US Government HALTS funding of CRU


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
And this is AFTER the so called review by Oxburgh and Muir Russel!

US Government Halts Funds For Climate Unit
Sunday, 18 July 2010 08:00 Jonathan Leake, The Sunday Times .The American government has suspended its funding of the University of East Anglia’s climate research unit (CRU), citing the scientific doubts raised by last November’s leak of hundreds of stolen emails.

The US Department of Energy (DoE) was one of the unit’s main sources of funding for its work assembling a database of global temperatures.

It has supported the CRU financially since 1990 and gives the unit about £131,000 a year on a rolling three-year contract.

This should have been renewed automatically in April, but the department has suspended all payments since May pending a scientific peer review of the unit’s work.

The leaked emails caused a global furore. They appeared to suggest that CRU scientists were using “tricks” to strengthen the case for man-made climate change and suppressing dissent.

A spokesman for the DoE said: “The renewal application was placed on hold pending the conclusion of the inquiry into scientific misconduct by Sir Alastair Muir Russell.”

Muir Russell published his report earlier this month. It said that the rigour and honesty of the CRU scientists were not in doubt but criticised them for “a consistent pattern of failing to display the proper degree of openness”.

The DoE peer review panel will now sift through the report and decide if American taxpayers should continue to fund the unit.

A spokesman for the university said: “We are still waiting to hear if the latest bid for funding to the US Department of Energy has been successful and would not comment or speculate in the meantime.”

The Sunday Times, 18 July 2010
Is this the same Jones you touting last week?!?! Seems you select your data much the same as those you accuse. Here's a clue, if his data is so bad, what makes you think the part you like is true? Go to any scientific meeting, regardless of the field, and that kind of logic would get you laughed out of the hall!!!
Is this the same Jones you touting last week?!?! Seems you select your data much the same as those you accuse. Here's a clue, if his data is so bad, what makes you think the part you like is true? Go to any scientific meeting, regardless of the field, and that kind of logic would get you laughed out of the hall!!!

No konrad I don't support his work at all. He is the lord high priest of the cult of AGW. I mock him, as I mock you and your ilk. I don't like ANY of his work. That which might be factual is so lost in the manufactured and lost that whatever value he may have had is long gone. He sold his soul for money and you aren't smart enough to figure it out.

I told you this day was coming. There are going to be many more bad days until the cult is finally put to bed.
Is this the same Jones you touting last week?!?! Seems you select your data much the same as those you accuse. Here's a clue, if his data is so bad, what makes you think the part you like is true? Go to any scientific meeting, regardless of the field, and that kind of logic would get you laughed out of the hall!!!

No konrad I don't support his work at all. He is the lord high priest of the cult of AGW. I mock him, as I mock you and your ilk. I don't like ANY of his work. That which might be factual is so lost in the manufactured and lost that whatever value he may have had is long gone. He sold his soul for money and you aren't smart enough to figure it out.

I told you this day was coming. There are going to be many more bad days until the cult is finally put to bed.

YOU LIAR!!! You were touting him! Your posts are apparently not worth the pixels that form them. How can anyone post totally opposite ideas and expect us to believe them both. I already realized you were lazy, but now you've shown yourself to be a true bottom feeder. The only day that's coming is when the deniers get the come-uppance for the way they twisted what to real scientists were perfectly normal emails that showed no falsifying of data at all.
Is this the same Jones you touting last week?!?! Seems you select your data much the same as those you accuse. Here's a clue, if his data is so bad, what makes you think the part you like is true? Go to any scientific meeting, regardless of the field, and that kind of logic would get you laughed out of the hall!!!

No konrad I don't support his work at all. He is the lord high priest of the cult of AGW. I mock him, as I mock you and your ilk. I don't like ANY of his work. That which might be factual is so lost in the manufactured and lost that whatever value he may have had is long gone. He sold his soul for money and you aren't smart enough to figure it out.

I told you this day was coming. There are going to be many more bad days until the cult is finally put to bed.

YOU LIAR!!! You were touting him! Your posts are apparently not worth the pixels that form them. How can anyone post totally opposite ideas and expect us to believe them both. I already realized you were lazy, but now you've shown yourself to be a true bottom feeder. The only day that's coming is when the deniers get the come-uppance for the way they twisted what to real scientists were perfectly normal emails that showed no falsifying of data at all.

konrad, you truly are a moron aren't you. I hate to tell you this but you are beyond help.
My comeuppance is the fact I have to listen to intellectual cripples like you far too often.
And they are usually in government.

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