USMB taking forever to load.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
I do not think it is my computer. It is happening with several of my devices. I have no problem with any other site, but this one takes forever and it has been happening since last night.

Pretty sure the problem is on your end.
You haven't been given the Slow Treatment by the Mods, have you?? Something you may have posted?

You haven't been given the Slow Treatment by the Mods, have you?? Something you may have posted?


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I've been having probs posting today. May be just the board; seems to freeze after about 30 seconds. Seems OK now though.

I get up early, so it nearly always slow around 5 AM or so, other times it's slow because of traffic on the networks in general, like when a big news event happens, or it could just be you have a lot of software set with automatic updates enabled choking your bandwidth in the background. Try turning all of that off and see if it helps.
too many ads are being loaded in the background.
there are ways around this but I dont think those that own the board would want me to outright share how to stop all of the ads loading. I do however know what everyone is talking about, it is an issue with all computers I use for this site except the one at home that I have "fixed".
My biggest issue, and I have no idea why it really bugs me is that when you type in your user name, you cant just hit tab and jump into the password field, it makes you actually click on the field to enter the password. I have no idea where the tab key sends you. Fix that.
It's a way to fund the place and maybe even make a few bucks. Nothing wrong with that. Every regular poster here should at least click on few ads a week to help defray the costs for 'posting free'.

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