US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire

Congress is addressing the top 10% concerns, and letting the 90% fend for themselves. What can we expect from a Retarded rightwinged party? Tea? Now we are going to find out what people will do when they have to eat.

Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April.

The entire political establishment has responded to this impending social disaster with complete indifference. Washington is currently consumed with reaching a bipartisan compromise centered primarily on extending tax cuts for the rich.

Of the 15 million workers officially counted as unemployed, 41 percent have been without work for 26 weeks, according to the Labor Department. Due to the high levels of unemployment, 37 states have until now offered federally funded extensions for up to 99 weeks. The benefits pay an average of $302.90 a week.

The cutoff of unemployment checks will remove the only source of income to working class families already facing crushing financial burdens. An estimated two to four million Americans have already exhausted their benefits, with over 90,000 claimants joining their ranks every week. Those losing their jobs now will only qualify for six months of benefits no matter how long they are without a job.

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire


Oh goody...does this mean we should now be on the look out for lots and lots of fakey fake just in time for "Christmas" hard luck stories plastered all over the media?

Can't wait.:lol:
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Congress is addressing the top 10% concerns, and letting the 90% fend for themselves. What can we expect from a Retarded rightwinged party? Tea? Now we are going to find out what people will do when they have to eat.

Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April.

The entire political establishment has responded to this impending social disaster with complete indifference. Washington is currently consumed with reaching a bipartisan compromise centered primarily on extending tax cuts for the rich.

Of the 15 million workers officially counted as unemployed, 41 percent have been without work for 26 weeks, according to the Labor Department. Due to the high levels of unemployment, 37 states have until now offered federally funded extensions for up to 99 weeks. The benefits pay an average of $302.90 a week.

The cutoff of unemployment checks will remove the only source of income to working class families already facing crushing financial burdens. An estimated two to four million Americans have already exhausted their benefits, with over 90,000 claimants joining their ranks every week. Those losing their jobs now will only qualify for six months of benefits no matter how long they are without a job.

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire


800,000 people that are an un employment check from going hungry and losing everything they have? Sounds like a recepie for some desperate actions by some desperate people.

Police departments are already cutting back on patrols and hiring. It has already happened here in Washington.

I wonder how many of the 800,000 are just going to sit down under a bridge and wait to starve to death? Or freeze to death..or watch thier wives and children do the same?

If only half of them take fate into thier own hands they will probably have to commit 4 or 5 robberies or burglaries a month just to get by. HMMMmmm...??? an extra 2 or 3 million violent crimes a month with less police protection? There are not enough people in our entire military to gaurd the property and lives of the whole country. Things could get real bad real fast. It's not like the 30's when few people had automobiles.

I will be amused. For those faint of carefull buying gas for your SUV ..convenience stores and gas stations might be a little more excitement than you are ready for.
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You can't have Christmas without money from government?

Ask the reatailers who began christmas sales before Thanksgiving.

I worked two jobs and threw a paper route after I lost my first job, three years out of college. It wasn't glorious but it paid the bills for a couple of years. Just kept trying and then landed a full time job in my field. Quit that job after a few years and went to work starting up my own companies and then selling them.

A bit different whn you are 50+ stand to lose a home and have health issues.
Ask the reatailers who began christmas sales before Thanksgiving.

I worked two jobs and threw a paper route after I lost my first job, three years out of college. It wasn't glorious but it paid the bills for a couple of years. Just kept trying and then landed a full time job in my field. Quit that job after a few years and went to work starting up my own companies and then selling them.

A bit different whn you are 50+ stand to lose a home and have health issues.

Nobody who doesn't have a job after 99 weeks will have one after 199 or 299 or 399 weeks.
I am not surprised that people are steering clear of this post. It is to be expected in a capitalist society that some will prosper and many will suffer. The government seems indifferent to the plight of the poor and workers drifting off into the same black hole. Those unemployed who voted republicans into office are actually going to get a dose of karma. And those working in congress should be told there will be no Christmas holiday for them until they balance the budget and get the nation started again. The homeless and unemployed headed that way should spend Christmas camped on their representatives lawns, a reminder of why we elected them.

get your head outta your ass, :eusa_whistle:
so you want people to starve? i guess thats fine, if it helps you sleep at night.
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I worked two jobs and threw a paper route after I lost my first job, three years out of college. It wasn't glorious but it paid the bills for a couple of years. Just kept trying and then landed a full time job in my field. Quit that job after a few years and went to work starting up my own companies and then selling them.

A bit different whn you are 50+ stand to lose a home and have health issues.

Nobody who doesn't have a job after 99 weeks will have one after 199 or 299 or 399 weeks.

You really are some kinda stupid aren't you. Here is how I see it going down. You will be at your Standard Oil gas station and some guy will be parked at the edge of the lot with his wife and two kids and ALL of thier belongings in thier Ford Taurus. The man will get out and approach you begging for ten bucks. He will go on and on about how his kids are starving and he doesn't have enough gas to even make it to the food bank. You laugh at him and call him a worthless punk and don't even notice the woman standing behind you. It's his wife fuckwit and she's taken ALL she is going to seeing her hubby beg to an asshole like you. You turn around thinking she is just another customer and you are going to point to the poor man(her husband) and just start to tell her what a loser the beggar for his family is...and she raises the 38 she purchased a few years ago to protect herself from home robberies and that gun club practice does not go unwasted as she puts one squarly between your very suprised eyes. They drag you over to your SUV and he jumps in and drives YOUR vehicle a couple of blocks down the street and they rifle through it and find some cash and the 357 MAG you keep under the seat. That and the $200 bucks you had on you and they just drive clean away in the Ford and not a damn thing happens to them. It took the cops 30 min to respond and there is no body when they get there. They leave immediately because there are several robberies also in progress.

Now don't get me wrong I wish you no harm. I suggest you hire someone smarter than yourself to get your gas for you.
Ask the reatailers who began christmas sales before Thanksgiving.

I worked two jobs and threw a paper route after I lost my first job, three years out of college. It wasn't glorious but it paid the bills for a couple of years. Just kept trying and then landed a full time job in my field. Quit that job after a few years and went to work starting up my own companies and then selling them.

A bit different whn you are 50+ stand to lose a home and have health issues.

Yes, it is, especially for those who are trying like hell to find work. They have my utmost respect.
I am not surprised that people are steering clear of this post. It is to be expected in a capitalist society that some will prosper and many will suffer. The government seems indifferent to the plight of the poor and workers drifting off into the same black hole. Those unemployed who voted republicans into office are actually going to get a dose of karma. And those working in congress should be told there will be no Christmas holiday for them until they balance the budget and get the nation started again. The homeless and unemployed headed that way should spend Christmas camped on their representatives lawns, a reminder of why we elected them.

Sounds like you are sampling the Kool-Aid again. ;) Never once in my life received unemployment. Being Self-Employed, I wouldn't qualify if I tried. Go to where the work is Einstein, Work for less, do what you need to do to survive. The only thing that Socialism guarantees is suffering and a bad ending. Suck it up.

You must be talking about capitalism and the millions in poverty sucking in the waist lines, while they wait in the soup lines.
I am not surprised that people are steering clear of this post. It is to be expected in a capitalist society that some will prosper and many will suffer. The government seems indifferent to the plight of the poor and workers drifting off into the same black hole. Those unemployed who voted republicans into office are actually going to get a dose of karma. And those working in congress should be told there will be no Christmas holiday for them until they balance the budget and get the nation started again. The homeless and unemployed headed that way should spend Christmas camped on their representatives lawns, a reminder of why we elected them.

get your head outta your ass, :eusa_whistle:
so you want people to starve? i guess thats fine, if it helps you sleep at night.

Maybe it takes starving for them to realize the major mistake they made voting republicans into office.:dunno: It is called taking personal responsibility for one's own actions. And who knows, maybe the republicans will throw them a bone next year if they are still starving and living under the bridge.
Congress is addressing the top 10% concerns, and letting the 90% fend for themselves. What can we expect from a Retarded rightwinged party? Tea? Now we are going to find out what people will do when they have to eat.

Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April.

The entire political establishment has responded to this impending social disaster with complete indifference. Washington is currently consumed with reaching a bipartisan compromise centered primarily on extending tax cuts for the rich.

Of the 15 million workers officially counted as unemployed, 41 percent have been without work for 26 weeks, according to the Labor Department. Due to the high levels of unemployment, 37 states have until now offered federally funded extensions for up to 99 weeks. The benefits pay an average of $302.90 a week.

The cutoff of unemployment checks will remove the only source of income to working class families already facing crushing financial burdens. An estimated two to four million Americans have already exhausted their benefits, with over 90,000 claimants joining their ranks every week. Those losing their jobs now will only qualify for six months of benefits no matter how long they are without a job.

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire

you DO know that the new congress hasnt been seated yet, right?
and that Pelosi and Reid and all your other cronies are still in control

Senate Democrats tried late Wednesday afternoon to pass several bills designed to spur job creation but Republicans objected to what they called a political ploy.

But Republicans stuck to the pledge to halt any legislation that does not address the expiring tax rates or provide stop-gap government funding.
Republicans stop Senate Dems' attempt to move job bills -
I am not surprised that people are steering clear of this post. It is to be expected in a capitalist society that some will prosper and many will suffer. The government seems indifferent to the plight of the poor and workers drifting off into the same black hole. Those unemployed who voted republicans into office are actually going to get a dose of karma. And those working in congress should be told there will be no Christmas holiday for them until they balance the budget and get the nation started again. The homeless and unemployed headed that way should spend Christmas camped on their representatives lawns, a reminder of why we elected them.

get your head outta your ass, :eusa_whistle:
so you want people to starve? i guess thats fine, if it helps you sleep at night.

Maybe it takes starving for them to realize the major mistake they made voting republicans into office.:dunno: It is called taking personal responsibility for one's own actions. And who knows, maybe the republicans will throw them a bone next year if they are still starving and living under the bridge.
dipshit, if the dems wanted it to pass, it would
Congress is addressing the top 10% concerns, and letting the 90% fend for themselves. What can we expect from a Retarded rightwinged party? Tea? Now we are going to find out what people will do when they have to eat.

Just hours after Obama pledged to work more closely with Republicans in slashing social spending, the US Congress Tuesday allowed extended unemployment benefits to expire for workers laid off for more than 26 weeks. More than 800,000 workers currently receiving extended benefits will be cut off by the end of next week, with the number increasing to two million by the end of December and five million by April.

The entire political establishment has responded to this impending social disaster with complete indifference. Washington is currently consumed with reaching a bipartisan compromise centered primarily on extending tax cuts for the rich.

Of the 15 million workers officially counted as unemployed, 41 percent have been without work for 26 weeks, according to the Labor Department. Due to the high levels of unemployment, 37 states have until now offered federally funded extensions for up to 99 weeks. The benefits pay an average of $302.90 a week.

The cutoff of unemployment checks will remove the only source of income to working class families already facing crushing financial burdens. An estimated two to four million Americans have already exhausted their benefits, with over 90,000 claimants joining their ranks every week. Those losing their jobs now will only qualify for six months of benefits no matter how long they are without a job.

US Congress allows extended jobless benefits to expire

you DO know that the new congress hasnt been seated yet, right?
and that Pelosi and Reid and all your other cronies are still in control

Senate Democrats tried late Wednesday afternoon to pass several bills designed to spur job creation but Republicans objected to what they called a political ploy.

But Republicans stuck to the pledge to halt any legislation that does not address the expiring tax rates or provide stop-gap government funding.
Republicans stop Senate Dems' attempt to move job bills -
so, if the dems did what was asked of them, this too could have been done
it is still the democrats blocking
I wish the best to middle class Americans during these tough times. We need to do something to keep jobs in America. This isn't a simple answer, but people have been out of work for years.
Permanent serfdom is not compassion.

What did you say the capitalist raised the retirement age to, as they give you more serfdom? Where are those full wage retirements the Germans have serf? You pay the same amount of taxes, if not more to survive, yet the slave trade has no free health care, no 45 day mandetory paid vacations, no free cable TV, miles of congested highways to commute on instead of getting there at 200 mph. Tell me serf, just how bad is it?:lol::lol: Millions unemployed fat fuckers wandering the streets like zombies. How is that compassion working out for them?? LMAO!!! :lol::lol:

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