US Military's War on Powerpoint


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
The U.S. military's PowerPoint addiction - The Week

"PowerPoint makes us stupid," says Marine Corps Gen. James N. Mattis, summarizing a growing concern in the armed forces that U.S. commanders' "near obsession" with the Microsoft presentation software is becoming a big problem. It oversimplifies complex issues, gives an illusion of easy solutions, dumbs down analysis, and sucks up human resources, PowerPoint haters say — and it could be hurting the war effort

The military's concern about PowerPoint is "basically dead on," says Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry in Business Insider. In fact, "it applies to pretty much any organization that cares about productivity," not just the army. Still, the program is "too damn convenient" to disappear on its own — the military has to "fight it tooth and nail" to win the war on PowerPoint.
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this same issue popped up a few years ago nearer the beginning of this latest "war effort" that Microsoft software may be harming.

at that time the complaint was that desk jockeys were giving briefings with powerpoint and making battle plans look like a video game complete with sound effects.

go whack "the powerpoint manifesto". there are actually several now --- the one i saw first was by richard forno.

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