US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after slaying

Arrogant loudmouth ugly American Pubs and the dupes have been corrupting the world for over a hundred years...

The Oz "gun ban" is on assault weapons and they haven't had a mass killing since. And lot less crime since their $15 min wage. Consider that, 50% racist Pub dupes...
Why is they have out-of-control gun violence?
New plan unveiled to tackle out-of-control gun violence | Ballina Shire Advocate

Maybe Australia should take care of their own.

COMBATING gun crime in NSW remains the top priority of the state's police force, senior officers announced on Wednesday.

In the past 12 months, more than 9000 guns have been taken off NSW streets and 3352 people have been charged as part of ongoing investigations by Strike Force Raptor and Operations Apollo and Spartan.

Unveiling a new plan to tackle out-of-control gun violence in Sydney on Wednesday, NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said all three strike forces had been brought together to form Operation Talon.

"There is no single source of gun crime violence...guns have fallen into the hands of organised crime, outlaw motorcycle gangs, mid-level crime groups and petty thieves and the lines are often blurred," Mr Scipione said

"That's why it is so important to focus on all these aspects in a unified way...pulling our resources together under the one banner we have that opportunity."

After almost 20 years of a gun ban looks like they would have that pesky gun problem taken care of.
Nothing compared to here.

oh but yes almost 20 years of a gun ban and they are still having gun problems. Who are they taking the guns away and what kind of guns are they taking away?

Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.
oh but yes almost 20 years of a gun ban and they are still having gun problems. Who are they taking the guns away and what kind of guns are they taking away?

Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!
oh but yes almost 20 years of a gun ban and they are still having gun problems. Who are they taking the guns away and what kind of guns are they taking away?

Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?
Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?

Tell that to the 2 MILLION people in the US who use a firearm to prevent a crime, every year.
Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?

Common sense? How many mass shooting have their been at gun shows? How many mass shooting have their been at police departments?
How many mass shootings have they had at gun stores?
How many mass shootings have they had at gun ranges? The only people who don't use common sense are those who think gun free zones will stop shootings.
Big deb is pretending that any problem goes away 100% when you ban it. The only thing that exists that Is 100% is Big Debs Retardation levels

The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

WOW so if guns are still going to be here why do you support gun bans and restriction of guns?
White supremacist executed for Jasper, Texas dragging death of black man » Corpus Christi Caller-Times

HUNTSVILLE — White supremacist gang member Lawrence Russell Brewer was executed Wednesday evening for the infamous dragging death slaying of James Byrd Jr., a black man from East Texas.

Byrd, 49, was chained to the back of a pickup truck and pulled whip-like to his death along a bumpy asphalt road in one of the most grisly hate crime murders in recent Texas history.

Brewer, 44, was asked if he had any final words, to which he replied: "No. I have no final statement."

He glanced at his parents watching through a nearby window, took several deep breaths and closed his eyes. A single tear hung on the edge of his right eye as he was pronounced dead at 6:21 p.m., 10 minutes after the lethal drugs began flowing into his arms, both covered with intricate black tattoos.

People who hate, of whatever color, do atrocities. Many on this board would be prime suspects for such atrocities were one to happen in their neighborhood, given the level of toxic hate they post.

is that like the way Dean Hates White Republicans?.....i notice you dont say anything whenever posts his shit....
The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Gun control equals common sense. Why are you r-wingers afraid of common sense?

Common sense? How many mass shooting have their been at gun shows? How many mass shooting have their been at police departments?
How many mass shootings have they had at gun stores?
How many mass shootings have they had at gun ranges? The only people who don't use common sense are those who think gun free zones will stop shootings.

Try telling that to the people whose lives were saved at the 2 million gun free zones in America.
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

I tend to agree with her. One thing it is doing is making it so less and less people from around the world will want to visit the US, which will take away from tourism and tourism dollars: not something that helps the economy, at a point in time when the US economy needs all the help it can get.

how come when we have tourist killed in some foreign dont see us talking about boycotting them?....
The only one pretending are those who push for gun control such as closed mind who really doesn't have a mind just talking points.

Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

WOW so if guns are still going to be here why do you support gun bans and restriction of guns?

Wheres that list Deb? ...Just like I thought. Concession noted
No doubt the NRA & Rush Limbaugh will slam this.

US gun culture is 'corrupting the world,' Australia ex-deputy PM says after Okla. slaying - U.S. News

MELBOURNE, Australia -- Furious at the killing of an Australian college baseball player in Oklahoma, a senior figure in the victim's home country blamed the “gun culture” of United States for the death, saying it was “corrupting the world."

It's not the "gun" culture. It's the "gangsta" culture.
I own about a dozen firearms. I've yet to kill anyone.
Really so I guess you can tell me all the things that have been banned that no longer exist, right?

When you cant you'll be exposed for the dumbass you are. Ready? Annnnnd go!

WOW so if guns are still going to be here why do you support gun bans and restriction of guns?

Wheres that list Deb? ...Just like I thought. Concession noted
OK I'll play your game banning guns do not remove them from the public. Hows that?
Now Deb doesn't post here try again closed mind. So you support laws that do not remove guns from the public only those from law abiding citizens?
Arrogant loudmouth ugly American Pubs and the dupes have been corrupting the world for over a hundred years...

The Oz "gun ban" is on assault weapons and they haven't had a mass killing since. And lot less crime since their $15 min wage. Consider that, 50% racist Pub dupes...

must be nice when you have only 20 million people to worry about....and 80% are the same can relate to that live in your 97% white think i forgot about your remark about the "Brownies" out here you made? shit are no different than those you talk about....

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