Unnecessary rise in anti-british xenophobia by american government due to BP spill?


Apr 28, 2010
after reading this article i wanted to know why nobody is mentioning the fact that most of BP's US operations are manned by americans. but the finger of accussation continuosly points at britain

Populist reaction to BP?is dangerous | City A.M.

just read this article because i think the obama abministration is being too agressive with bp, also i think our new prime minister should man up and stand up for bp and british economic interests

David Cameron must stand up to Barack Obama over BP – Telegraph Blogs

while obama points the finger at bp and britain ,Cameron should remind Obama that British soldiers are fighting and dying every day alongside their American allies on the battlefields of Afghanistan in a common cause, while most of the rest of Europe barely lifts a finger. and another thing why did the american companies that where involved get away scot free and also BP's american possessions are staffed and run by mostly americans due to americans making up 60% of the staff there in the states so why is only britain being blamed
Think that somewhere someone mentioned that, we are all to blame......and I would tend to agree. Has nothing to do with this word of the month XENOPHOBIA.
I think I fear what they are doing in Washington D.C. everyday, what shall we call that? :lol:
Here come the answers..........

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