Untold crimes: expulsion, rape and murder of millions of Germans after WWII

for those who do not know----"MILLIONS" of germans may have died DURING world war II--------maybe---if one includes all who died in fighting and all who died in bombing and all who died from simple NAZI violence. But there was NO genocide of germans AFTER world war II------there was lots violence from the disgruntled
RUSSIAN army------but absolutely not "MILLIONS" dead. However ----I have a credential. I read the islamo Nazi propaganda that was PROMULGATED here in
the USA in endless, little booklets on low grade paper. My little semi-rural/
suburban town was SATURATED with that shit. My reading material at age ten
included superman comics and islamo Nazi propaganda. The superman comics
made MORE SENSE---(later on MAD MAGAZINE also made more sense. Included in that propaganda were the LIBELS regarding massive murder of "BLOND-BLUE EYED GERMAN CHILDREN" The propaganda included pictures that were clearly
concentration camp stuff. The origin of the filth----was, believe it or not----EGYPT AND SYRIA (as a kid------I knew Egypt as that place with the Nile----but since every Syrian I knew back then was a CHRISTIAN----I assumed that Syria
was a Christian Nazi country----something like Germany
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for those who do not know----"MILLIONS" of germans may have died DURING world war II--------maybe---if one includes all who died in fighting and all who died in bombing and all who died from simple NAZI violence. But there was NO genocide of germans AFTER world war II------there was lots violence from the disgruntled
RUSSIAN army------but absolutely not "MILLIONS" dead. However ----I have a credential. I read the islamo Nazi propaganda that was PROMULGATED here in
the USA in endless, little booklets on low grade paper. My little semi-rural/
suburban town was SATURATED with that shit. My reading material at age ten
included superman comics and islamo Nazi propaganda. The superman comics
made MORE SENSE---(later on MAD MAGAZINE also made more sense. Included in that propaganda were the LIBELS regarding massive murder of "BLOND-BLUE EYED GERMAN CHILDREN" The propaganda included pictures that were clearly
concentration camp stuff. The origin of the filth----was, believe it or not----EGYPT AND SYRIA (as a kid------I knew Egypt as that place with the Nile----but since every Syrian I knew back then was a CHRISTIAN----I assumed that Syria
was a Christian Nazi country----something like Germany

You “have a credential” because you read comic books? I’ll buy that.
for those who do not know----"MILLIONS" of germans may have died DURING world war II--------maybe---if one includes all who died in fighting and all who died in bombing and all who died from simple NAZI violence. But there was NO genocide of germans AFTER world war II------there was lots violence from the disgruntled
RUSSIAN army------but absolutely not "MILLIONS" dead. However ----I have a credential. I read the islamo Nazi propaganda that was PROMULGATED here in
the USA in endless, little booklets on low grade paper. My little semi-rural/
suburban town was SATURATED with that shit. My reading material at age ten
included superman comics and islamo Nazi propaganda. The superman comics
made MORE SENSE---(later on MAD MAGAZINE also made more sense. Included in that propaganda were the LIBELS regarding massive murder of "BLOND-BLUE EYED GERMAN CHILDREN" The propaganda included pictures that were clearly
concentration camp stuff. The origin of the filth----was, believe it or not----EGYPT AND SYRIA (as a kid------I knew Egypt as that place with the Nile----but since every Syrian I knew back then was a CHRISTIAN----I assumed that Syria
was a Christian Nazi country----something like Germany

You “have a credential” because you read comic books? I’ll buy that.

yes----my credential back then is that I read LOTS OF STUFF------and managed to
assimilate the MESSAGE of that which I read. At age ten I was a BLANK SHEET----no preconceived notions. In fact, my upbringing was completely
The only goal left, with Al-Aqaeda etc. defeated, is the permanent removal of Assad, per Macron.
The only goal left, with Al-Aqaeda etc. defeated, is the permanent removal of Assad, per Macron.

"French President Emmanuel Macron has responded to the recent accusation of his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, who had called Paris “a standard-bearer of support for terrorism in Syria since the early days of the conflict,” explaining that Paris has been supporting rebel groups in the Arab republic, fighting against the government.

During a joint press conference with NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg, Macron has called such statements “unacceptable,” stressing that France has been “consistent since the beginning,” focusing on Daesh’s defeat in Syria, not the ouster of the Assad.

This position comes in line with the stance Macron earlier voiced during a press conference with US President Donald Trump, saying that France had changed its doctrine with regard to Syria, concentrating on the eradication of terrorist groups in the country."

Macron strikes back at Assad, calls Syrian President's accusations 'unacceptable'
From two days ago,
By ASSOCIATED PRESSPublished: December 17, 2017

PARIS — French President Emmanuel Macron thinks the Islamic State group will be defeated in Syria by the middle or end of February and that Syrian President Bashar Assad can't be ignored in the aftermath of a military victory but must one day answer for his crimes, according to a television interview that aired Sunday.

Macron noted in a wide-ranging interview with TV station France 2 that Iraqi authorities declared the Islamic State group defeated this month and said, "I think by mid-end February we will have won in Syria. Bashar Assad will be there."

Under those circumstances, "We have to talk to everybody, we have to talk to Bashar Al-Assad and his representatives," the French leader said, adding: "Afterward, he must answer for his crimes before his people, before international justice."
Macron: Talk to Assad now, he will answer for crimes later
So Assad has Russian support.

Russian support has not saved other dictators.

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