United States Currency Is Racist

Hobbit said:
Ok, here's my 2 cents.

"Artists" on money? No. Hell no. I hear all the time about music changing the world and music bringing people together. I hear so many people talk about the impact of music on the world. Lemme tell you the impact of music on the world. It's almost entirely either neutral or negative. Most good music stirs up very powerful emotions, but doesn't really change the course of societies and cultures. Bad music causes poor, black children to think of life on the streets as glamorous, so they stay poor and end up getting shot in a bad drug deal. Some musicians should have museums, memorials, or buildings named after them, not get their face on money.

"Diversity" in money? Look, punk, our money reflects our history, and you can't change history to be PC. Whenever enough women and black people do enough to pass our founding frickin' fathers in merit, then we'll start putting them on money. Until then, maybe we can put MLK on the back of some special edition quarter or the next horribly failed dollar coin. However, unlike college admissions, minorities on money is based solely on merit, so you'll have to earn it.

Where to start with this? Music doesn't change cultures? Music IS culture. It's one of the main signifiers of any culture. You know who Beethoven and Bach are, right? Who represents German culture more, them or politicians?

Don't call me "punk", punk. I read your post about what you're doing for a living. I'm way beyond that. Have some respect for your elders. Usually "punk" is something you call someone half your age. That's why I can call you punk.


:wank: :death: :wank: :2guns:
Nuc said:
C'mon, let's show a little imagination!

How about Edgar Allen Poe? Charlie Parker? Jackson Pollock? Hank Williams Sr.? Vince Lombardi? Billie Holiday? Jesse Owens? Tex Avery? Miles Davis? Elvis?

There are so many people who could be on the $$$$$ who are more interesting than some politicians.

If you want to put Hank Williams, Jesse Owens, or any of the others on a stamp, fine. Leave the currency alone. Money is kind of the economic face of a nation. Do you really not see the tackiness in buying goods with a $5 bill that has Elvis Presley on it? Do you really want to take George Washington off the $1 bill? Take off the father of the country, a man without whom we wouldn't have the independence to have this discussion, and replace him with the guy that sang "Hey Good Lookin'".

No. Save cultural icons for other things. Currency is fine the way it is.
insein said:
I dont think of the founders as politicians. They are not of the same slimy ilk that we have now running things in Washington. They were out there on the front lines bleeding their blood and fighting for the future of our country. Washington, Jeffereson, Hamilton, Jackson, Madison, Franklin, even Lincoln and Grant were made of different stuff then these posers today. They all shaped what this country has become and made this country great through their hard, HARD work and effort and sacrifice. Thats who i think should be on the money. Those that fought and sacrificed everything to create this nation or to keep intact at times of peril, like Jackson, Lincoln, Grant, McKinley, Wilson, FDR, Eisenhower and JFK. Even names like Susan B Anthony have a place on our money because of her efforts to change the course of the nation for the better.

People like Sacegewea and Grover Cleveland have no business being on our money. One was a PC gesture to pander to American Indians who had accepted defeat many years ago until the left tried to give them victory through lawsuits. The other was a pure politician. He had no significance in this country and is an example as to why people of very little merit should NOT be on money.

I can only think of a few individuals that should be on our money in the future. These are only possibilities. Reagan because of his efforts to end the Communist regime in the USSR. Martin Luther King Jr. because of his efforts to attain civil rights for minorities (despite said minorities squandering it.) Thats about it so far.

I would agree with this. As far as putting blacks (African-Americans, whatever) on money, King is the only person I can see most people agreeing with that actually deserves it. An argument could be made for Harriet Tubman, but I think she is still in the postage stamp catagory.
the founding fathers, their beliefs, what they stand for and what this country is built upon is there to reminde everyone....every day....it should not change......ever.

as for coins.....put whatever dumb ass you like on em
manu1959 said:
the founding fathers, their beliefs, what they stand for and what this country is built upon is there to reminde everyone....every day....it should not change......ever.

as for coins.....put whatever dumb ass you like on em
i think the founding fathers are turning over in their graves at what we have become as a nation with all the pissing and moaning and politcal correctness.
GotZoom said:
Why can't there be one African-American featured in our currency?” said a prominent African-American spokesman associated with the effort.

Note how this "prominent African-American" doesn't lobby for a specific black person on currency. Just "a" black person. How about O.J. on the ten? Point being, this isn't about ignoring race or overcoming it or setting it aside or proving how "irrelevant" it is --- quite the contrary. It's ALL ABOUT race, whenever, however, just get it. Which isn't a sentiment I completely dismiss. When I see a law firm promote its "diversity" on the brochure, I ask: can't they get ONE FREAKIN' WHITE MALE in there? (apparently not!)

Multiracialism will kill America. If it hasn't already.
Jimmyeatworld said:
I would agree with this. As far as putting blacks (African-Americans, whatever) on money, King is the only person I can see most people agreeing with that actually deserves it. An argument could be made for Harriet Tubman, but I think she is still in the postage stamp catagory.

Why not put one of the great black musicians on the currency? Everyone in the world knows how great Louis Armstrong (for one example) was.
Nuc said:
Why not put one of the great black musicians on the currency? Everyone in the world knows how great Louis Armstrong (for one example) was.

There are things I think appropriate for the suggestions you have made. However, US Currency as well as multi paragraphs in US history books are not amongst them. I do see Louis Armstrong on US Postal Stamp...
Kathianne said:
There are things I think appropriate for the suggestions you have made. However, US Currency as well as multi paragraphs in US history books are not amongst them. I do see Louis Armstrong on US Postal Stamp...

Black people have made a significant contribution to this country (despite being leakers in recent years). Do you think that should not be acknowledged? Choosing an artist would be a non-political way of doing that.

Or is it a consensus on this board that under no circumstances should a black face grace the currency? Not directed at you personally, but in general.
Nuc said:
Black people have made a significant contribution to this country (despite being leakers in recent years). Do you think that should not be acknowledged? Choosing an artist would be a non-political way of doing that.

Or is it a consensus on this board that under no circumstances should a black face grace the currency? Not directed at you personally, but in general.

See, you're contradicting your own liberal position here. Liberal position: Race Doesn't Matter. It's Irrelevant. People should be judged by their merits, not by their race.

But what you're advocating is racial representation.

Put a "black face" on a bill, and be done with it.


But that just reduces everyone to their racial category. See how it's inevitable in the multiracial society? See how it's not working? See how it's loaded with strife, mixed messages, tension, hatred, ill-will, screams, demands, blah blah blah? Peace be upon us. Separate the races. If blacks want their little greasy faces on currencies, they should start their own damn countries and print up their own damn money. They've got the whole effin' continent of Africa to get started, plus Haiti and a few other places. Yet nothing happens in those places but looting, hooting and Central Park wilding. The only currency appropriate for black faces is a U.S. welfare check.
Nuc said:
Black people have made a significant contribution to this country (despite being leakers in recent years). Do you think that should not be acknowledged? Choosing an artist would be a non-political way of doing that.

Or is it a consensus on this board that under no circumstances should a black face grace the currency? Not directed at you personally, but in general.

In no way do my opinions represent a concensus of the board, I think many would so strongly disagree with such, that Jim would never get a job and Darin would never keep his, for reason of anwering pm's. Won't happen. :)

My opinions are mine alone. Until well after the Civil War, blacks were not allowed the opportunities to 'significantly contribute' in a historical sense. They certainly were not allowed to in the late 1700's-early 1800's when the Founders/Framers were doing their things.

For currency, my take is stay with the early A team.

For stamps and certainly biography pages in American History, go with minorities.

On the other hand, do NOT devote more paragraphs to Louis Armstrong, or even Louis Pasteur than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, whatever their shortcomings, they provided major contributions to American History.
William Joyce said:
See, you're contradicting your own liberal position here. Liberal position: Race Doesn't Matter. It's Irrelevant. People should be judged by their merits, not by their race.

But what you're advocating is racial representation.

Put a "black face" on a bill, and be done with it.


But that just reduces everyone to their racial category. See how it's inevitable in the multiracial society? See how it's not working? See how it's loaded with strife, mixed messages, tension, hatred, ill-will, screams, demands, blah blah blah? Peace be upon us. Separate the races. If blacks want their little greasy faces on currencies, they should start their own damn countries and print up their own damn money. They've got the whole effin' continent of Africa to get started, plus Haiti and a few other places. Yet nothing happens in those places but looting, hooting and Central Park wilding. The only currency appropriate for black faces is a U.S. welfare check.

Not really Wm. I just happen to think that American music is one of the biggest contributions we have given to the world. Art doesn't know race or gender. But fact is that most of the greatest musicians we've produced have been black. And I think that's worthy of being included on the currency.
Kathianne said:
On the other hand, do NOT devote more paragraphs to Louis Armstrong, or even Louis Pasteur than George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, whatever their shortcomings, they provided major contributions to American History.

Great. My feeling is that culture is as important as history. Otherwise why bother trying to bring some beauty into the world?
Nuc said:
Not really Wm. I just happen to think that American music is one of the biggest contributions we have given to the world. Art doesn't know race or gender. But fact is that most of the greatest musicians we've produced have been black. And I think that's worthy of being included on the currency.

I dont know. I think Elvis, Eric Clapton, Metallica, Green Day, Nirvana, Stone temple Pilots, etc all have contributed much to Music and they are Americans. So why would we just go with Black musicians?

This is where we get into a problem. Musicians are musicians. Often they contribute a mood of the time. they reflect the era they were in. They don't change anything or progress through anything. They simply create music based on their view of the world around them. Thats not creating culture. Thats simply recording it.
insein said:
I dont know. I think Elvis, Eric Clapton, Metallica, Green Day, Nirvana, Stone temple Pilots, etc all have contributed much to Music and they are Americans. So why would we just go with Black musicians?

This is where we get into a problem. Musicians are musicians. Often they contribute a mood of the time. they reflect the era they were in. They don't change anything or progress through anything. They simply create music based on their view of the world around them. Thats not creating culture. Thats simply recording it.

That's why they call it "creativity" I suppose?

Clapton is English.
musicman said:
Would Mayor Nagin's likeness on a $2K debit card suffice?

:laugh: :clap1: :laugh: :clap1: :laugh: :clap1: :laugh: :clap1:

Ok now that that is out of my system. Currency should be reserved for the folks who transcended ordinary greatness. If you ask me, I would have no problem with imprinting the image of Medal of Honor recipients on currency. Problem is the average Ebonics spouting idiot, redneck knucklehead, or even ivy league elitist doesn't have a clue who has ever been awarded the medal. So we reserve it for folks who have risen so high that even brain dead skaterboyz vaguely (in between tricks) have a clue. In the future, when someone is determined to've met that standard, he or she will get a bill.
Nuc said:
Where to start with this? Music doesn't change cultures? Music IS culture. It's one of the main signifiers of any culture. You know who Beethoven and Bach are, right? Who represents German culture more, them or politicians?

Don't call me "punk", punk. I read your post about what you're doing for a living. I'm way beyond that. Have some respect for your elders. Usually "punk" is something you call someone half your age. That's why I can call you punk.


:wank: :death: :wank: :2guns:

I wasn't calling you a punk. That paragraph was directed towards those who think a black person should be put on money just because they want a black person on money. Your idea with musicians being on there isn't too bad, but I really think spots on American money are too honored to put anyone on there who didn't change the course of our country, and I really can't think of any musician who actually changed anything except music styles and how much teenagers think they're entitled to.
Nuc said:
Why not put one of the great black musicians on the currency? Everyone in the world knows how great Louis Armstrong (for one example) was.

I've already commented on that. I don't think currency is the proper place to put cultural icons and, no, not just black people.

Is music important to our culture? Yes. Did music or musicians give us our freedom or our way of life? No, but some might say it is an example of having those freedoms. I think we should keep people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson on our currency as a reminder that there were once people with bold ideas that gave us the freedom to listen to Louis Armstrong. Images of cultural icons are already everywhere else. We shouldn't give them the one thing we all see that honors the people that actually gave us this country, and fought to keep it.

Also, I wonder about the future. If we are here today even entertaining the idea of putting Hank Williams, Louis Armstrong, or Elvis Presley on money, where will it go in 20, 30, or 40 years? I don't even like to consider the possibility of Britney Spears being considered for the $10 bill. How about Eminem on the quarter, or 50 Cent on the... penny. Some traditions just shouldn't be touched, and I think this is one of them.

Let's turn this the other way. Why the insistence on changing currency? What is the problem with honoring cultural icons with a postage stamp, or even a commemorative coin?
Nuc said:
Black people have made a significant contribution to this country (despite being leakers in recent years). Do you think that should not be acknowledged? Choosing an artist would be a non-political way of doing that.

Or is it a consensus on this board that under no circumstances should a black face grace the currency? Not directed at you personally, but in general.

I think the consensus is that a Musician should not grace the currency, it doesn't matter what their "color" might be. Elvis on the $50? Come now, currency isn't like stamps where we commemorate such contributions as music and art as well as science. The currency has the pictures of those of Historical Importance. I would suggest somebody like Frederick Douglass on a bill and don't know why he was missed, he was a major player in the Civil War and the conscience of the President...
Jimmyeatworld said:
Also, I wonder about the future. If we are here today even entertaining the idea of putting Hank Williams, Louis Armstrong, or Elvis Presley on money, where will it go in 20, 30, or 40 years? I don't even like to consider the possibility of Britney Spears being considered for the $10 bill. How about Eminem on the quarter, or 50 Cent on the... penny. Some traditions just shouldn't be touched, and I think this is one of them.

This is the best argument against it yet. Hopefully in 50 years the people you mention will be forgotten. Maybe not, though!

Pretty safe bet that Louis Armstrong's place in both music and American history is assured. He did quite a bit of traveling as a cultural ambassador for the State Dept.

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