USA vs. Iran...Tale of the Tape...How do Military Forces Stack-Up

lol, you are a confused little boy, doofus.

ok. Want to explain what REALLY has your panties in a wad?
Be a man....let's hear it. This is not the first time you strike out limp wristedly from the protection of the shadows.
I doubt you are brave enough.

Instead you'll continue the pansy little girl slaps from behind mommies skirt.


Spoken like a true liberal scumbag pussy BasicHumanAsshole.

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When Iranian-backed militias attacked the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, Ayatollah Khamanei reportedly boasted that America “cannot do a damn thing” about it. This harked back to America’s failed effort in 1979 to rescue hostages Iran held. During a demonstration in Tehran following that fiasco, one of the signs said, “America can’t do anything.”

All nations respect nations that can do things — in other words, nations that effectively wield power. They tend to view nations that can’t with contempt.

Iran is particularly impressed by the effective wielding of power. At the beginning of World War II, the then-Shah (father of the one we remember) incurred the displeasure of the British, who thought he was too sympathetic to Germany. The British responded by forcing this powerful dictator to abdicate in favor of his son (the Shah we remember). The old Shah was sent into exile and died during the war.

In the early 1950s, the new Shah appointed the popular Mohammad Mosaddegh as prime minister. Mosaddegh proceeded to nationalize the oil industry, to the chagrin of the British. The British persuaded President Eisenhower to help them oust Mosaddegh. The Shah, who had left for Rome, returned to take back the reins.

These exercises of power made a lasting impression on Iranians. So lasting, that for decades, and long after the sun had set on the British empire, Iranians of a certain age attributed to the British everything important that happened in the Middle East.

A new generation of Iranians formed a very different impression when it came to America. The humiliation the mullahs inflicted on us in 1979 caused them to believe, as that sign said, America can’t do anything.

The overthrow of Saddam Hussein temporarily changed this impression. So much so that, according to our intelligence services, Iran halted its nuclear program. It had seen how America responded to evidence that a hostile power in the region was developing weapons of mass destruction. We could do something big in the region, after all.

Unfortunately, the U.S soon met with serious reversals in Iraq. Thus, Iran’s nuclear program soon was back in business.

Then came the Obama administration. Suddenly, it wasn’t just that America couldn’t do anything to stop Iran. Now, it no longer even wanted to. On the contrary, Obama was prepared to subsidize the regime — to pay it tribute. We had become truly pathetic in the eyes of Iran’s tough-minded rulers.

President Trump quickly reversed course. And now, by effectuating the killing of Gen. Soleimani, he has demonstrated, in a way he hadn’t previously, that the U.S. can some do some impressive military things to Iran, and is willing to do them.

We can take the fight to Iran in ways it cannot take the fight to us.

President Trump will have to keep demonstrating what the U.S. can do to Iran. Iran probably get the message and stop short of forcing Trump to crush the regime.

Jimmy Peanut Carter was a wimp. Reagan made one phone call and told them what would happen if they weren’t released.

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You do understand Iran is not going to fight us alone and Russia and China will fund them while causing terroristic havoc over here?

Also you do understand Itan has it tentacles around the world with funding of gangs and cartels and will have them cause street violence within our nation??

Iran is not going to play war the way we would like but instead play it like they have in Lebanon and Syria and if you think marching into Iran will be easy then think again and remember the former USSR mistake with Afghanistan and multiple it by ten with Iran...

War should be the last option with those crazy bastards!

Who is walking into Iran. Our military will destroy them in the air. Any violence inside the US will be met by force. It’s about time we start to clean out the scum in the US.

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"Imagine how much better off we would be if the Americans killed and maimed in Iraq and Afghanistan were instead alive ...and if the hundreds of billions, even trillions, spent .. had instead been devoted to...solving American problems."

Dude. Make your mind up. Your posts are all over the place. Stop being a sissy and pick a side and stay with it.

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Uh, snowflake...... who the hell was saying the U.S. would lose to Iran?
How could they win? Without ground forces?
Carpet bombing their cities would do it. No need for boots on the ground if theres nothing left to stand on.
That would not even banish the alleged missile threat.

You don’t live in the US so shut up. No one wants your brain dead opinion.

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Technically the lpinion of someone actually living in the conflict zone matters more than the average American since they usually know up close what they're talking about.

No matter how delusional their opinion may seem.
Their opinion doesnt matter more to ME.

An Antidote to the Iran Hysterics.

“Trump has always shown that he prefers diplomacy to military action. At the same time, he understands, as did Ronald Reagan, that diplomacy only works when it is backed up by military strength and a willingness to exercise it.”​
You don’t live in the US so shut up. No one wants your brain dead opinion.

These people who live meager existences in foreign countries are so envious of Americans that the best they
can do is criticize everything about us, as they drool with envy. I've been throughout Europe many times and it is one of the best and most refined continents outside of North America. I also toured China, Hong Kong and have visited Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia, and the Bahamas. No comparison to the United States.
Yes we have politicians who suck big time but then again, who doesn't. The further Left you go, the worse it gets and Democrats keep moving further and further away from liberty and the vision of our Founding Fathers. It's sickening.

Democrat Insanity

Peoples Republic Of California
You don’t live in the US so shut up. No one wants your brain dead opinion.

These people who live meager existences in foreign countries are so envious of Americans that the best they
can do is criticize everything about us, as they drool with envy. I've been throughout Europe many times and it is one of the best and most refined continents outside of North America. I also toured China, Hong Kong and have visited Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Columbia, and the Bahamas. No comparison to the United States.
Yes we have politicians who suck big time but then again, who doesn't. The further Left you go, the worse it gets and Democrats keep moving further and further away from liberty and the vision of our Founding Fathers. It's sickening.

Democrat Insanity

Peoples Republic Of California
Oh Sweet Spirit of the San Andreas, hear our prayer!

United States would stomp Persian ass.

Uh, snowflake...... who the hell was saying the U.S. would lose to Iran?

How could they win? Without ground forces?

Carpet bombing their cities would do it. No need for boots on the ground if theres nothing left to stand on.

That would not even banish the alleged missile threat.

You don’t live in the US so shut up. No one wants your brain dead opinion.

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Your minion trumpinion is not the topic here.
So if we attack and take over Iran

What do we do next? Expect to be treated as liberators?
Nothing, Nobody takes over Iran. Trump said no ground forces. He just wants to bomb a little for his Israeli beneficiaries. But he can´t. So he has to escalate the situation to get the green light.

Remember when the Democrats badmouthed everything Presidents Bush did?

First Ted Kennedy said there would be lots of American body bags on account of those guys know the desert so well and they're battle hardened. He was dead wrong, as always.
Next they screamed "Why didn't Bush take out Saddam Hussein, huh, huh!"
Then when his son did, they screamed "It doesn't change a thing!"

They're enchanted by their own idiotic anti-American lies.
Remember when the Democrats badmouthed everything Presidents Bush did?

First Ted Kennedy said there would be lots of American body bags on account of those guys know the desert so well and they're battle hardened. He was dead wrong, as always.
Next they screamed "Why didn't Bush take out Saddam Hussein, huh, huh!"
Then when his son did, they screamed "It doesn't change a thing!"

They're enchanted by their own idiotic anti-American lies.
Their god is political power and your knowledge of their unquenchable thirst for it allows you to predict their every move. They don't care about us, their fellow Americans, they only want control over us. So, their mindless chants aren't particularly surprising.

In a deterrent strike, Trump killed Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) – Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al Muhandis, the leader of the Hezbollah Brigades and deputy leader of Iraq’s Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF).


Now trying to beat Jeffrey Epstein to their 72 virgins

Soleimani and Muhandis were terror and insurgency masterminds who were revered by terrorists in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and beyond for their support of the Iranian-backed Shia militias and terrorist groups that have destabilized several countries in the Middle East.

Both Terrorist Leaders were wildly popular among the anti-U.S. Shiite militias and had extensive ties with Iraqi politicians and military leaders and units. The U.S. embassy in Baghdad was attacked days before taking these two Terrorists off the battle field. .

The U.S. Department of Defense has confirmed that Soleimani “approved the attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.”

Key Iranian terror and insurgency masterminds

Soleimani and Muhandis have had a close relationship that has spanned well over a decade.

Soleimani and Muhandis organized the Popular Mobilization Forces, the groups of militias that are dominated by the Iranian-backed terror groups, and directed their offensives across central, northern, and western Iraq. Muhadis served as the deputy commander of the PMF. The two have been photographed numerous times while visiting the militias.

The two worked closely along with other IRGC and Qods Force officers to organize Shiite militias to attack U.S. troops during the occupation of Iraq from 2003 to 2011. More than 600 U.S. soldiers were killed by their Shiite terror groups.

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