*USA Does Not Support Terrorism; In Any Way*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. So we have a president bypassing terrorism laws, established by USA our courts, our law makers, made laws effectual to not lay a helping hand to any nation, whatsoever that lives off terrorism in which Gaza does, through Hamas, blocking any attempt to lending a helping hand to terrorism.
2. We need to shut this down, now, or just do suicide, nuke ourselves, give, Hamas every advantage and every support militarily.
3. Its a crime against humanity to do this, support evil, against ourselves no less.
4. You can't make this stuff up, but there it is.

5. Impeachment is too good, and too slow, arrest him now, cast him into jail, with the VP!!!!

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Sorry bout that,

1. So we have a president bypassing terrorism laws, established by USA our courts, our law makers, made laws effectual to not lay a helping hand to any nation, whatsoever that lives off terrorism in which Gaza does, through Hamas, blocking any attempt to lending a helping hand to terrorism.
2. We need to shut this down, now, or just do suicide, nuke ourselves, give, Hamas every advantage and every support militarily.
3. Its a crime against humanity to do this, support evil, against ourselves no less.
4. You can't make this stuff up, but there it is.

5. Impeachment is too good, and too slow, arrest him now, cast him into jail, with the VP!!!!


First of all, that aid is goes to food and medicine.

Second, if you can't contribute and your cite is so far to the right it's on the right of the Fascist. Mussolini would be proud.
Sorry bout that,

1. So we have a president bypassing terrorism laws, established by USA our courts, our law makers, made laws effectual to not lay a helping hand to any nation, whatsoever that lives off terrorism in which Gaza does, through Hamas, blocking any attempt to lending a helping hand to terrorism.
2. We need to shut this down, now, or just do suicide, nuke ourselves, give, Hamas every advantage and every support militarily.
3. Its a crime against humanity to do this, support evil, against ourselves no less.
4. You can't make this stuff up, but there it is.

5. Impeachment is too good, and too slow, arrest him now, cast him into jail, with the VP!!!!

Yeah, you should just leave and go to Russia. It's so much better over there.
Sorry bout that,

1. So we have a president bypassing terrorism laws, established by USA our courts, our law makers, made laws effectual to not lay a helping hand to any nation, whatsoever that lives off terrorism in which Gaza does, through Hamas, blocking any attempt to lending a helping hand to terrorism.
2. We need to shut this down, now, or just do suicide, nuke ourselves, give, Hamas every advantage and every support militarily.
3. Its a crime against humanity to do this, support evil, against ourselves no less.
4. You can't make this stuff up, but there it is.

5. Impeachment is too good, and too slow, arrest him now, cast him into jail, with the VP!!!!

Was there a coherent thought in any of that?
Hamas has only acted in defense, for 80 years of attacks by Zionists.
Who murdered all the British peace keepers in 1946, by blowing up the King David Hotel?

lol you mean the Brits who were abusing Jews still stuck in concentration camps after the war was over, and before that letting Arab animals massacre them after thy took control of the Mandate after WW I? Gee, why would they attack those poor hapless Brits?

'Peace Keepers' my ass; they were sucking up to the Arabs and their oil fields. Jews were in the way.
Hamas exists due to 80 years of illegal abuse by Israel.
Israel is the violator and deserves much more retribution for all the tens of thousands of people they have murdered.

Insane rubbish. All that old Soviet Cold War nonsense still sells to morons.

USA Does Not Support Terrorism; In Any Way

Woe betide any upstarts who try to take away the US right to control the rest of the planet , all the while posing as friendly police figures , trying to bring happiness and prosperity to all.

Is it any wonder that US attempted authority is despised and that you are seen as a Terrorist nation ?

Not disliked .
Not even resented .
But despised and loathed .

USA Does Not Support Terrorism; In Any Way

Woe betide any upstarts who try to take away the US right to control the rest of the planet , all the while posing as friendly police figures , trying to bring happiness and prosperity to all.

Is it any wonder that US attempted authority is despised and that you are seen as a Terrorist nation ?

Not disliked .
Not even resented .
But despised and loathed .

Cuz we should be very concerned about what a bunch Islamo-Nazi and assorted crime family regimes think of us. lol you are just a loon.
Who murdered all the British peace keepers in 1946, by blowing up the King David Hotel?
Irgun leader Menachem Begin stressed his desire to avoid civilian casualties and said three telephone calls were placed, one to the hotel, another to the French Consulate, and a third to the Palestine Post, warning that explosives in the King David Hotel would soon be detonated.

"In contrast to Arab attacks against Jews, which were widely hailed as heroic actions, the Jewish National Council denounced the bombing of the King David.3 For decades, the British denied they had been warned. In 1979, however, a member of the British Parliament introduced evidence that the Irgun had indeed issued the warning. He offered the testimony of a British officer who heard other officers in the King David Hotel bar joking about a Zionist threat to the headquarters. The officer who overheard the conversation immediately left the hotel and survived."

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