USA Olympic uniforms have been outsourced to China......

So what? Do US taxes go to fund Team USA? Any of our athlete get support from multinational companies not based in the US?

I did see a clip of a reporter examining the tags on a couple of athletes. Now I wish the athletes would have ask her to show where her clothes were made!

It's a National Disgrace. You shouldn't be defending it.

The disgrace is on those who are willing to buy textiles made by near slaves, in third world shitholes. Thank you Reagan for pushing the ball in that direction, and thank you Bush, the lesser, for giving them a tax break for doing so.

So, who's side are you on? The American worker? Or some pencil neck, MBA, who figured how to squeeze a few more pennies out of every dollar?
So what? Do US taxes go to fund Team USA? Any of our athlete get support from multinational companies not based in the US?

I did see a clip of a reporter examining the tags on a couple of athletes. Now I wish the athletes would have ask her to show where her clothes were made!

It's a National Disgrace. You shouldn't be defending it.

The disgrace is on those who are willing to buy textiles made by near slaves, in third world shitholes. Thank you Reagan for pushing the ball in that direction, and thank you Bush, the lesser, for giving them a tax break for doing so.

So, who's side are you on? The American worker? Or some pencil neck, MBA, who figured how to squeeze a few more pennies out of every dollar?

Thanks should go to Clinton and the Democrats too. Don't forget to thank Papa Bush and everyone who supported the NAFTA. The country was warned that the treaty was not about shipping made in America prducts but was all about shipping American manufacturing jobs to shit-hole countries paying dirt cheap labor with no enviromental laws. No one was listening.
You know..................not for nothing, but shouldn't American pride in our athletes also extend into what their uniforms are? I mean...........we DO have people here in the USA who are capable of making those uniforms, and I'm pretty sure that a good deal of almost the same cost could have been worked out, because hey...........being known as the company that supplies the unforms for the athletes would be EXTREMELY good PR and advertising.

Nope..................sorry....................the uniforms shouldn't have been outsourced, they should have been made HERE.


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