Unfolding Syrian Developments Will Seriously Stain The Conscience of The West!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The humanity of the West has dropped dramatically in the last twenty to thirty years, Western countries twenty or thirty years ago would never let the human catastrophe unfolding in northwestern Syria, Idlib province, occur; they would use their military heft to stop the shocking loss of civilian life that is in the process of unfolding! Granted American and the United Kingdom political leadership seemed consumed with throwing red meat to their political bases and are forgetting that countries have a duty toward the world if a country doesn't try to stop alarming abuses that occur outside itself, that is in other parts of the world, than it loses the moral claim that it should be stopped when the evil comes knocking on its country's door; but what about all you conventional Western countries! I am really surprised at the leaders of Germany and France, Andrea Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, where is your responsible leadership in this area. Ms. Merkel has had a career as a first rate leader, will she end her political career as a timid and weak German Chancellor? Emmanuel Macron is certainly not upholding France's reputation as a country that is a leader in standing up against scandalous human rights abuses and violations of international law as demonstrated by the presidencies of Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy!

It is readily militarily doable here to stop the large scale deaths of Syrian civilians what NATO and willing partner countries do is set up a zone barrier between the shrinking pocket of the Syrian rebels in Idlib Provence and the Syrian Army alliance forces the length of the zone only has to be about one hundred and twenty five miles long and NATO countries can impose a no fly zone against the Russian and Syrian Airforce over this pocket and the NATO barrier zone. This will stabilize the dangerous humanitarian crisis for the civilians in this region allow aid groups to establish survival camps for these people to stop the deaths. Over ensuing years when it is clear that Bashar Assad is not going on a revenge death campaign against Sunni Syrians throughout Syria the refugees in this NATO protected pocket can be resettled in Sunni areas of Syria. This would actually probably create leverage against Assad not to go on a revenge rampage against Sunni Syrians throughout Syria because otherwise he wouldn't get Idlib Provence back which would help create the situation where the four plus million Syrian refugees in Turkey and Jordan could safely return to Syria. The West stopped ethnic cleansing in Kosovo and stopped the massive human slaughter that was to occur in Benghazi, Libya back in 2011 at the hands of the dictator Muammar Qaddafi. The West, vis-à-vis European Union countries could lead an international coalition to stop the impending ten thousand plus civilian deaths that will occur in Syria over the next year if the West doesn't intervene; from a practical standpoint the European Union might want to consider that it is easier and better for them to try to solve this problem in Syria than deal with this problem in their own countries in regards to dealing with the flood of Syrian refugees trying to settle in their country!
Naked savages news. Not of interest.

If Muslims want to kill each other, I think that is very public-spirited of them. Fire at will.

Syria is no more important than whatever is going on in the Congo, and has been for 20--25 years, and who cares?? No one except them and the gorillas, and the Congolese are the ones doing it, and they live there, so whatever. Enjoy.

Same deal with Afghanistan. YES if we leave they'll kill each other ---- but why say that as if it's a bad thing??
Calamity and tragedy has been taking place in Muslim nations forever...not a damn thing we can do about it....and so since their oil is not as rare as it use to be we can and should split the scene....like I always say...war doesn't end until one side is beaten into submission....you may have breaks in the action but the war is ongoing until one side kills off the other...all our involvement does is further the destruction....
There are only two possibly political outcomes in Islamic Arab countries. They are either governed by strong armed leaders who are fairly secular, or they are governed by the chaos unleashed when all the inbreds start vying for control and persecute other clans.

The problem here is all the do- gooder
numb nuts who think that removing the strong armed leader will suddenly result in puppies and rainbows and unicorns. It won't and the reason it won't has to do with the fact that these are inbreds who adhere to a culture completely alien to ours in the civilized part of the world, and so they react like inbred Arabs react, and not like post enlightenment Westerners react.

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