University Campuses: Bastions of Censorship?

I think conservatives need to start taking some queues from the left. The one thing that the left does better than the right is make themselves heard. General traits I have noticed is that the left screams and yells in the form of protests and 'awareness' campaigns (especially on college campuses) a lot but they don't do very much. While the right kinda just goes about their business, getting done what needs doing without saying much.

If the right doesn't want to get completely trampled on college campuses they need to start making some noise. My observation in college as far as conservatism went was if you build it they will come. While the college I went to was not nearly as stiffling to the right there was of course a predominance of left leaning clubs and organizations and relative void of right clubs. My senior year (02-03) three friends and myself decided to remedy this by forming a conservative club. Today it is one of the larger clubs on campuses regularly hosting speakers and the like. The point is if a few people are willing to make a little noise they will find there are plenty of other like minded people willing to take up the cause as well.

The lessons I learned in my Poli Sci classes, taught by former radicals from the 60s, was how to give effect and voice to your viewpoint, no matter what that is. So, while I was a student leader in college, we used those same tactics to give voice to a more conservative message.

During the Gulf War, the left held sparsely attended "die-ins". We conservatives held boisterous Pro-Support rallies. Lots of signs, speakers, microphones and ending with a march around campus and up the main street in town which bordered campus. Of course we invited the press and made the front page of the paper (above the fold, with pic). Afterward, we were contacted by the Mayor's office to hold joint community pro-support rallies.

That was only one example, but we used "left-wing" tactics to support right-wing causes. It certainly confused many in the poli sci dept. It may have been some of the first times these kinds of things were done as political correctness was just on the rise at that time.

I also had a very thumbed-over and highlighted copy of Dinesh D'Sousa's Illiberal Education: The Politics of Race and Sex on Campus. It was a fantastic book on the subject. Its content is probably dated now though, superseded by far more outrageous examples.

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