US Unaware Iran Leading Iraq Fight for Tikrit

Name what? The fact that Iran has taken over four ME nations?

Yes - name them.
Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria

US backed Saddam's Iraq attacked Iran.
Yemen has not been invaded by Iran
Lebanon has deep ties with Iran, but has not been invaded
Iran has troops in Syria, as it does in Iraq, there at the request of the local governments in order to fight the US armed ISIS threat.

So, which countries have been invaded by Iran?

I can provide lists of countries attacked by Israel and America, but you seem to have trouble doing the same for Iran.
I guess it doesn't matter to you that Obama gave up all those territories gained by the blood and toil of US forces,

You mean, "gained by illegal invasions", but thanks for trying.
Name what? The fact that Iran has taken over four ME nations?

Yes - name them.
Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria

US backed Saddam's Iraq attacked Iran.
Yemen has not been invaded by Iran
Lebanon has deep ties with Iran, but has not been invaded
Iran has troops in Syria, as it does in Iraq, there at the request of the local governments in order to fight the US armed ISIS threat.

So, which countries have been invaded by Iran?

I can provide lists of countries attacked by Israel and America, but you seem to have trouble doing the same for Iran.
Iran attacks via proxy War...........

We attack in the open and don't come from the shadows............... you beat your back once a year bloody in your day of mourning for the death of Mohamed's son.
Iran attacks via proxy War...........

We attack in the open and don't come from the shadows............... you beat your back once a year bloody in your day of mourning for the death of Mohamed's son.

So you know it's a bunch of lies, but try to cover it up with an attempt to divert attention.


Edit - America has engaged in a lot of proxy wars, hiding direct involvement until you're busted in public.
Yesterday's New York Times International edition had a front page article titled "U.S. Strategy in Iraq relies increasingly on Tehran."

It basically says that Iran has been the primary support, leadership and supplier of Iraq's military forces.

Too bad the American people never get the whole truth about anything. But, I doubt the American people can handle the truth. Hell, we can't even admit that taxes are a necessity, much less that some country which we don't like is helping win a war for one of our allies.

If we don't like Iran, then everything about Iran is EVIL and they can do no good. Childish really...
Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the Army chief of staff who commanded U.S. forces in Iraq, also told senators that Iraq needed a continued U.S. aviation presence to protect its airspace. But he later told reporters that Iraqi security was as good as it had ever been.

Odierno? So you lie some more, Odierno agreed with every othe military officer. No immunity no troops stay after the last day of 2011.

When asked about the legal immunity issue, Major Gen. Dana J. H. Pittard, commander at Fort Bliss, said, "We're going to do what's right by our soldiers."

"We shouldn't see American soldiers in Iraqi courts on trumped-up charges," he said.

His comments echo recent statements by Panetta and U.S. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno.

U.S. combat brigade to leave Iraq well ahead of schedule -
Roud 10912154
The top brass had wanted to keep a force of quick-reaction commandos, trainers and aviators in Iraq past the 2011 deadline set in 2008 by Mr. Bush in what is called a status-of-forces agreement. Washington always viewed the date as flexible if Baghdad requested a longer presence.

Do you have any idea what if means?
Do you have any idea what the saying "when in hole stop digging" means? You placed all your bets on the "no generals" BS, and I showed you how the entire military community was against Obama's pullout.

Of course, since Oblahblah is the asshole commander in chief they had no choice but to obey the asshole, and be somewhat political about their disapproval, otherwise the president who runs the office like a mafia boss will whack them, just like he is now doing with fellow democrat Martinez using his consigliere Puke Holder.
Gen. Raymond T. Odierno, the Army chief of staff who commanded U.S. forces in Iraq, also told senators that Iraq needed a continued U.S. aviation presence to protect its airspace. But he later told reporters that Iraqi security was as good as it had ever been.

Odierno? So you lie some more, Odierno agreed with every othe military officer. No immunity no troops stay after the last day of 2011.

When asked about the legal immunity issue, Major Gen. Dana J. H. Pittard, commander at Fort Bliss, said, "We're going to do what's right by our soldiers."

"We shouldn't see American soldiers in Iraqi courts on trumped-up charges," he said.

His comments echo recent statements by Panetta and U.S. Army Chief of Staff Raymond Odierno.

U.S. combat brigade to leave Iraq well ahead of schedule -

I'm citing an article that is quoting Odierno, keep up will Ya. This desperate attempt to now discredit the generals is pretty pathetic, I have to say. When will you admit that Obama's fuckups caused the situation we are in the Middle East today? Probably never, you are a certified radical leftist looney coolaid drinker.
Name what? The fact that Iran has taken over four ME nations?

Yes - name them.
Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria

US backed Saddam's Iraq attacked Iran.
Yemen has not been invaded by Iran
Lebanon has deep ties with Iran, but has not been invaded
Iran has troops in Syria, as it does in Iraq, there at the request of the local governments in order to fight the US armed ISIS threat.

So, which countries have been invaded by Iran?

I can provide lists of countries attacked by Israel and America, but you seem to have trouble doing the same for Iran.

Those countries all have been invaded by Iran or its surrogates. Doy!
Iran attacks via proxy War...........

We attack in the open and don't come from the shadows............... you beat your back once a year bloody in your day of mourning for the death of Mohamed's son.

So you know it's a bunch of lies, but try to cover it up with an attempt to divert attention.


Edit - America has engaged in a lot of proxy wars, hiding direct involvement until you're busted in public.

Yeah? Iranian forces are on the ground in all those countries and even a few more, you ignoramus. But you wouldn't know it now would you?

Bush, the entire military establishment, and many others including McCain predicted the outcome of Obama's premature wthdrawal. But the anti American radicals that financed Obama's ascent to the Oval Office were pulling his strings like a puppet, and they still are.
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Iran attacks via proxy War...........

We attack in the open and don't come from the shadows............... you beat your back once a year bloody in your day of mourning for the death of Mohamed's son.

So you know it's a bunch of lies, but try to cover it up with an attempt to divert attention.


Edit - America has engaged in a lot of proxy wars, hiding direct involvement until you're busted in public.
I don't deny we fought the USSR during the Cold War in proxy wars all over the globe..........but our people don't live with a wall to keep people in the country. We only consider walls to keep everyone out. People of the world ditch us all the time, but they all want to come here............It's kinda like, Hey man you suck, but can I live there.............So take it with a grain of salt.

We are not the ones butchering and beheading our own right now are we....................
Yesterday's New York Times International edition had a front page article titled "U.S. Strategy in Iraq relies increasingly on Tehran."

It basically says that Iran has been the primary support, leadership and supplier of Iraq's military forces.

Too bad the American people never get the whole truth about anything. But, I doubt the American people can handle the truth. Hell, we can't even admit that taxes are a necessity, much less that some country which we don't like is helping win a war for one of our allies.

If we don't like Iran, then everything about Iran is EVIL and they can do no good. Childish really...
Some choose to look at Iran's funding of terrorism around the globe, and notice they are labeled as a State sponsor of terrorism.............ISIS is horrible and we want them gone...........but Iran could just take there place in oppression and dominance of the region, and like a cancer they grow and become worse possibly even worse than ISIS one day.

They shouldn't be allowed to get the bomb because they support terrorism. They will never be our allies. They will always be our enemies under their current leadership.

So don't expect us to cheer when they come to save the day............because there will be consequences for it at a later date.
Yesterday's New York Times International edition had a front page article titled "U.S. Strategy in Iraq relies increasingly on Tehran."

It basically says that Iran has been the primary support, leadership and supplier of Iraq's military forces.

Too bad the American people never get the whole truth about anything. But, I doubt the American people can handle the truth. Hell, we can't even admit that taxes are a necessity, much less that some country which we don't like is helping win a war for one of our allies.

If we don't like Iran, then everything about Iran is EVIL and they can do no good. Childish really...
Some choose to look at Iran's funding of terrorism around the globe, and notice they are labeled as a State sponsor of terrorism.............ISIS is horrible and we want them gone...........but Iran could just take there place in oppression and dominance of the region, and like a cancer they grow and become worse possibly even worse than ISIS one day.

They shouldn't be allowed to get the bomb because they support terrorism. They will never be our allies. They will always be our enemies under their current leadership.

So don't expect us to cheer when they come to save the day............because there will be consequences for it at a later date.

Correct, like Netanyahu said eloquently, it's a battle between two Islamist supremacists for the throne of Islam, and both are mortal enemies of the US.

The best thing the U.S. and the West can do is to allow this to continue for as long as possible. These guys have been alaughtering each other for 1400 years. As long as they're busy killing each other they aren't trying to kill us. :clap2:
If Obama continues to enable their drive to have nuclear warheads, the battlefield will be greatly enlarged.
The Chamberlain we have as president intends to bring the battlefield inside the Homeland. He wants America to pay back for its capitalistic imperialistic sins. They will keep hitting us each time worse and worse, and he will say it's because of what America did to those poor people, there income inequality, and if only America would not interfere and create jobs and education for them. This is his vision. He has a good 18 months to complete this mission.

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