US Olympic Team uniforms made in China.


Increasingly jaded.
Oct 27, 2007
This is simply ridiculous.

London 2012: US Ralph Lauren uniform made in China

US athletes at the forthcoming London Olympics will wear stylish uniforms designed in the US - but made in China.

The news prompted a rare outbreak of bipartisan agreement, with Republican and Democratic leaders highly critical of the US Olympic Committee.

"I think the Olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves," Senate majority leader Harry Reid said.

The outfits - which cost close to $2,000 (£1,300) - were designed by US label Ralph Lauren.

The classic navy blue blazers, white trousers and skirts, and red-accented ties and berets may have a distinctly American look, but the label inside reads "Made in China", ABC News revealed.

'I am so upset'
That left a sour taste in the mouths of the nation's top lawmakers when they were asked about the affair on Thursday.

House of Representatives minority leader Nancy Pelosi stressed the entire nation was behind its Olympic athletes.

"We take such pride and they work so hard. They represent the very best and they're so excellent, it's all so beautiful," the California Democrat said.

"And they should be wearing uniforms made in America."

Republican House Speaker John Boehner kept his comments brief. "You'd think they'd know better," he said of the US Olympic Committee.

BBC News - London 2012: US Ralph Lauren uniform made in China
This is ridiculous?
This is real news?
Hell, the vast majority of Americans have been buying products made in China for the last 20+ years!
Even you!!!
Gotta love the fauxrage from congress on this one, while most America flags are made in China. Probably even the one on the Hill.
This is ridiculous?
This is real news?
Hell, the vast majority of Americans have been buying products made in China for the last 20+ years!
Even you!!!

it doesn't make it right and it doesn't make buying american not worth fighting for.

and yes, it is real news. these athletes are representatives of our country participating in a ceremony that will be viewed by the world. perhaps if they wore a flag of surrender it would be more appropriate. i would rather see them draped in blankets made in pendleton oregon and walking barefoot than insult american workers this way. furthermore, if this isn't news, than high unemployment figures aren't news.

while i cannot avoid buying things in china anymore, i do go to great lengths to buy american because all of our jobs depend on it. perhaps we, as consumers and voters, should do something about it. instead, we boast about what a great deal we got on some article of clothing or tool we bought at some X-martor factory warehouse somewhere.
Ridiculous that a private company that gets a plumb government contract and in order to maximize profit goes to a country with the cheapest labor?

Well yeah.

But conservatives have been cheering that little practice for decades. It went into overdrive after Bush entered office..but..profit is king.

No matter that our patriotic captains of industry have been eviserating our work force, profit is king.

Carly Fiorina wants to cut 30K jobs from HP? No problemo..move them to China.
Microsoft is moving call centers to India and Brazil? Heck..those lazy Americans make to much anyway.
GM is moving plants to Mexico? The salsa is great down there boys!

Don't you dare touch the tax code that allows for this..because Grover Norquist told you so.

Then blame the whole magilla on the black guy.

Good job boys!

This is ridiculous?
This is real news?
Hell, the vast majority of Americans have been buying products made in China for the last 20+ years!
Even you!!!

it doesn't make it right and it doesn't make buying american not worth fighting for.

and yes, it is real news. these athletes are representatives of our country participating in a ceremony that will be viewed by the world. perhaps if they wore a flag of surrender it would be more appropriate. i would rather see them draped in blankets made in pendleton oregon and walking barefoot than insult american workers this way. furthermore, if this isn't news, than high unemployment figures aren't news.

while i cannot avoid buying things in china anymore, i do go to great lengths to buy american because all of our jobs depend on it. perhaps we, as consumers and voters, should do something about it. instead, we boast about what a great deal we got on some article of clothing or tool we bought at some X-martor factory warehouse somewhere.

Save your speech for all the laid off workers connected with NASA space shuttles. Hell, we've even outsourced rides for American astronauts to the space station to Russia. This was real news with less outrage, and a more significant 'flag of surrender', as you put it. Sorry, I just can't get upset about Chinese made Olympic uniforms.
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This is ridiculous?
This is real news?
Hell, the vast majority of Americans have been buying products made in China for the last 20+ years!
Even you!!!

it doesn't make it right and it doesn't make buying american not worth fighting for.

and yes, it is real news. these athletes are representatives of our country participating in a ceremony that will be viewed by the world. perhaps if they wore a flag of surrender it would be more appropriate. i would rather see them draped in blankets made in pendleton oregon and walking barefoot than insult american workers this way. furthermore, if this isn't news, than high unemployment figures aren't news.

while i cannot avoid buying things in china anymore, i do go to great lengths to buy american because all of our jobs depend on it. perhaps we, as consumers and voters, should do something about it. instead, we boast about what a great deal we got on some article of clothing or tool we bought at some X-martor factory warehouse somewhere.

Save your speech for all the laid off workers connected with NASA space shuttles. Hell, we've even outsourced rides for American astronauts to the space station to Russia. This was real news with less outrage, and a more significant 'flag of surrender', as you put it. Sorry, I just can't get upset about Chinese made Olympic uniforms.

i am against outsourcing period.

i am particularly against outsourcing to countries with labour practices and policies inferior to our country.

i am not the kind of person to have a smile on his face because my job hasn't been outsourced but yours has. i try hard to buy american because, for one thing, i realize if my neighbour is starving, my taxes are going to go up.

i have been fighting against outsourcing even before ross perot.

i am not your enemy.

as for "flags of surrender", the uniforms are important, very important, as a symbol...and symbolic acts and statements are important. the opening ceremony occurs on a world stage. many, many of our athletes come from working class families.

i don't mean to offend you at all. you sound like a good guy, but maybe you should step back because it looks like you are strictly working out of self interest and i understand that, but we really do have to watch out for the other guy.

you're right. the "uniforms" aren't that important by themselves, but put them together with outsourced space programs and a hundred other things and they become important.

look at it this way too. my sister is a teacher in the public schools...a public sector job. her husband is a fireman, also a public sector job. they are always shopping at one of those bulk stores and crowing about what a great deal they got...on some product that was made overseas. she does not realize that the laid of worker next door, the one who made the exact same product, is now living off unemployment, paid for by her taxes. he is no longer paying for her salary with his taxes that he used to pay when he had a job....and many states are suffering from mass budget deficits.

that is just an example. let's figure out a way to get these uniorms made in america in the next week and sent to london, and then dare the USOC to turn them down. i wrote to UNITE HERE, the union that covers the needkleworkers and textile indusrty, and i wrote to my repsa as well as harry reid saying it can be done and we can sort the rest of the thing out later.

it has to turn around sometime and this, to me, represents an ideal opportunity to start.

also...go BOEING, screw airbus.
Ridiculous that a private company that gets a plumb government contract and in order to maximize profit goes to a country with the cheapest labor?

Well yeah.

But conservatives have been cheering that little practice for decades. It went into overdrive after Bush entered office..but..profit is king.

No matter that our patriotic captains of industry have been eviserating our work force, profit is king.

Carly Fiorina wants to cut 30K jobs from HP? No problemo..move them to China.
Microsoft is moving call centers to India and Brazil? Heck..those lazy Americans make to much anyway.
GM is moving plants to Mexico? The salsa is great down there boys!

Don't you dare touch the tax code that allows for this..because Grover Norquist told you so.

Then blame the whole magilla on the black guy.

Good job boys!


Your thought processes are totally fucked.

This proves that Democrats are full of crap yet you still want to act like this proves the GOP was wrong or this is all based on race.

How do you figure?

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