US is not ready for Medicare for all


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
Lets just put all the dems on it...they can all pay into it...the libtard media talking heads can give up their Cadillac network provided plans and jump on in to healthcare for all dems...leave the rest of us out of it to stay on our capitalistic healthcare plans....
We can call it for all dems....
How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
It would be helpful to the conversation if the Democrats hadn't dishonestly named Single Payer "Medicare for All".

The overall Medicare system includes choice, free market competition, and free market innovation via Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplements. The "Medicare for All" plan being pushed by most of the Democrats does not.

It's difficult to have an important conversation like this when we're starting off with intellectual dishonesty.
How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?
Everything she is promising to do was added up yesterday by a group of the tune of 100 Trillion dollars.....we don't have 100 trillion dollars....Bernie's plans topped that by a 50 Trillion mark....they are nuts...completely nuts....
How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?
Americans pay more now for shittier healthcare outcomes than any other advanced post-industrial nation on the planet, as your lifespans decline over time.

Ranking 37th — Measuring the Performance of the U.S. Health Care System

World Health Organization’s Ranking of the World’s Health Systems
Some people fancy all health care debates to be a case of Canadian Health Care vs. American. Not so. According to the World Health Organization’s ranking of the world’s health systems, neither Canada nor the USA ranks in the top 25.

Improving the Canadian Healthcare System does not mean we must emulate the American system, but it may mean that perhaps we can learn from countries that rank better than both Canada and the USA at keeping their citizens healthy.

World Health Organization's Ranking of the World's Health Systems

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World
The U.S. health care system has been subject to heated debate over the past decade, but one thing that has remained consistent is the level of performance, which has been ranked as the worst among industrialized nations for the fifth time, according to the 2014 Commonwealth Fund survey 2014. The U.K. ranked best with Switzerland following a close second.

The Commonwealth Fund report compares the U.S. with 10 other nations: France, Australia, Germany, Canada, Sweden, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Switzerland and the U.K. were all judged to be superior based on various factors. These include quality of care, access to doctors and equity throughout the country. Results of the study rely on data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Health Organization and interviews from physicians and patients.

U.S. Health Care Ranked Worst in the Developed World

As Republicans struggle to agree on a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, the Commonwealth Fund has rated the U.S. health care system as the worst among the 11 developed nations it analyzed as part of an evaluation conducted every three years. The think tank also rated the U.S. health care system as the worst-performing of the nations analyzed when the last evaluation was released in 2014.

The U.S. health care system has been rated the worst (by far) among high-income nations

How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries?
Bench-marking U.S. quality measures against those of similarly large and wealthy countries is one way to assess how successful the U.S. has been at improving care for its population, and to learn from systems that often produce better outcomes. The OECD has compiled data on dozens of outcomes and process measures. Across a number of these measures, the U.S. lags behind similarly wealthy OECD countries (those that are similarly large and wealthy based on GDP and GDP per capita).In some cases, such as the rates of all-cause mortality, premature death, death amenable to healthcare, and disease burden, the U.S. is also not improving as quickly as other countries, which means the gap is growing.
How does the quality of the U.S. healthcare system compare to other countries? - Peterson-Kaiser Health System Tracker

How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?
Everything she is promising to do was added up yesterday by a group of the tune of 100 Trillion dollars.....we don't have 100 trillion dollars....Bernie's plans topped that by a 50 Trillion mark....they are nuts...completely nuts....
We have the money to bomb the fuck out of and occupy the world, just not to invest in our own society; our ruling aristocracy requires public subsidization instead. Fweedumb.
How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?
Everything she is promising to do was added up yesterday by a group of the tune of 100 Trillion dollars.....we don't have 100 trillion dollars....Bernie's plans topped that by a 50 Trillion mark....they are nuts...completely nuts....
We have the money to bomb the fuck out of and occupy the world, just not to invest in our own society; our ruling aristocracy requires public subsidization instead. Fweedumb.
Trump is trying to turn that around...and every time he pulls our troops back he gets slammed by the left and the right that for some reason love endless warfare....and American involvement in everything abroad....
Well, we probably have the money if you claw back every tax incentive we give to employers provide HC insurance and every penny we pay as our share of insurance and co-pays and deductibles. But she's still planning a tax hike on workers, but says we'll come out better because we save on premiums and the co-pay deductible.

But I heard that speil from the gop on Trump's tax cuts too.

I just don't see how anyone votes for her or Bernie unless they really want to be on Medicare with no real answer on how much "extra" the gummit will take out of your pay check. I mean it's true that with Medicare it's sort of like an all you can eat buffet, but she's trying to tell me there's a free lunch.

This looks more like Nixon/McGovern everyday
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
A majority of American people would also like their debt erased.
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
A majority of American people would also like their debt erased.
Medicare for all would help, what's the #1 reason for most mortgage foreclosures again?
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.
A majority of the ameican people support it, capital is not ready for all of us to have access to healthcare.
A majority of American people would also like their debt erased.
Medicare for all would help, what's the #1 reason for most mortgage foreclosures again?
Medicare for all would be the death knell of this country. And I'm not even talking about extending medicare to all the unhealthy illegals pouring into the country. Absolute fiscal insanity.
And for those who don't know, Medicare currently covers about 44 million Americans and is going insolvent in 2026. But we're going to extend Medicare to all 360 million Americans PLUS the millions of illegals in the country.
How does one vote for Warren when she proposes taking away your employer sponsored HC, and raising your taxes for Medicare, and then says you'll thank me because now you 'get' to choose to go to the doc more often?

Have you noticed Dem's stopped promising NOT to take away our HC and now openly admit that's exactly what they plan to do. Obama looks like a conservative compared to this 2020 crop of Dem leftist freaks.
US is not ready for Medicare for all.
Democrats, do not over play your hand when you are running against the worst President in our history.
US voters favor a hybrid system that includes a government that anyone can buy into along with a private option.
Do not let ideaology override practicality.

We will likely end up with it no matter who wins in 2020.

Trump has always been a supporter of universal healthcare.

If the idea comes from him 3/4 of his followers will think it is the greatest idea ever and the rest he will not care about as he will not have another election to win.
It would be helpful to the conversation if the Democrats hadn't dishonestly named Single Payer "Medicare for All".

The overall Medicare system includes choice, free market competition, and free market innovation via Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplements. The "Medicare for All" plan being pushed by most of the Democrats does not.

It's difficult to have an important conversation like this when we're starting off with intellectual dishonesty.
They've already dishonestly called socialist medical services "single payer", so why would they stop lying now?

And Medicare/Medicaid are both based upon coercion by The State...There is no "choice" whatsoever in that.

I believe you were sputtering something about intellectual dishonesty?
It would be helpful to the conversation if the Democrats hadn't dishonestly named Single Payer "Medicare for All".

The overall Medicare system includes choice, free market competition, and free market innovation via Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplements. The "Medicare for All" plan being pushed by most of the Democrats does not.

It's difficult to have an important conversation like this when we're starting off with intellectual dishonesty.
They've already dishonestly called socialist medical services "single payer", so why would they stop lying now?

And Medicare/Medicaid are both based upon coercion by The State...There is no "choice" whatsoever in that.

I believe you were sputtering something about intellectual dishonesty?
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. There's plenty of choice in Medicare Advantage plans, plenty of choice in Medicare Supplement plans. That's in terms of various plans offered by insurers, in terms of providers, in terms of network, in terms of levels of coverage, in terms of available formularies, and in terms of specific services.

I know that no amount of proof or information outside your closed universe is allowed, but just so I know I tried, here's a chance to educate yourself:

It would be helpful to the conversation if the Democrats hadn't dishonestly named Single Payer "Medicare for All".

The overall Medicare system includes choice, free market competition, and free market innovation via Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplements. The "Medicare for All" plan being pushed by most of the Democrats does not.

It's difficult to have an important conversation like this when we're starting off with intellectual dishonesty.
They've already dishonestly called socialist medical services "single payer", so why would they stop lying now?

And Medicare/Medicaid are both based upon coercion by The State...There is no "choice" whatsoever in that.

I believe you were sputtering something about intellectual dishonesty?
Clearly you don't know what you're talking about. There's plenty of choice in Medicare Advantage plans, plenty of choice in Medicare Supplement plans. That's in terms of various plans offered by insurers, in terms of providers, in terms of network, in terms of levels of coverage, in terms of available formularies, and in terms of specific services.

I know that no amount of proof or information outside your universe is allowed, but just so I know I tried, here's a chance to educate yourself:

Does anyone have any choice as to whether or not they'll be robbed to support that scam?

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