in one day under Governor Blackface’s rule. The bills now headed for the full Senate would require background checks on all firearms purchases, allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others and just about anyone can make the report, let localities ban weapons from certain events and government buildings, and cap handgun purchases at one per month.....

HB 961

Virginia Passes Four Gun Bills in One Day

Hitler would be so proud of Democrats today.

View attachment 300486
You mean the Hitler that EXPANDED gun rights for Germans? Jesus is it THAT hard to google the facts?

He stripped it from Jews you idiot. How do you think he loaded them onto train cars by the millions? Christ you are a dumb shit.

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