"usmessageboard Where Your Voices Count" How, Exactly Do They Count?


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
"USMessageBoard where your voices count" How, exactly do they count?


Count in what way?

Count toward what?

Who does the counting?

What's the highest count recorded so far?

Inquiring minds want to know!
CK counts them in his seaside villa every afternoon during tea time :thup:

According to you, Old School, Australians who have the nerve to speak out against about a play calling for the murder of climate deniers should not be permitted a voice on USMB - on their own Australia forum here! ha! ha!

It does appear no one should have an opinion but you, Old School! You're a character! Hopefully CK is enjoying a good laugh over that one! If people such as yourself had your way - there would be very few people left here on USMB! Thank God you are not getting your way - today or any other day - this isn't BK.
Do You Want To Know What Is Happening Down Under US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Here is Old School - complaining about Australians not complaining on their own Australia forums. Where did he do this? On the Australia forum of USMB! Ha! Ha! Is that funny or what? Later same evening he tells me he wants me to put him on ignore! Did it ever occur to this man to use the ignore feature if he is troubled so much by the reflection of his own ridiculous blunders? Oh! Speaking of paper thin! I simply cannot help but see through this one........

Keep shmoozing CK....... do they have a trophy for that? Make sure and put an OS on it! lol!
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"USMessageBoard where your voices count" How, exactly do they count?


Count in what way?

Count toward what?

Who does the counting?

What's the highest count recorded so far?

Inquiring minds want to know!
They must mean "Message Count", Mojo2 . Right now you have 5115. That settles that.:woohoo:
"USMessageBoard where your voices count" How, exactly do they count?


Count in what way?

Count toward what?

Who does the counting?

What's the highest count recorded so far?

Inquiring minds want to know!

I believe any message board that allows for both sides of the story, both opinions to be equally heard, where all voices do count - is a message board that is saying, "Your voice counts".....

The religion forum is a good example of that. I believe USMB knows that without voices from both sides there is no count. The new board is better than the old one. (format is great) They are making strides in other areas as well - I believe they are on their way up in viewers / bloggers ........not down. There will always be the attempt made by members to silence other members because they do not like what they are saying - but that has very little to do with the board itself or the people who own it. Not talking or participating is a poor response - it is almost the same as saying, I give up. (wrong response)

When all people participate to agree or disagree - to like or dislike but to keep it civil it becomes a very lively board. It takes all sides being here to make a great board. imo. That is the lesson learned and I believe everyone agrees - it is better to have a lively board. Which is why USMB's best days are ahead. Not behind.
always wondered that as well.how do they actually count.

When you figure that out tell me. Next month I want to compete with Moonglow for leaderboard. I cannot do it this month but next month God willing - he'll be here and so will I and we'll have a little race for who can postest with the mostest! lol..........
always wondered that as well.how do they actually count.

When you figure that out tell me. Next month I want to compete with Moonglow for leaderboard. I cannot do it this month but next month God willing - he'll be here and so will I and we'll have a little race for who can postest with the mostest! lol..........
why?.....its pointless.........
"USMessageBoard where your voices count" How, exactly do they count?


Count in what way?

Count toward what?

Who does the counting?

What's the highest count recorded so far?

Inquiring minds want to know!

See USMB threads come up on Google searches rather a lot. Explains why so many Guests so much of the time.

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