United Nations Human Rights Council...sides with China in it's violent crack down on Hong Kong. Of course they do.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The U.N. should be disbanded and we should stop funding the madness...

In Orwellian fashion, the U.N. Human Rights Council supports violent monsters around the world...

The United Nations Human Rights Council has become notorious for opposing basic human rights and siding with communist nations and dictatorships, since so many of these countries have been allowed a seat on the council.

The latest example of the council’s flippancy toward human rights came this weekend, when delegates from Cuba delivered a statement praising China’s adoption of a national security law imposed on Hong Kong. The United Kingdom offered a statement condemning China’s new law. As has come to be expected with the HRC, which allowed China to join its ranks on April 1 of this year, the council overwhelmingly supported Cuba’s statement praising China’s actions toward Hong Kong. In total, 53 countries ended up backing China’s new law while 27 condemned it.

The International Business Times reported that critics of China’s new law “cited harsh penalties for vaguely defined political crimes and claimed it was the death knell for Hong Kong’s autonomy.” Axios obtained a list of the countries that supported or opposed China’s actions:

Its a ok what Hong Kong were rioting last summer, stormed the airport, they wanted to save the alleged killer.
Its a ok what Hong Kong were rioting last summer, stormed the airport, they wanted to save the alleged killer.

What alleged killer, you doofus...

You are actually siding with the communist Chinese against a free people...you really are a monster.
You are actually siding with the communist Chinese against a free people...you really are a monster.
A shockingly stupid monster. She can't even compose a simple legible sentence. The syntax of a five year old.
The UN doesn't care about Black lives at all. And so what makes y'all think that they give a damn about the yellow man.


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