University Campuses: Bastions of Censorship?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
More and more it seems that universities are not only controlling speech and thought, especially among underclassmen, but now even reading materials?


He was eventually exonerated, but only after some civil rights groups came to his aid:


May 9, 2008 --
IN November, I was found guilty of "racial harassment" for reading a public-library book on a university campus.

The book was Todd Tucker's "Notre Dame vs. the Klan: How the Fighting Irish Defeated the Ku Klux Klan"; I was reading it on break from my campus job as a janitor. The same book is in the university library.

Tucker recounts events of 1924, when the loathsome Klan was a dominant force in Indiana - until it went to South Bend to taunt the Irish Catholic students at the University of Notre Dame.

When the KKK tried to rally, the students confronted them. They stole Klan robes and destroyed their crosses, driving the KKK out of town in a downpour.

I read the historic encounter and imagined myself with these brave Irish Catholics, as they street-fought the Klan. (I'm part-Irish, and was raised Catholic.)

But that didn't stop the Affirmative Action Office of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis from branding me as a detestable Klansman.

They didn't want to hear the truth. The office ruled that my "repeatedly reading the book . . . constitutes racial harassment in that you demonstrated disdain and insensitivity to your co-workers."...

One of the groups, mentioned in the article was FIRE-which I came across today:

Video - Political Correctness Vs. Freedom Of Thought : Founding Bloggers

There's video at this site, along with more commentary and a link to FIRE.
Universities, once a bastion of free thought, expression , debate and discourse have become nothing but liberal, politically correct, free speech hating institutions.

Gone are the days when one was allowed to disagree.

The thought police are alive and well on university campuses.

just look what happens to students who voice their opinion.

FIRE - Hamline University Student Suspended After Advocating Concealed Carry for Students

ST. PAUL, Minn., October 10, 2007—Hamline University has suspended a student after he sent an e-mail suggesting that the Virginia Tech massacre might have been stopped if students had been allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus

Imagine, being suspended for being of the opinion that people should be allowed to carry weapons.

Who Will Stand Up For Campus Free Speech? (Forum)

Troy Scheffler, a graduate student at Hamline University in Minnesota, thinks that the Virginia Tech massacre might have been avoided if students had been allowed to carry concealed weapons. After e-mailing this opinion to the university president, he was suspended and ordered to undergo "mental health evaluation" before being allowed to return to school."]Troy Scheffler, a graduate student at Hamline University in Minnesota, thinks that the Virginia Tech massacre might have been avoided if students had been allowed to carry concealed weapons. After e-mailing this opinion to the university president, he was suspended and ordered to undergo "mental health evaluation" before being allowed to return to school.

Not only was troy suspended but the powers that be though he should have his head examined for even thinking that people should have the right to protect themselves.

FrontPage Magazine

Over the last 35 years, Cornell leftists have proven unable to control their Tourette-like impulses to censor conservative viewpoints. Last week, the far left-wing Student Assembly Finance Commission (SAFC) unilaterally defunded The Cornell American, the campus’ sole outlet for socially conservative journalism. The full Student Assembly (SA) — also dominated by liberal Democrats — will hear The American’s appeal, but recent vote counting suggests that a pro-censorship verdict will be sustained.

So much for freedom of speech at Cornell
What gets me is that I will almost be "forced" to send my children to these institutions and pay a s**tload of money to boot. These institutions are practically in a world by themselves. There doesn't seem to be any watch groups getting involved because they are proponents of liberal thinking. As long as you are liberal, you are ok. It's the conservatives they want to keep muzzled.

Did anyone watch Indoctrinate U?
What gets me is that I will almost be "forced" to send my children to these institutions and pay a s**tload of money to boot. These institutions are practically in a world by themselves. There doesn't seem to be any watch groups getting involved because they are proponents of liberal thinking. As long as you are liberal, you are ok. It's the conservatives they want to keep muzzled.

Did anyone watch Indoctrinate U?

Here is a list of conservative colleges for your children PC:
Where's the news.

Censorship has long been alive and well in America.

Try honest discussion about Israel, then try finding it in MSM.
Where's the news.

Censorship has long been alive and well in America.

Try honest discussion about Israel, then try finding it in MSM.

I would think you'd find the label of racist applied to a person, wrong, based upon the cover jacket or even the content. When such happens, it renders that charge irrelevant. It's literally up there with flag burning.

Bringing Israel into this thread is silly. I think we both know we have different perspectives on the topics.
It's just that the right howls that the left vilifies blacks such as Clarence Thomas, while ignoring the fact that some Jews within the Israel lobby do the same to other Jews who dare to criticize Israel.

you could start a thread about the weather today in Texas, and BlackasCoal would turn it into a discussion about Israel

The censorship at universities has been going on for nearly 20 years now, but most of the people behind it are foolish professors and upper middle class kids who kick and scream like 6 year olds when confronted with one person's opinion that won't impact their lives, but act rather passively when confronted with one person in need whose life they could impact.
Based upon my experiences down here, the region of the U.S. plays a huge role, too. People in the south are more conservative, and so you are going to find more conservative perspectives represented on college campuses down here. The faculty may be more liberal, but they're working with a heavily conservative population, and they can't censor that as easily.

In fact, I'd suggest that the other extreme comes into play, the faculty members have to work very hard to cultivate a variety of perspectives.
I think conservatives need to start taking some queues from the left. The one thing that the left does better than the right is make themselves heard. General traits I have noticed is that the left screams and yells in the form of protests and 'awareness' campaigns (especially on college campuses) a lot but they don't do very much. While the right kinda just goes about their business, getting done what needs doing without saying much.

If the right doesn't want to get completely trampled on college campuses they need to start making some noise. My observation in college as far as conservatism went was if you build it they will come. While the college I went to was not nearly as stiffling to the right there was of course a predominance of left leaning clubs and organizations and relative void of right clubs. My senior year (02-03) three friends and myself decided to remedy this by forming a conservative club. Today it is one of the larger clubs on campuses regularly hosting speakers and the like. The point is if a few people are willing to make a little noise they will find there are plenty of other like minded people willing to take up the cause as well.
Of course, most of the tales of the ACLU being liberal activists who despise religion and conservative activism are myths, but when has reality ever deterred anyone?

It's true. My Legislation class in no less a bastion of liberalism than American University, was taught by a chief counsel of the ACLU. (Shhhh....don't tell anyone, but he was pro-death penalty :eek:)

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