Eddie Priest

Active Member
Feb 17, 2015
Following its "visual to the world" message last night by test-firing an ICBM, America appears to shifting to 'big stick' diplomacy. Following Iran's naval drills last week (attacking a replica US aircraft carrier), Sputnik News reportsthat as the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations come to a head, the US begins Eagle Resolve, a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf. Eagle Resolve will involve tactical exercises from the US Army, Marines, and various other military branches "with simulated portions of the exercise based on a fictional adversary." Careful to ensure Obama does not lose his Nobel Peace Prize, a CENTCOM official explained, "the exercise is not intended as a signal to Iran."
US Begins Big Stick Negotiations With Iran Sends The Big Ships Into The Persian Gulf
I see this is the only way of negotiations nowadays to start war exercises at the opponent's borders. And the USA use this way everytime when the opponent says no. Aren't they afraid that someday this tactic will blow them down?


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I still stick by my belief that Iran is the one funding ISIS. It is to THEIR advantage to have the ME in complete chaos. Others were trying to say it was the Saudis, but I don't think so.
Following its "visual to the world" message last night by test-firing an ICBM, America appears to shifting to 'big stick' diplomacy. Following Iran's naval drills last week (attacking a replica US aircraft carrier), Sputnik News reportsthat as the nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 nations come to a head, the US begins Eagle Resolve, a massive military exercise in the Persian Gulf. Eagle Resolve will involve tactical exercises from the US Army, Marines, and various other military branches "with simulated portions of the exercise based on a fictional adversary." Careful to ensure Obama does not lose his Nobel Peace Prize, a CENTCOM official explained, "the exercise is not intended as a signal to Iran."
US Begins Big Stick Negotiations With Iran Sends The Big Ships Into The Persian Gulf
I see this is the only way of negotiations nowadays to start war exercises at the opponent's borders. And the USA use this way everytime when the opponent says no. Aren't they afraid that someday this tactic will blow them down?
My son is deployed there now with the Theodore Roosevelt CVN-71 Carrier Strike Group 12, he is on the USS Winston S Churchill DDG81
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

Shits about to get heavy.
What happens if Saudis invite Israelis AF down for bunker busting party. They have to do it before Iran gets them or the Saudis have to get some of their own. War by small nuke in barren countries where all you might incinerate is the opposition army is very doable.
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

Shits about to get heavy.
What happens if Saudis invite Israelis AF down for bunker busting party. They have to do it before Iran gets them or the Saudis have to get some of their own. War by small nuke in barren countries where all you might incinerate is the opposition army is very doable.

Israel just needs to sit back and see what happens. There's a good chance the Saudis will deal with the problem for them.
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

That's because, more than likely, Iran is funding these POS terrorists. Anyone who has given this some thought can see exactly how this works in their favor.
Iran is funding a side but its not Isis.....

I disagree. Chaos in the ME benefits Iran. They are known to have funded such terrorist movements in the past. They definitely will support even those they disagree with in ideology in order to cause strife and chaos in the ME because it benefits them.
In a response to al Qaeda emir Ayman al Zawahiri’s latest attempt at reconciliation with the Islamic State of Iraq and the Sham, ISIS spokesman Abu Muhammad al Adnani made a startling admission: Al Qaeda has ordered its fighters and branches to refrain from attacking the Iranian state in order to preserve the terror group’s network in the country. This is what Adnani had to say [the translation of Adnani’s statement was obtained by The Long War Journal]:

The ISIS has kept abiding by the advices and directives of the sheikhs and figures of jihad. This is why the ISIS has not attacked the Rawafid [rejectionists, a term used to describe Shia Muslims] in Iran since its establishment. It has left the Rawafid safe in Iran, held back the outrage of its soldiers, despite its ability, then, to turn Iran into bloodbaths. It has kept its anger all these years and endured accusations of collaboration with its worst enemy, Iran, for refraining from targeting it, leaving the Rawafid there to live in safety, acting upon the orders of al Qaeda to safeguard its interests and supply lines in Iran.

Yes, it [the ISIS] has held back the outrage of its soldiers and its own anger for years to maintain the unity of the mujahideen in opinion and action.

Let history record that Iran owes al Qaeda invaluably.

Iran owes al Qaeda invaluably ISIS spokesman says The Long War Journal
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

That's because, more than likely, Iran is funding these POS terrorists. Anyone who has given this some thought can see exactly how this works in their favor.
Iran is funding a side but its not Isis.....

I disagree. Chaos in the ME benefits Iran. They are known to have funded such terrorist movements in the past. They definitely will support even those they disagree with in ideology in order to cause strife and chaos in the ME because it benefits them.
From what I understand Isis is sunni Iran is shia...why Iran is in Iraq fighting ISIS
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

That's because, more than likely, Iran is funding these POS terrorists. Anyone who has given this some thought can see exactly how this works in their favor.
Iran is funding a side but its not Isis.....

I disagree. Chaos in the ME benefits Iran. They are known to have funded such terrorist movements in the past. They definitely will support even those they disagree with in ideology in order to cause strife and chaos in the ME because it benefits them.
From what I understand Isis is sunni Iran is shia...why Iran is in Iraq fighting ISIS

Read my link above. I think it explains that. Iran's goal is to cause CHAOS. They don't really which side is responsible for it, and they will fund it if they think it is advantageous to their goals.
Iran just threatened Saudis over Yemen bombing....

Shits about to get heavy.
What happens if Saudis invite Israelis AF down for bunker busting party. They have to do it before Iran gets them or the Saudis have to get some of their own. War by small nuke in barren countries where all you might incinerate is the opposition army is very doable.

Israel just needs to sit back and see what happens. There's a good chance the Saudis will deal with the problem for them.
Saudis may need help in EW dept to get past Iran's beefed up AA missles

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