Unintended Consequences..liberia Formed By Freed African American Slaves Returns With Ebola...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Ironic isn't it?
Liberia is the only country in Africa founded by United States colonization while occupied by native Africans. Beginning in 1820, the region was colonized by African Americans, most of whom were freed slaves. The colonizers (who later become known as Americo-Liberians) established a new country with the help of theAmerican Colonization Society, a private organization whose leaders thought former slaves would have greater opportunity in Africa. African captives freed from slave ships by the British and Americans were sent there instead of being repatriated to their countries of origin.
Liberia - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Returns the favor by exporting Ebola...

Just pointing out the law of unintended consequences..194 years later...
In the social sciences, unintended consequences (sometimes unanticipated consequences or unforeseen consequences) are outcomes that are not the ones intended by a purposeful action.

Maybe we should learn to stop before we REACT! Think before we EMOTE!
Liberia is yet another failed black state. A lot of the failure is due to racism from blacks. When the american blacks moved there 200 years ago they looked down on the native blacks because they were blacker and less educated.

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