US Tea Party Senator Scott Brown Pulls A...

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
US Tea Party Senator Scott Brown Pulls A Rabbit Out Of His Ass. :lol:

IDear RWL @ USMB, I told you so.

One conservative’s reaction, at least. First, the setup:

Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), the Tea Party hero who gave Republicans their 41-59 victory over ObamaCare KennedyCare, voted yes on President Obama’s “jobs” bill.

That would be the mega-spending bill that won’t actually create any jobs.

According to CBS News, conservatives are really ticked off. They quote Michelle Malkin:

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin chastised the Republicans “who joined the Dems to end debate on the phony jobs boondoggle that even the Associated Press points out will create a puny number of jobs.” Those, Republicans, she added, included, “Yes, sigh, Scott Brown.”

Malkin does go on, later in her post, to criticize Brown and to publicize the angry reaction on Brown’s Facebook page. But she also said:

Looks like he hasn’t taken up my suggested D.C. itinerary. But those of us who knew all along what we were getting — a game-changer who vowed to torpedo Demcare, but who was not an ideological conservative — are not surprised. And I pointed out Brown’s moderate record several times on Fox and on this blog during the campaign.

Indeed, we did know that. And if we didn’t, Malkin provided us a link to her earlier post.

CBS missed all that, I guess.

They did point out Allahpundit, who gave Brown a little space:

No crying. We knew this day would come. Scott Brown votes for Obama’s “jobs” bill, CBS mischaracterizes conservative reaction The TrogloPundit

I remember people here saying Scott Brown was some kind of regular guy who represents the new way of doing things in America. Scott Brown represented change?

US Tea Party Senator Scott Brown Pulls A Rabbit Out Of His Ass. :lol:

IDear RWL @ USMB, I told you so.

One conservative’s reaction, at least. First, the setup:

Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), the Tea Party hero who gave Republicans their 41-59 victory over ObamaCare KennedyCare, voted yes on President Obama’s “jobs” bill.

That would be the mega-spending bill that won’t actually create any jobs.

According to CBS News, conservatives are really ticked off. They quote Michelle Malkin:

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin chastised the Republicans “who joined the Dems to end debate on the phony jobs boondoggle that even the Associated Press points out will create a puny number of jobs.” Those, Republicans, she added, included, “Yes, sigh, Scott Brown.”

Malkin does go on, later in her post, to criticize Brown and to publicize the angry reaction on Brown’s Facebook page. But she also said:

Looks like he hasn’t taken up my suggested D.C. itinerary. But those of us who knew all along what we were getting — a game-changer who vowed to torpedo Demcare, but who was not an ideological conservative — are not surprised. And I pointed out Brown’s moderate record several times on Fox and on this blog during the campaign.

Indeed, we did know that. And if we didn’t, Malkin provided us a link to her earlier post.

CBS missed all that, I guess.

They did point out Allahpundit, who gave Brown a little space:

No crying. We knew this day would come. Scott Brown votes for Obama’s “jobs” bill, CBS mischaracterizes conservative reaction The TrogloPundit

I remember people here saying Scott Brown was some kind of regular guy who represents the new way of doing things in America. Scott Brown represented change?


Apparently as much as Barry did.
UPDATE 1-New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill

WASHINGTON, Feb 22 (Reuters) - A modest job-creation bill advanced in the U.S. Senate on Monday as the chamber's newest Republican bucked his party and sided with Democrats on a $15 billion package of tax cuts and highway spending.

Republican Scott Brown joined four other Republicans, 55 Democrats and two independents to overcome a procedural hurdle that sets up a final vote later this week.

Brown was widely hailed as a conservative hero after his surprise victory in Massachusetts last month gave Republicans enough seats to block most Democratic legislation.

His election prompted President Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats to call for increased bipartisanship, and an earlier version of the bill was written with Republican input.

But key Republicans withdrew their support after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid scaled it back.

Brown said the bill was not perfect but would help put people back to work.

"I hope my vote today is a strong step toward restoring bipartisanship in Washington," he said in a statement.

The bill includes a tax credit for businesses that hire unemployed workers, subsidies for state and local construction bonds and $19.5 billion to shore up a highway-construction fund.

Much of the cost is offset by a crackdown on offshore tax shelters.

(Reporting by Andy Sullivan, editing by Philip Barbara)
-UPDATE 1-New U.S. senator helps Democrats advance jobs bill | Reutersand the Tea Party Dolts are on the Reuters site whining like stuck pigs. Talking about Brown's Presidential aspirations? :cuckoo:

After Palin became a ridiculous favorite of the wingnuts, it seems the Tea Party right wingers are willing to embarrass themselves by asserting that every new face is worthy of a vote 4 President. :eusa_whistle:
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US Tea Party Senator Scott Brown Pulls A Rabbit Out Of His Ass. :lol:

IDear RWL @ USMB, I told you so.

One conservative’s reaction, at least. First, the setup:

Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA), the Tea Party hero who gave Republicans their 41-59 victory over ObamaCare KennedyCare, voted yes on President Obama’s “jobs” bill.

That would be the mega-spending bill that won’t actually create any jobs.

According to CBS News, conservatives are really ticked off. They quote Michelle Malkin:

Conservative commentator Michelle Malkin chastised the Republicans “who joined the Dems to end debate on the phony jobs boondoggle that even the Associated Press points out will create a puny number of jobs.” Those, Republicans, she added, included, “Yes, sigh, Scott Brown.”

Malkin does go on, later in her post, to criticize Brown and to publicize the angry reaction on Brown’s Facebook page. But she also said:

Looks like he hasn’t taken up my suggested D.C. itinerary. But those of us who knew all along what we were getting — a game-changer who vowed to torpedo Demcare, but who was not an ideological conservative — are not surprised. And I pointed out Brown’s moderate record several times on Fox and on this blog during the campaign.

Indeed, we did know that. And if we didn’t, Malkin provided us a link to her earlier post.

CBS missed all that, I guess.

They did point out Allahpundit, who gave Brown a little space:

No crying. We knew this day would come. Scott Brown votes for Obama’s “jobs” bill, CBS mischaracterizes conservative reaction The TrogloPundit

I remember people here saying Scott Brown was some kind of regular guy who represents the new way of doing things in America. Scott Brown represented change?


Apparently as much as Barry did.


Populist nitwitticisms like 'change' were one of the reasons I thought Obama was an empty suit.

I didn't vote for him.

So take your wingnut view of 'us vs them' and stick it where teh sun don't shine.
US Tea Party Senator Scott Brown Pulls A Rabbit Out Of His Ass. :lol:

IDear RWL @ USMB, I told you so.

I remember people here saying Scott Brown was some kind of regular guy who represents the new way of doing things in America. Scott Brown represented change?


Apparently as much as Barry did.


Populist nitwitticisms like 'change' were one of the reasons I thought Obama was an empty suit.

I didn't vote for him.

So take your wingnut view of 'us vs them' and stick it where teh sun don't shine.

They're all wolves in empty suits . . . and we're the sheep.

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