Understanding "Replacement Theory"....It's A Fact

I don't disagree generally but where we find that racism in the north and Midwest we find Republican voters dismissing it, further proving the Republican party as the white racist party. The study that was just released about the Minneapolis police dept, the same one Chauvin belonged to when he murdered George Floyd found disportionate use of force primarily against black residents and the Republican party here, on their news networks and in Congress largely dismiss it's findings.

Confederates rebeled against the government in order to preserve slavery. Black civil rights activists in the south rebelled against that racist government as well and they happened to be on the right side of history so why not cost them as your symbols of pride?

Because there were the symbol of the region when they rebelled as a region against the central government.

The bit where you pretend to be too retarded to know that happened? You are really pretending to be really fucking retarded.

Because there were the symbol of the region when they rebelled as a region against the central government.

The bit where you pretend to be too retarded to know that happened? You are really pretending to be really fucking retarded.

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You keep forgetting the fact that they rebelled in order to preserve slavery.
You keep forgetting the fact that they rebelled in order to preserve slavery.

No one forgot. We as a nation have focused on the valor and service of the fighting men, defending their homes, not the prime cause of the war.

I like that you pretend to be retarded, so that you can pretend to not know that. Why don't you change your username to Retarded Goat?

It would be more fitting. Considering how often you have to pretend to be fucking retarded.
No one forgot. We as a nation have focused on the valor and service of the fighting men, defending their homes, not the prime cause of the war.

I like that you pretend to be retarded, so that you can pretend to not know that. Why don't you change your username to Retarded Goat?

It would be more fitting. Considering how often you have to pretend to be fucking retarded.
Shouldnt decent people be rooting for slavers to be slaughtered and over thrown?
Shouldnt decent people be rooting for slavers to be slaughtered and over thrown?

War's over. Long before you were born. Better men that you fought, and died to win it, and the veterans forgave and forgot long ago.

For you to have a hissy fit over it, is just you being a drama fag. TRy to be less of a pathetic loser.

Now, those symbols are harmless symbols of regional pride. As you well know.
I'm admitting it to you right now moron. 🤣

Not really. You are still playing silly fag games like

a. focusing on confederates when you hate all whites.

b. lying about your concerns over wacism, when it is all about your desire to take down your enemy, ie white people.

c. hiding behind your username, like a pussy.
War's over. Long before you were born. Better men that you fought, and died to win it, and the veterans forgave and forgot long ago.
No. Pieces of shits died for a lost cause, I'm only sad I wasn't around to laugh in the face of their widows and children. And why not? Shouldn't decent people be rooting for slavers to be slaughtered and over thrown? That's a very simple and basic sentiment. You should want slavers to lose and lose completely if you are a decent person.
For you to have a hissy fit over it, is just you being a drama fag. TRy to be less of a pathetic loser.
I'm not having any sort of hissy fit. 😁 I love telling white racists these simple truths. You should want slavers to fail. You should want their slaves to rise up and slaughter them. If you were a decent human being. 😁 Go ahead and try and deny that.
Now, those symbols are harmless symbols of regional pride. As you well know.
I'm glad you clowns decided to be overt in your pride of slavers. It clearly defines who the bad guys are.
It’s the GOP that fears voters. If blacks voted conservative, the GOP would never have had to invent the Southern Strategy. But the Southern White Christian Conservatives left the Democratic Party and infected the old GOP

Your citation is a perfect example of the GOP trying to do its own version of racial pandering. Both sides are guilty of it, but trying to curry favor with the NAACP by appealing to a false narrative whether it involves pretending guilt or guilt among the opposition is deceitful.

Granted, the NAACP itself has outlived its usefulness to begin with.
I don't disagree generally but where we find that racism in the north and Midwest we find Republican voters dismissing it, further proving the Republican party as the white racist party. The study that was just released about the Minneapolis police dept, the same one Chauvin belonged to when he murdered George Floyd found disportionate use of force primarily against black residents and the Republican party here, on their news networks and in Congress largely dismiss it's findings.
Perhaps, but Democrats tend to dismiss the facts that lessen Floyd's innocence. He was not exactly a model citizen. Also, Democrats tended to dismiss the complicating factors like Floyd's drug overdose effects that he was suffering even before the knee was placed on him. They also tend to dismiss the hostile crowd reaction that kept emergency services from reaching Floyd in a timely manner and which caused the police to act defensively.

In short, racial tension isn't a one way street. Bad behavior is common among police, suspects, and protesters.

To me, the big picture is looking at who benefits most from the working class fighting amongst itself over things like race, sex, orientation, and gender identity.
No. Pieces of shits died for a lost cause, I'm only sad I wasn't around to laugh in the face of their widows and children. And why not? Shouldn't decent people be rooting for slavers to be slaughtered and over thrown? That's a very simple and basic sentiment. You should want slavers to lose and lose completely if you are a decent person.

It's a simple sentiment. From a simple child.

LIke I said, the better men that actually won that war, saw it differently and were happy to forgive and forget.

For a pussy like you to talk tough generations after someone else paid the price to win teh war,

is you being the world's big pussy.

I'm not having any sort of hissy fit. 😁 I love telling white racists these simple truths. You should want slavers to fail. You should want their slaves to rise up and slaughter them. If you were a decent human being. 😁 Go ahead and try and deny that.

You are talking shit about a war that was over before your grandfather was born. That is you have a fag hissy fit. .

I'm glad you clowns decided to be overt in your pride of slavers. It clearly defines who the bad guys are.

And you are still lying. Because you are a cowardly pussy.
Because there were the symbol of the region when they rebelled as a region against the central government.

The bit where you pretend to be too retarded to know that happened? You are really pretending to be really fucking retarded.
As far as the Confederacy goes, they seceded over slavery.

The catch is that the North did not enter war over slavery. It was to "preserve the Union". Slavery was an afterthought. The North deserves credit for ending slavery, but it was not the casus belli.
As far as the Confederacy goes, they seceded over slavery.

The catch is that the North did not enter war over slavery. It was to "preserve the Union". Slavery was an afterthought. The North deserves credit for ending slavery, but it was not the casus belli.

Abe Lincoln talked a lot of conflicting talk. He said that he was fighting to preserve teh union. But it that was really his concern, he should never had run for that office.
Abe Lincoln talked a lot of conflicting talk. He said that he was fighting to preserve teh union. But it that was really his concern, he should never had run for that office.
Lincoln was definitely much more of a political pragmatist than is traditionally assumed. People seem to have this glowing idealist view of him, but he was actually very shrewd in general.

The reason I bring up this nuance on slavery is because he did not free slaves in certain Union controlled areas (like in Kentucky) during the war. He realized that he needed the support of certain slaveowners to win the war.
Lincoln was definitely much more of a political pragmatist than is traditionally assumed. People seem to have this glowing idealist view of him, but he was actually very shrewd in general.

The reason I bring up this nuance on slavery is because he did not free slaves in certain Union controlled areas (like in Kentucky) during the war. He realized that he needed the support of certain slaveowners to win the war.

Was he? I mean some times he talked like a pragmatist, and sometime like an abolitionist radical.

It is worth noting that his words conflicted, but he ACTIONS were that he wages a bloody war against the South and just happened to find a "pragmatic" reason to free the slaves.

IMO, the real Lincoln was the radical abolitionist.

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