United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice Totally VINDICATED

7 hours of fighting and yet Obama couldn't get a single fucking plane there?
3 weeks of lieing and kissing the islamis ass...Yet, he says he didn't?


Hey, retard, this thread is about Susan Rice being VINDICATED.

You're the retarded that wants to go back into the woods asshole. Who the fuck listens to a idiot.
Why do you NaziCons hate Susan Rice? She is a brilliant lady and has been a great UN ambassador. She would also be a great Secretary of State.

She might be brilliant too ...I have never seen anybody lying like she did ..with such a straight face! NEVER!

Yes that was definitely an Oscar performance by her. Clinton was the greatest liar of the last century and she may have won for this century already.

:lol::lol::lol: Yes! She won! Lord what a performance! :clap2:
Thankfully, most Americans don't buy the NaziCon conspiracy theories and lies. That was proven on November 6.
Did she have access to the classified talking points? Everyone else seemed to know the video story was a lie. How come she didn't? Either way she is unqualified to become secretary of state.
She simply used the unclassified talking points signed off on by the entire intelligence community.

Another NaziCon conspiracy theory thoroughly debunked by facts in today's hearing with General Petraeus.

Susan Rice Libya Remarks Defended By Democrats Deploring Efforts To 'Pillory' UN Ambassador

The huffpo?...Gee, what a balanced and unbiased source.
Rice either knew and lied. Or was trotted out by the White House with script in hand.
Rice appeared on FIVE Sunday am shows the week of the terror attack. You don;t get on 5 shows unless you call and ask to be on. Obviously Rice had something to say. Because she in effect represents the admin regarding foreign affairs, she got the assignment.
She was told what to say and to feed the lie.
This terror attack was viewed in real time. The WH Situation Room was alerted and the proper people were in place. The Admin IGNORED several requests to send security assistance. The last message of three were that the Consulate was in danger of imminent attack. Finally the Situation Room was informed via cable that the consulate was under attack.
There is so much covering up here it's gotten out of control.
Heads will roll. Or Obama will chuck duck dive and roll to save his chosen few.
Obama's knight in shining armor routine the other day was laughable.
"Take me on"...Oh boy....
No. It was bizzare to have her speak on the issue to begin with.
If that Rice has any dignity left in her , she should decline to be Secretary of State.... what a shameless woman!
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So the administration sent her out with unclassified talking points that did not mention terrorist or terrorism as the motive while they had the un sanitized one's that made quite clear this was a terrorist attack the President said do not go after Rice go after me very well. Mr President why did your administration send Susan Rice out with talking points you knew were inaccurate? Second Mr President why did your administration continue to push a story you knew was false for two to three weeks after the attack? Why were security concerns by the ambassador not addressed? Why was security reduced? Why did we not have a contingent of Marines providing security which is pretty standard for embassies and consulate's?
Obamination to Rice....."Uh, I want you to go out and claim the sky is purple."
Rice..."Ok, the sky is purple."
Obamination...."Uh, ok. Stick to your talking points because the sky is orange, uh I mean purple."

Liberals in the media and in their ghetto/trailer park...."Rice just told the truth because she was told the sky was purple. Republicans are evil people for questioning her statement about the sky."

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