US CO2 Emissions Lowest Since 1985


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
In fact, the U.S. has slashed CO2 emissions much faster than our European allies that adopted the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions in 1997. Preferring markets over incessant regulation, non-signatory U.S. has been reducing emissions faster than any other nation on Earth. All the while, our economy has boomed nearly 60 percent to $18 trillion (real 2010 $).

Indeed, the climate group Carbon Brief reports that more natural gas use is the primary driver for declining CO2 emissions in the U.S. power sector. Gas has cut 50 percent more emissions since 2005 than wind and solar power combined. Natural gas is the reason why President Obama’s now pulled back Clean Power Plan has become completely irrelevant: We are set to surpass his reduction goals a decade early. Natural gas is the only fossil fuel that actually increases in demand under modeled scenarios that keep the rise in the global average temperature to below the critical 2°C threshold.

Looking forward, we are going to need even more natural gas to meet climate goals. The Brookings Institution concludes that natural gas plants cut 2.6 times more greenhouse gas emissions than wind and 4 times more than solar. Brookings also reports that natural gas is easily the “least expensive” path to a low-carbon energy system.

And natural gas is created in the tundra by the annual freezing and warming of permafrost "What on Earth" on the science channel had a piece on that subject.
In fact, the U.S. has slashed CO2 emissions much faster than our European allies that adopted the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions in 1997. Preferring markets over incessant regulation, non-signatory U.S. has been reducing emissions faster than any other nation on Earth. All the while, our economy has boomed nearly 60 percent to $18 trillion (real 2010 $).

Indeed, the climate group Carbon Brief reports that more natural gas use is the primary driver for declining CO2 emissions in the U.S. power sector. Gas has cut 50 percent more emissions since 2005 than wind and solar power combined. Natural gas is the reason why President Obama’s now pulled back Clean Power Plan has become completely irrelevant: We are set to surpass his reduction goals a decade early. Natural gas is the only fossil fuel that actually increases in demand under modeled scenarios that keep the rise in the global average temperature to below the critical 2°C threshold.

Looking forward, we are going to need even more natural gas to meet climate goals. The Brookings Institution concludes that natural gas plants cut 2.6 times more greenhouse gas emissions than wind and 4 times more than solar. Brookings also reports that natural gas is easily the “least expensive” path to a low-carbon energy system.


There's a history. The EPA began requiring stack-scrubbers in the 1980's that caused a shift from burning high-sulfur coal to more expensive low-sulfur coal. Coal use for power generation peaked in 1988, long before Paris accord targets, and the subsequent reduction was driven - at the time - by regulation, not market forces.

The increased supply of natural gas is due to fracking technology that wasn't economically viable in the 1980's.

The US had 1300 coal-fired plants in 2014, while the EU had 250, giving the US a larger opportunity to reduce coal-driven emissions. To a large degree, it's a matter of scale - the US had more dirty plants to take offline.

Of course, Trump would like to change that, by "bringing back coal".
In fact, the U.S. has slashed CO2 emissions much faster than our European allies that adopted the Kyoto Protocol to reduce emissions in 1997. Preferring markets over incessant regulation, non-signatory U.S. has been reducing emissions faster than any other nation on Earth. All the while, our economy has boomed nearly 60 percent to $18 trillion (real 2010 $).

Indeed, the climate group Carbon Brief reports that more natural gas use is the primary driver for declining CO2 emissions in the U.S. power sector. Gas has cut 50 percent more emissions since 2005 than wind and solar power combined. Natural gas is the reason why President Obama’s now pulled back Clean Power Plan has become completely irrelevant: We are set to surpass his reduction goals a decade early. Natural gas is the only fossil fuel that actually increases in demand under modeled scenarios that keep the rise in the global average temperature to below the critical 2°C threshold.

Looking forward, we are going to need even more natural gas to meet climate goals. The Brookings Institution concludes that natural gas plants cut 2.6 times more greenhouse gas emissions than wind and 4 times more than solar. Brookings also reports that natural gas is easily the “least expensive” path to a low-carbon energy system.


There's a history. The EPA began requiring stack-scrubbers in the 1980's that caused a shift from burning high-sulfur coal to more expensive low-sulfur coal. Coal use for power generation peaked in 1988, long before Paris accord targets, and the subsequent reduction was driven - at the time - by regulation, not market forces.

The increased supply of natural gas is due to fracking technology that wasn't economically viable in the 1980's.

The US had 1300 coal-fired plants in 2014, while the EU had 250, giving the US a larger opportunity to reduce coal-driven emissions. To a large degree, it's a matter of scale - the US had more dirty plants to take offline.

Of course, Trump would like to change that, by "bringing back coal".

Lol....been reading in here that "coal is dead".

Trump just appointed a new EPA Chief....a former coal lobbyist!:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::backpedal:

EPA's new chief is former coal lobbyist, Senate staffer

Yep....coal real dead!:coffee:
So the us is reaching environmental goals 10 years early irregardless of pulling out of the Paris accords. California is reaching its goal of half its electricity coming from renewables in 2020 instead of 2030. Trump is promoting us fracking, natural gas drilling, and opening more spaces up for drilling. According to the article, the us is leading the world in carbon reduction. So tell me again what trump is doing wrong for the environment?

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