US government openly admits vaccines can cause polio, seizures and death in published 'Vaccine Injur

No, of course not. Notice the venue publishing this "admission."
I have great respect for you standing up against the crowds who are going along with the government idea of forced vaccinations - like herds - it is truly despicable that people refuse to think for themselves and examine the evidence which clearly proves the harm caused by vaccines outweighs the cures! I had the measles as a kid and I'm perfectly fine! This vaccination nonsense is all hype / scare tactics / it's nonsense.

Anytime you see the government really pushing hard for something like this? You have to KNOW it is going to be very bad for the people!
The scientific evidence clearly says the anti vaxxers are idiots for various reasons.

I have seen the crap from "natural news' before.

Here is the table
Vaccine Injury Table

The Vaccine Injury Table (Table) makes it easier for some people to get compensation. The Table lists and explains injuries/conditions that are presumed to be caused by vaccines. It also lists time periods in which the first symptom of these injuries/conditions must occur after receiving the vaccine. If the first symptom of these injuries/conditions occurs within the listed time periods, it is presumed that the vaccine was the cause of the injury or condition unless another cause is found. For example, if you received the tetanus vaccines and had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) within 4 hours after receiving the vaccine, then it is presumed that the tetanus vaccine caused the injury if no other cause is found.

No one disputes that vaccines can possibly cause injuries- though they are rare- this table is entirely set up so if someone does have a complication that they can get compensated for it.

And of all of the complications- only one- vaccines with LIVE activated polio(OPV) can possibly give a form of polio- so don't use that form if you are worried?

Polio vaccine - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
So its A. Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B. Don't vaccinate and POSSIBLY MAYBE get a disease that you can fight off with modern medicine and care and herbs and vitamins etc and a slim chance you might die but no chance of the rest and also becoming immune to any disease you do get afterwords.

Damn that's a hard choice.
Odium just cannot comprehend

"Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B."

And of all of the complications- only one- vaccines with LIVE activated polio(OPV) can possibly give a form of polio- so don't use that form if you are worried?

Odium, little buddy, you are wrong.
Odium just cannot comprehend

"Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B."

And of all of the complications- only one- vaccines with LIVE activated polio(OPV) can possibly give a form of polio- so don't use that form if you are worried?

Odium, little buddy, you are wrong.

Oh on so many levels- he is a vile little racist who doesn't vaccinate his children and doesn't give a damn about anyone else's children.

Oh and he is opposed to marriage equality for homosexuals- what a shock.

Racists and homophobes on the same side- who could see that coming?
Odium just cannot comprehend

"Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B."

And of all of the complications- only one- vaccines with LIVE activated polio(OPV) can possibly give a form of polio- so don't use that form if you are worried?

Odium, little buddy, you are wrong.

Oh on so many levels- he is a vile little racist who doesn't vaccinate his children and doesn't give a damn about anyone else's children.

Oh and he is opposed to marriage equality for homosexuals- what a shock.

Racists and homophobes on the same side- who could see that coming?
See this is what we call not being able to defeat the facts and arguments. My love for my race and family will always outdo my hatred for the mud races and jews. Its my love for them that is why the muds must be erased from this earth. :) So when you manage to grow a pair and debate me I will be waiting.
Odium just cannot comprehend

"Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B."

And of all of the complications- only one- vaccines with LIVE activated polio(OPV) can possibly give a form of polio- so don't use that form if you are worried?

Odium, little buddy, you are wrong.

Oh on so many levels- he is a vile little racist who doesn't vaccinate his children and doesn't give a damn about anyone else's children.

Oh and he is opposed to marriage equality for homosexuals- what a shock.

Racists and homophobes on the same side- who could see that coming?
See this is what we call not being able to defeat the facts and arguments. My love for my race and family will always outdo my hatred for the mud races and jews. Its my love for them that is why the muds must be erased from this earth. :) So when you manage to grow a pair and debate me I will be waiting.

What do you want to debate? What an racist pos you are?

Feel free to start a debate in the debate forum and I will be glad to whip your muddy ass.
If it's safer, then why don't they go ahead and use it now?...

Safer Polio Vaccines on Way for Use After Eradication
January 06, 2016 - The goal of eradicating polio worldwide is within sight. But public health officials must make sure that vaccines administered after that point cannot cause a recurrence of the disease. Researchers in Britain have come up with a safe strain that would prevent polio reinfection.
Polio vaccines are stockpiled for use into the foreseeable future to prevent another epidemic of paralytic polio, once the disease is officially eradicated. Experts say there is always a chance the live, weakened virus used to make the warehoused drugs could escape factories, risking new cases of polio. There have also been instances in which mutated viral strains survive in the gut of immune-compromised people after they have been vaccinated.


An Afghan health worker administers polio vaccine to a child during a campaign at a refugee camp on the outskirts of Jalalabad in Nangarhar province​

At the urging of the World Health Organization, British researchers have developed safe seed strains from which to make polio vaccine. They modified viral RNA to make the resulting strains genetically stable. The strains that are now used have in rare cases mutated into dangerous forms. Vaccines made from the new seed strains would not pose a health hazard at manufacturing facilities, nor be dangerous if they entered into the environment, according to British National Institute for Biological Standards and Control Virology Division head Philip Minor. He helped develop the new strains for polio vaccine, which researchers describe in the journal PLOS Pathogens.

'Safer' vaccine

“In the very end-game period, more inactivated polio vaccine will be used because that is what you need to do to make sure... you have not missed anything, if you like. ... So, if you do that, and you use a very much safer strain, I think you are a bit more secure than if you go with what we have at the moment,” Minor said. Vaccine is now made from live, weakened virus. Minor said the new vaccines would be as effective, but safer than current vaccine.

"And after polio is declared eradicated, I think inactivated polio vaccine will continue to be used for some time because of the possibility that you are wrong, that you have made a misstep, you have got chronically excreting, immuno-deficient people out there somewhere. I think there will be a need to carry on vaccination against polio until you are really sure what has happened, I think,” Minor said. An expert WHO panel will make the final determination which new strains of inactivated polio virus are safe to put into new vaccines in the post-polio era.

Safer Polio Vaccines on Way for Use After Eradication
So its A. Take risk and vaccinate which can lead to death,mental illness resulting in needing care for rest of life,deafness,seizures,autism etc or B. Don't vaccinate and POSSIBLY MAYBE get a disease that you can fight off with modern medicine and care and herbs and vitamins etc and a slim chance you might die but no chance of the rest and also becoming immune to any disease you do get afterwords.

Damn that's a hard choice.
It's not a hard choice to quarantine you. Nope, not hard at all.

I bet you thought you could fool people with this non-article, eh? All the links that say "Vaccine Injury Table" lead to a blank page.

The actual table:

discusses possible side effects of vaccines and time to onset. It does not state numbers of cases at all.

Nice try...not.

I bet you thought you could fool people with this non-article, eh? All the links that say "Vaccine Injury Table" lead to a blank page.

The actual table:

discusses possible side effects of vaccines and time to onset. It does not state numbers of cases at all.

Nice try...not.
You do realize yer a TAD bit late to the discussion right? I posted this I assume in February or March. I didn't look at first page...last post I see at top is March 4th. I have no idea what it was even about.

I bet you thought you could fool people with this non-article, eh? All the links that say "Vaccine Injury Table" lead to a blank page.

The actual table:

discusses possible side effects of vaccines and time to onset. It does not state numbers of cases at all.

Nice try...not.
You do realize yer a TAD bit late to the discussion right? I posted this I assume in February or March. I didn't look at first page...last post I see at top is March 4th. I have no idea what it was even about.

Several posters bumped it before I posted. Didn't see it before that. Have your thoughts changed since?

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