US deploying 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter said Saturday that as many as 200 more American troops are being sent to Syria to help Kurdish and Arab fighters capture the Islamic State group’s key stronghold of Raqqa. The extra troops will include special operations forces and are in addition to 300 U.S. troops already authorized for the effort to recruit, organize, train and advise local Syrian forces to combat IS.

U.S. deploying 200 more troops to Syria to help fight ISIS
As if our military can stand to be thinned out any more than it already has. We are getting weaker and weaker as the months pass by. Other Countries see the US as very weak. Since Obama we have become the laughing stock of the world.
To fight ISIS or to help ISIS?

Syrian government now controls 93 percent of Aleppo, and the civilians who exited eastern Aleppo have been placed in special humanitarian centers where they are provided with hot food and medical help.

Over the past 48 hours, up to 50,000 people have been evacuated from eastern Aleppo,
Russian Reconciliation Center evacuated 50,000 civilians from E. Aleppo in past 2 days – MoD

At the same time, 66 militants laid down their arms and left for western Aleppo, the statement adds.

Meanwhile, six Western nations pushed for an immediate ceasefire in Aleppo on Wednesday. "The most urgent goal remains an immediate ceasefire so that the United Nations can bring humanitarian aid to people in East Aleppo," said the leaders of Germany, France, Italy, the United States, Canada and Britain
Syrian Army retakes 70% of E. Aleppo, evacuates over 1,200 civilians – Russian military
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To fight ISIS or to help ISIS?

Syrian government now controls 93 percent of Aleppo, and the civilians who exited eastern Aleppo have been placed in special humanitarian centers where they are provided with hot food and medical help.

Over the past 48 hours, up to 50,000 people have been evacuated from eastern Aleppo,
Russian Reconciliation Center evacuated 50,000 civilians from E. Aleppo in past 2 days – MoD

At the same time, 66 militants laid down their arms and left for western Aleppo, the statement adds.

Meanwhile, six Western nations pushed for an immediate ceasefire in Aleppo on Wednesday. "The most urgent goal remains an immediate ceasefire so that the United Nations can bring humanitarian aid to people in East Aleppo," said the leaders of Germany, France, Italy, the United States, Canada and Britain
Syrian Army retakes 70% of E. Aleppo, evacuates over 1,200 civilians – Russian military

and the death rate from SYRIAN ARMY BOMBS------escalates-----the bodies of babies line the gutters of ALEPPO little factoid ----Aleppo is approximately
the town of Nineveh in the bible book 'Jonah'
waste by Obama if not used in the right way, with sufficient support

Safe zones, humanitarian aid, protection for refugees................... attacks/assassinations of "known" terrorists locations

Wild bombing and troops on the ground without a game plan will just cost more lives. Throwing american lives at a problem as a parting act by an outgoing president who failed during eight years
waste by Obama if not used in the right way, with sufficient support

Safe zones, humanitarian aid, protection for refugees................... attacks/assassinations of "known" terrorists locations

Wild bombing and troops on the ground without a game plan will just cost more lives. Throwing american lives at a problem as a parting act by an outgoing president who failed during eight years

damn frustrating-------SOMEONE has to clue the white house into the overwhelming
"intricacies" of incessant Islamic turmoil ----compounded by Russian interests.
(not me-----I can just say IT IS)
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

wrong-----as disgusting as is Saudi Arabia----it is actually the least of the problem----IMHO-----we MUST avoid Saudi citizen sponsored programs----but the filthy government is approachable
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

Forgetting the syrian/iranian part of ISIS creation?

Saudi supported "anti assad" forces.
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

Forgetting the syrian/iranian part of ISIS creation?

Saudi supported "anti assad" forces.

Syria/Iran are Shiites, they are the ones that ISIS ultimately want destroyed and replaced with proper hardcore Sunni.
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

wrong-----as disgusting as is Saudi Arabia----it is actually the least of the problem----IMHO-----we MUST avoid Saudi citizen sponsored programs----but the filthy government is approachable

No, you're wrong. SA is not "the least of our worries", it's the center of our real problem. Sunni extremism comes from SA. We pretend to be at war with Islamic extremists, yet their entire culture is the most extreme. Everything ISIS does on You Tube, Saudi does within its own court system. The government, AND its people are the problem.
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

Forgetting the syrian/iranian part of ISIS creation?

Saudi supported "anti assad" forces.

Syria/Iran are Shiites, they are the ones that ISIS ultimately want destroyed and replaced with proper hardcore Sunni.

Iran and Syria Gave Birth to ISIS? : SAPRAC and The German-Saudi Alliance | The Huffington Post
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

Forgetting the syrian/iranian part of ISIS creation?

Saudi supported "anti assad" forces.

Syria/Iran are Shiites, they are the ones that ISIS ultimately want destroyed and replaced with proper hardcore Sunni.

Iran and Syria Gave Birth to ISIS? : SAPRAC and The German-Saudi Alliance | The Huffington Post

A lame ass Huffpuff piece spewing Saudi Sunni propaganda is hardly proof that Iran is behind a Sunni revolution to overthrow Iran and Syria....
If we were serious about stopping ISIS, we'd cut all ties with Saudi Arabia and Turkey. In fact we'd probably have to start bombing them.

Forgetting the syrian/iranian part of ISIS creation?

Saudi supported "anti assad" forces.

Syria/Iran are Shiites, they are the ones that ISIS ultimately want destroyed and replaced with proper hardcore Sunni.

Iran and Syria Gave Birth to ISIS? : SAPRAC and The German-Saudi Alliance | The Huffington Post

A lame ass Huffpuff piece spewing Saudi Sunni propaganda is hardly proof that Iran is behind a Sunni revolution to overthrow Iran and Syria....

No doubt many sunni would like to see the demize of shite, long history of hate between them both religious and political. They have also lived side by side for long periods around the world without problem.

Assad did not spend most of his energies fighting ISIS but killing his own people. He never treated ISIS as the real threat without the west intervention over his criminal and because of ISIS very visible and attention getting horrific murders, massacres and terror. Magic trick, the west was looking other there while the real action was happening elsewhere. Syria and Russia have killed far more than ISIS, including terrorism and wars around the world. Everyone screams ISIS and dismisses the other brutality and horrors happening or other terrorism.

Both assad and erdogan have profited from ISIS. Iran used them to make themselves seem more appealing to the west, more moderate and more cooperative.

It's a typical game, but it seems too many in the west do not think beyond checkers or in some cases tiddly winks

While everyone is focused on ISIS, Assad keeps Syria and Iran gains an nuclear agreement and the dropping of sanctions from Obama, Russia and Turkey gain their oil pipelines and the world blame saudi for sunni islam as the foundation of ISIS, dropping them from the list of major players they had become.

and you lapped it up without seeing that the US and the world was being played. Seriously I think people can be so blind at times. Tragic

I'm far from a fan of Huff but their writers are not wrong all the time

I've lived through the bloodbaths by both side, and seen the best side of "peaceful" islam, I know many find that hard to accept reading the news of the last few decades. Any faith can be abused and corrupted and most have a one time or another.

Yes, most of the west hates aspect of wahhabism, but that is a small part of sunni islam. There are aspects of shite that are as bad and can be even worse. It is not the religion so much as the culture of the east that is clashing with the west. They see the west as invaders and in some cases with good reason.

Even Islam itself was a reactions to the overwhelming of other gods, cultures, empires and ideas, making arabs feel like low man on the totem pole with little pride in themselves.

ISIS is a tool, a brutal, blood tool, but just a tool being used by others against the west. Iraq and syria was a convenience for them to be based. Iran was the big winner...............and terrorism has spread
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and you lapped it up without seeing that the US and the world was being played. Seriously I think people can be so blind at times. Tragic

I lapped it up? I've been one of the few on these boards saying the US was being played, and that we should stay the fuck out of this Muslim civil war.
I don't care about Muslims killing each other. We should be isolating all the Middle East and let them sort it out. I in no way ever said we should trust Iran/Shiites. They are all Islamic barbarians that want to see all other religions wiped out.
and you lapped it up without seeing that the US and the world was being played. Seriously I think people can be so blind at times. Tragic

I lapped it up? I've been one of the few on these boards saying the US was being played, and that we should stay the fuck out of this Muslim civil war.
I don't care about Muslims killing each other. We should be isolating all the Middle East and let them sort it out. I in no way ever said we should trust Iran/Shiites. They are all Islamic barbarians that want to see all other religions wiped out.

This is not about a civil war, this was about power for Iran and the stabbing by thousand needles of the the US, making it too weak or too afraid to act effectively.

Civil war? still thinking too small, to "obvious", too western.

Religion, sunni of ISIS, is a means of control and organizing of soldiers, not the aim. It is a weapon of hate, again a tool in the hands of others.

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