
Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
A case of ultimately painful fibromyalgia changed me from thinking physicians could cure anything. True, my Grandma used what she called "Black Salve" to put on every wound, abrasion and bruise from my early memories of living in her house with mom, my brother, and grandpa, but she also saw to it we saw a physician when it came to inoculations or reducing an emergency health threat; eye doctors; and dentists. Fibromyalgia can strike anyone, although it picks on women and tends to follow a 6-week case of low-grade flu-like symptoms. After that, there is no reprieve from excruciating pain that roams and changes locations in the body like hormones change a teenager's moods. It also lowers one's resistance to diseases by making a very negative change in the victim's immune response that is usually seen only in elderly people over the age of 95.

First, it took my first trip to the doctor's office with a list of 25 health issues. He told me to be quiet and listen after I had read off the first 7 issues. He looked straight at me and said, "You have given me every reason to think that you have a condition we know as "fibromyalgia," and I left his office confused with a prescription for a product called "Neurontin" which blocks pain at the spinal level. I faithfully took it for the first two weeks, when my husband called my attention to a number of consecutive errors I had made on customer invoices that included not only overcharges, but also undercharges, not to mention the tallies had every imaginable error on them that I had caught, refigured twice, often coming up with a third answer. I had been an award-winning statistical typist in my boss's office who was pleased he never had to correct any of my pages after the first week of training. Stat typists have to learn numbers better than or as well as alphabets, and the best we had back this was manual and primitive electric typewriters in which you had to do all the math separately from the keyboard. lol He was a CPA, and his past secretaries seemed to think he was overbearing. I didn't, and liked the raises I got for accuracy. Back to the problem of my little but constant mathematical errors, I decided to look up the side effects of my medicine. I didn't find much, but I grew suspicious it could be causing my confusing little math errors, so I quit it in spite of the pain, and my little math errors went away after 3 days, but I started missing days at work due to screaming out loud pain that Fibromyalgia was in my case, no breaks. Just to insure that I didn't cheat my customers or my business any more, I put up with a lot of pain, a lot of absenteeism from the business I loved (I now owned my own quilt store), and customers responded pretty well, except it was hard to keep employees who resented the customers knowing more than they did about picking out fabrics for their families' enjoyment when they made a quit. Eventually, though, I spent more and more days in bed trying to stay asleep, since that was really the only relief I ever got for 5 years. One bleary-eyed morning at 3 am, I flipped channels, and landed on a channel in which one of my favorite singing stars when I was a kid was talking about a product that improved his golf game. I was getting ready to change channels when I heard the words, "....and my wife has fibromyalgia, and this product that improved my golf game made her pain go away..." I ordered some, and my work attendance was better, I stopped having constant pain, and I felt like my life had improved on account of herbs. The pain was gone, but the autoimmune issues stayed. I continued to have one cold after another long after cold season had passed. The summers were nice, however, for the first time in six or seven years. And fatigue took its toll on some days. Fibromyalgia is a complex disorder, and it welcomes in many ugly sister relatives into its' host's body. But the pain was less frequently for the first time, and that made me very cheerful.

So I dedicate this site to celebrate home remedies doctors do not know about, because the medicine industry has become more about making hard working and smart people wealthy millionaires in less time than it took me to find a partial remedy for my little garden-run case of fibromyalgia.

I toast the idea of herbs and remedies that doctors' supervisors in medical schools do not want them to know about since you can't profit from remedies people can find in nature or grow in their yards for cures to health problems have been around since Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. Please share your herbal knowledge, or can share from your grandmother's wisdom cures that worked.

Never confuse a good diet with a good doctor. Doctors study pathology, which is the science of what went wrong to cause illness in humans when they thought everything they were doing would make them live forever. I'm not a physician. I'm a person who had to fight for her life in a disease that ends if you find the cause only, and doesn't end at all if you have a doctor who sees you only as a cash cow or as a person who has a long list of ailments upon arrival to his or her office because the disease fibromyalgia is so complex, I resorted to calling it the stupid disease. It seems to have a mind of its own, and it relies on friends to aggravate its sufferer even more. My new doctor when we moved to Texas found my issue, and my fibromyalgia of almost 20 years was gone a year after tow of my parathyroids were surgically removed and stopped the antagonism that excessive calcium causes pain in the body's muscle fibers.

I'm now fighting arthritic and joint pain issues and needed a place to record beneficial herbs to the condition that, being food, do not cause as many allergic reactions as medicines and inoculations have caused due to a pretty lousy inflammatory response in my immune system that was likely set off kilter by one of fibromyalgia's little partners who wasn't affected by calcium overdoses the 2 bad parathyroids were issuing.
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I know a guy who tried some of the OPs remedies. His dick fell off.
A little bird told me that a natural substance called rutin is beneficial in fighting the problems of the worst kinds of arthritis. So I just looked it up
Ruta graveolens
Rue and rutin

Apple peels have rutin in them.

Rutin is one of the most powerful flavonoids, abundant in many plants, fruits, and vegetables. As a strong antioxidant, rutin can fight inflammation and protect the heart and brain. It also reduces bruising and helps with vein problems.
What is Rutin?
Rutin, also known as vitamin P or rutoside, is an important flavonoid. Many plants, fruits, and vegetables are a rich source of rutin, such as apples, passion flower, buckwheat, and tea. The name “rutin” comes from the plant Rue (Ruta graveolens), which also contains rutin. Eating foods rich in rutin on a daily basis has an array of benefits for the whole body [1, 2].

Like all flavonoids, rutin is an antioxidant. It’s one of the most important and well-researched flavonoids. It protects the cells and has anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting potential. By its widespread action, rutin can protect the heart, liver, brain, and bones [1, 2, 3].

How It Works (Mechanisms)
Rutin is not an especially large flavonoid, but specific parts of its molecule interact with different systems in the body, such as the brain, heart, or blood vessels.

For example, rutin contains two bound sugar molecules, which enhance its antioxidant effects on the brain [4].

Overall, rutin acts by [4]:

  • Protecting brain cells from damage
  • Blocking inflammatory enzymes (phospholipase A2), similar to corticosteroids but without the side effects
  • Reducing oxidative stress and free radicals
  • Safely lowering high blood pressure, affecting similar pathways as drugs used for high blood pressure (blocks ACE)
  • Boosting acetylcholine (by clocking the enzyme that degrades it, AChE)
  • Binding to and neutralizing toxic compounds that build up in the body if exposed to radiation
  • Relaxing blood vessels
12 rutin benefits (see link below for better explanations and documentation of scientific studies):

1. reduces varicose veins in pregnancy and plus reduces leg swelling in older adults and workers who stand a lot on the job.
2. reduces bleeding and pain of hemorrhoids
3. benefits the brain, memory, and the hippocamus (brain memory hub), fetal brain development, too.
4. reduces inflammation, increases brain cell survival in brain disorders of aging, acts as antidepressant
5. protects heart, reduces blood pressure
6. reduces glycation in diabetics
7. reduces LDL and total cholesterol
8. boosts antioxidant liver enzymes, preventing liver disease
9. slows onset of osteoporosis by increasing bone demineralization
10. may slow aging and protect skin
11. strengthens capillaries and reduces bruising
12. as a flavonoid, rutin protects organs and likely fights cancer before it starts *This is the only one I am linking to a page that explains chemopreventive effects of dietary polyphenols in colorectal cancer. I have highlighted the mention of rutin below:​

12 Rutin Benefits + Foods, Supplements & Side Effects - SelfHacked

Nutr Res. 2011 Feb;31(2):77-87. doi: 10.1016/j.nutres.2011.01.006.
Chemopreventive effect of dietary polyphenols in colorectal cancer cell lines.
Araújo JR1, Gonçalves P, Martel F.
Author information

Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most fatal and the third most diagnosed type of cancer worldwide. Despite having multifactorial causes, most CRC cases are mainly determined by dietary factors. In recent years, a large number of studies have attributed a protective effect to polyphenols and foods containing these compounds (fruits and vegetables) against CRC. Indeed, polyphenols have been reported to interfere with cancer initiation, promotion, and progression, acting as chemopreventive agents. The aim of this review is to summarize the main chemopreventive properties of some polyphenols (quercetin, rutin, myricetin, chrysin, epigallocatechin-3-gallate, epicatechin, catechin, resveratrol, and xanthohumol) against CRC, observed in cell culture models. From the data reviewed in this article, it can be concluded that these compounds inhibit cell growth, by inducing cell cycle arrest and/or apoptosis; inhibit proliferation, angiogenesis, and/or metastasis; and exhibit anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant effects. In turn, these effects involve multiple molecular and biochemical mechanisms of action, which are still not completely characterized. Thus, caution is mandatory when attempting to extrapolate the observations obtained in CRC cell line studies to humans.

Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

[Indexed for MEDLINE]​
So . . . . you never mentioned what that TV product was you took that worked for 10 years.
Do you or a loved one have fibromyalgia? I believe my source was Medical Doctor's Research Institute, and their web seems to still be up:

They're really good, and if you know someone who is suffering uncontrollable pain, has lost her job (or his) due to absenteeism, this could help that person out. It took me about 4 days to be free of pain when I started it, and I took it for over 10 years until my surgery reversed the underlying problems of fibromyalgia, but not her sister ugliers.

Edit: Please forgive me, toobfreak, the product worked until I got surgery for 2 of my 4 parathyroids. Then the pain left after about a year. That's when I discontinued it. The other paragraph which I removed was about another product. I'm sorry I got it confused, because it's been a while ago. I just like knowing what substances and why they work. After finding rutin in 3 or 4 places this morning, I decided I'd like to recall what it does and that's why I left it here. It seems to be present in apples.

Maybe after reading my first real contribution (rutin) and what it does, I hope you just take my findings with a grain of salt. I'm up in years, and my legs have been swelling. If I knew then what I know after this morning, I'd just start eating an apple a day until the swelling goes away, unless eating an apple a day doesn't do it. Rutin is also present in asparagus, which I like. I may be buying Apples and Asparagus on a weekly basis just as soon as they fix my truck transmission and I can go to the store again. Thanks for asking about my source. I hope it benefits someone you know or yourself, if that was why you asked about it. They're reliable, and if you move and contact them, they will get it out to you on the double. And my movie star's name was Pat Boone. He's a golfer and was having some muscular issues due to aging. His wife heard about its fibromyalgia magic, and he said it worked. He was telling the truth. I apologize for my mistake. I need to start eating an apple a day to reopen some neurons upstairs. hahaha!
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Whether in soups, vegetable trays, topped with peanut butter or added to a dish, most people have consumed celery in one way, shape or form. That’s a good thing because the benefits of celery — not to mention celery seed — begin with it being an excellent source of antioxidants and beneficial enzymes, in addition to vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, folate and vitamin B6.

Administered as an anti-hypertensive agent in folk medicine for centuries, celery continues to prove that it has many cardiovascular benefits. In fact, in pharmacological studies, celery demonstrates both antioxidant nutrients and anti-inflammatory activities that help improve blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as prevent heart disease.

Celery also provides dietary fiber — especially when you eat more than one cup at a time — that boosts digestion and weight loss. In addition, celery’s high percentage of water and electrolytes can prevent dehydration, and special compounds help celery act as a diuretic and reduce bloating. As a supplier of antioxidant flavonoids and polyphenol phytonutrients, such as phthalides, other significant benefits of celery include its ability to improve liver, skin, eye and cognitive health.​

Top 10 Health Benefits of Celery
  1. Helps Lower High Cholesterol
  2. Lowers Inflammation
  3. Prevents or Treats High Blood Pressure
  4. Helps Prevent Ulcers
  5. Protects Liver Health
  6. Benefits Weight Loss
  7. Boosts Digestion and Reduces Bloating
  8. Contains Antimicrobial Properties that Fight Infections
  9. Helps Prevent Urinary Tract Infections
  10. May Help Protect from Cancer
Recommend the scientific whys and wherefores of what each benefit does on a molecular or biochemical level is located here: Benefits of Celery + Nutrition Facts and Recipes - Dr. Axe
Fresh celery benefits nutrition thanks to all the tremendous vitamins and minerals it contains. One cup of chopped, raw celery (about 101 grams) contains approximately:
  • 16.2 calories
  • 3.5 grams carbohydrates
  • 0.7 gram protein
  • 0.2 gram fat
  • 1.6 grams fiber
  • 29.6 micrograms vitamin K (37 percent DV)
  • 453 international units (9 percent DV)
  • 36.5 micrograms folate (9 percent DV)
  • 263 milligrams potassium (8 percent DV)
  • 3.1 milligrams vitamin C (5 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram manganese (5 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram vitamin B6 (4 percent DV)
  • 40.4 milligrams calcium (4 percent DV)
  • 0.1 milligram riboflavin (3 percent DV)
  • 11.1 milligrams magnesium (3 percent DV)
Celery also contains some vitamin E, niacin, pantothenic acid, iron, phosphorus, zinc and selenium.
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So . . . . you never mentioned what that TV product was you took that worked for 10 years.
Do you or a loved one have fibromyalgia? I believe my source was Medical Doctor's Research Institute

No, I'm just a herbologist and was curious what was so effective for the pain. Their stuff is just chondroitin and hyaloronic acid--- --- good stuff for sure the body needs, just nothing new. You can get that anywhere. Not sure why that would stop being effective, more likely for FM just got much worse.

Carrot & Carrot Juice Benefit Your Body
Carrot Juice: The Benefits of Carrots & Juicing - Dr. Axe

By Jillian Levy, CHHC
March 5, 2015
Carrots are one of the most popular, versatile vegetables in the world! Whether they are eaten raw, cooked or as carrot juice, people from nearly every culture have consumed carrots — in their many forms — throughout history.

While carrots are known for their signature orange color, they actually come in a variety of colors. They can be found in shades of purple, yellow, white and red; however, you will most often see these in the U.S. when you shop at your local farmer’s market.

Carrots get their color from antioxidants called carotenoids. One of these carotenoids is beta carotene, a precursor to active vitamin A that is responsible for many of the carrot and carrot juice benefits that we know about today. Many studies have shown that beta carotene is crucial for improving immunity in the body, protecting skin and eye health, and fighting free radical damage that can cause various forms of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. (1)

Carrots have a wealth of valuable nutrition and when you juice them, you can get a concentrated dose of their healing power. From balancing blood sugar, improving blood health, relieving congestion, fighting inflammation and cleansing the kidneys to protecting eyesight, brain function and fighting Leukemia, carrot juice benefits can help nearly every part of your body!​


What I love about the particular website above is that it tells how so well what action in the chemical makeup of a raw vegetable takes inside the body, what it becomes, processes, and what terrible diseases it is known to prevent through many studies not only by nutritional sciences, but oftentimes they mention a culture that has an absence of certain diseases that includes the named vegetable as a sole or partner with other foods the society eats that contributes to this health happening in that area of the world. Many nations lack our resources, which actually get us into a lot of trouble, such as eating too much junk food, some of which are traitors to the person eating them. For example, I've seen families take their children into restaurants and instead of ordering them fruit juice or milk, they ignore the fact that if those children do not get the right amount of calcium, they could start breaking bones before their childhood is over, and die in a car crash people with good bone structures might survive.

So much so, I hated not to transfer the information from 1-10 on celery, because some of the things it protects are so specific, people might be able to say "Oh, I've got that condition. Maybe I should eat celery now and then in order to fix my problem, because no one else has mentioned it to me in the hospital where I went when I first succumbed to this recurring problem."

Doctors do not take nutrition, and may or may not be aware that instead of recommending a medicine on an empty stomach (which takes about 100 minutes or even more in some people) it's a little hard on seniors who may not be tuned in to a certain timetable due to other activities or meetings they attend that could interfere with their daily routine. And even if these senior people took a health course on age-related expectations from fetus to age 114, they may revert to eating habits they had at age 16 and gain 10 pounds a month until their clothes no longer fit. If they are really into denial, they may blame their clothing misfits to an inanimate object such as "that darn dryer has always been too hot and now is so hot it shrinks my clothes!!!" So the beat goes on, and obesity at age 60 is harder to get back to a reasonable weight as it is for a cocaine user to stop using their pacifier for enjoying oblivion rather than the real life they were given to live. And the drug-healing business knows they're up against a mighty uphill battle with some drugs being harder to shake than other ones.

I also hate not to mention the specifics about how the makeup of carrots is a real fighter for visual acuity in human beings. Its story is outlined on that page about carrots and carrot juice: Carrot Juice: The Benefits of Carrots & Juicing - Dr. Axe If you read the information in the 7 ways carrots benefit the human body, you are likely to be tempted to have a love affair with carrots for the duration of your life when you read how it helps the eyes OR how it helps prevent cancer OR how carrots are strong armed preventers of oral diseases such as tooth decay. OK, I'll tell the 7 ways, but you aren't doing yourself any favors if you skip Dr. Axe's health panacea bases. Just sayin'.
1. Protects Eye Health

2. High Source of Antioxidants

3. Decreases Risk for Heart Disease and Stroke

4. Helps Protect Against Cancer

5. Important for Maintaining Oral Health

6. Boosts Skin Health and Wound Healing

7. Protects Brain Health & Cognitive Function
As for #7, if anyone in your family passed away but had peculiar behavior their last 5 years, #7 should interest you. And yes, dementia though while not Alzheimer's, may have a huge turnaround with this combined with other spices, herbs, and vegetables. The products of some foods may actually synergize the product in another vegetable that quadruples the efficacy of its action in fighting disease. Studies back that up time and again, and some scientists are so thrilled when their research proves that synergy is at work in healing because the person ate the right combination and amounts of the food to produce healing something that never had a candle lit for survival before. Studies have shown it. I promise to try to bring here information backed by studies from more than one university or research organization, and bless them, now the usda, cdc and nih are working together to bring that information to young and old at htttps:// Remove the middle t from the https and you will notice I just posted a site used above in the celery thread's link, "contains approximately" above the nutrient list.
I know a guy who tried some of the OPs remedies. His dick fell off.
Well, guys have to take it easy when they start feelin' better, honey.

Found this great article on nutritional care for the eyes.
Tips for eye health
It’s important that you take care of your eyes on a regular basis to maintain eye health. Eating eye-healthy foods is not the only way to protect your eyes. Other ways you can keep your eyes healthy include:
  • visiting an eye doctor every one to two years
  • wearing sunglasses when outdoors
  • avoiding smoking
  • maintaining a healthy weight
  • wearing protective eye gear when engaging in sports, hobbies, home projects, or work-related activities
  • managing blood sugar
The best foods for the eyes: Top 10 Healthy Fruits for Your Eyes

1. Oranges:

A glass of fresh orange juice has absolutely no alternate. It not only refreshes our minds and body, but energizes our eyes as well. The orange juices’ consistent and regular use can help us stay healthy and look healthy.
(I've read that if you eat one orange and a little of the white inside the skin, you get more benefits than juice. Consider this hearsay.) :)

2. Peaches:

Peaches provide us enough calcium, fluorides and vitamins which keep not only the eyes but also all other body parts in good performance. Peaches also have selenium and riboflavin which are health friendly nutrition.
(Peaches have 60 calories if it weighs 150 grams. A 100 gram peach has 39 calories.)
3. Papaya:

Papaya is a yellow-colored fruit. Some people also name it to be a vegetable, but whatsoever the name you may give it, the truth is that its benefits and advantages are never affected. Papaya contains rich antioxidants and vitamins which strengthen the body enzymes and increase your eye-sight.

4. Kiwi:

Kiwi is a rarely found fruit but if you are lucky to have it in the market then take no time to bring it at home. Eat kiwi as much as you can as it contains the phytochemicals and minerals, which help you enjoy healthy lives and repaired body tissues. Even the damaged tissues of eyes can also be naturally repaired with this fruit.

5. Mangoes:

The yummy and tasty mangoes are loved by all the people, especially the women and children in all parts of the world. It will be better that you have fresh mango juice everyday which is quite nutritious for the health of eye-ball, retina and other parts of the body.

6-10 on my next post.
Continued, Top 10 Fruits that are good for the eyes, according to this website: Top 10 Healthy Fruits for Your Eyes

6. Grapes:

No matter you love green grapes or black grapes, its every type is equally beneficial for nourishing our eyes and body. The grapes contain carotenoids and powerful antioxidants which keep our eye-sight strong and make them look beautiful all the times.

7. Apricots:

Have a lot of apricots daily if possible. Why? Simple to answer because apricots are a rich source of dietary fibers and potassium, these also contain phytochemicals which are quite health friendly.

8. Bananas:

I personally believe that having bananas in excess is quite easy, it is truly an easy to have and nutritious fruit, which provides our eyes with minerals and saturated fibers for their health and growth.

9. Apples:

Having an apple daily can keep the doctors away. Remember? I am sure you must, so make sure you have the apple juice or eat it in the raw form at least once everyday. Apple provides our body with Manganese and Vitamins which are also significant for the health of our eyes.

10. Strawberries:

Who wouldn’t like to have the mouth-watering strawberries everyday? I am sure there is no one, but let me also tell you that strawberries provide us Folate and Potassium like nutrition which are essential for improving the eye-sight.
The origin of fibromyalgia is still unknown. Capers would be the best source for rutin:

Rutin - Wikipedia

Rutin's link to quercitin is a neurological link. Pubmed search 'fibromyalgia flavonoid' yields 7 references, one of which is luteolin

Brain Fog Symptom
Brain "fog," inflammation and obesity: key aspects of neuropsychiatric disorders improved by luteolin. - PubMed - NCBI

Fibromyalgia: New Concepts of Pathogenesis
Fibromyalgia--new concepts of pathogenesis and treatment. - PubMed - NCBI
We're not too worried about differences between glycine receptors.

Tropisetron / Inhibitory Actions of Tropeines on the alpha 3 Glycine Receptor Function
Inhibitory Actions of Tropeines on the α3 Glycine Receptor Function. - PubMed - NCBI

Pubmed search 'alpha 3 glycine receptor' yields 1865 references.

Alpha 3 Glycine Receptor / Colchicine-Binding Protein
Identification of Glycine Receptor α3 as a Colchicine-Binding Protein. - PubMed - NCBI

Colchicine is a poison derived from autumn crocus, Colchicum autumnale. There is only one lepidoptera that is known to feed on Colchicum autumnale, and it can be regarded as a fibromyalgia mascot:

Cnephasia pasiuana
Cnephasia pasiuana - Wikipedia
Here's advice on growing Autumn Crocus: Growing with plants: Colchicum or Autumn Crocus? What should you plant?

The article gets into different types, and how saffron is its derivative if it is the autumn crocus. It also discusses other forms, some have more petals and are beautiful, but they have confusing growing habits in that while they bloom after planting in autumn, but the following year, they come up in bumper greenery in early spring, but it dies down in the middle of summer. Then in the fall, it blooms. I think. It's pretty complex, but there is by far a better explanation and pictures at the above length. Remember, I'm just a lover of beautiful colors as an artist, not a scientist, although I thoroughly respect the scientific method and sciences in general, having had at least 60 or 70 hours of college work in science, not to mention an educated father who thought science was the study of God's beautiful earth. :) And my course in nutritional science gave me a love for nutritional health, and lately I've been accumulating books such as "the medicinal value of foods.." "a Kitchen Pharmacy.." etc.

Here are some other pictures of crocuses in general:
September 21, 2010

Colchicum 'Waterlily', a single bulb will mature into a small clump in a few years.
Colchicum always surprise me. I mean, I know where I planted them, and I know when they are supposed bloom, but I am never really prepared for when they emerge, which seems to be virtually over night. All it takes is a few chilly nights in September, and suddenly, a sea of purple opens up driving the bees, crazy. Last Saturday morning, I noticed some of my populations blooming even nicer than the week before ( when I had mistakenly believed that our Indian Runner Ducks had extracted each of the early blossoms). One week later, the clumps looked not worse for the wear, and in the late summer sunshine, opened up their petals for a magnificent show.

1. Order Early.
The 'Waterlily' Colchicum above are an impressive display at the Tower Hill Botanic Garden. It demonstrates the best way to site these autumn flowering bulbs. There are a few things to remember, First, plant Colchicum early, which means that you must order them early.

2. Site them where they will look awesome in September.
This is important for two reasons. First, Colchicums bloom immediately after planting in the autumn, but they send up their foliage in the spring, which can be rather aggressive. The foliage is not unattractive, but it dies down in early July, so plan for this ( combining Narcissus is a good idea, but not Hosta, for when the plants bloom in the fall, you will not see them). The idea location, is an open spot in a mixed shrub border, which remains bare as above.

3. Plant lots of bulbs
If you order from a major retail mail order source, they will arrive at the proper time to plant for your zone, but like all bulbs, the more you plant, the better the display. I calculate that the drift of 'Waterlily' colchicum at Tower Hill came from about 50 bulbs, planted about ten years ago. Even 25 bulbs plants 1 foot apart, will give you the same look in 3 years. These are plants that become better with age, so feel good about investing in them.

4. Here is the confusing part. The common name for Colchicum is 'Autumn Crocus', but they are not true Autumn Crocus, for there are many species of true crocus which are autumn blooming, and most look very much like spring blooming crocus which you surely know. The genus crocus is not related to the genus Colchicum, and out of the 80 or so species of true crocus, about half are autumn blooming. Sadly, many true autumn crocus are not hardy beyond Zone 6, and collectors tend to grow crocus in greenhouse collections. You may have heard that Saffron comes from Crocus, which it does, an autumn blooming one, Crocus sativus.

Colchicum are a different genus, and, not all Colchicum are fall blooming, some species bloom in winter, and others in the spring. There are many named varieties which are very old to culture, but the pure wild forms, or species number around 60. Most are native to Turkey, the Middle East and Southern Russia. These are generally collector species, and only a few micro collector nurseries carry the spring bloomers, so don't worry about getting anything but a fall blooming Colchicum from your local garden center, or from a Dutch bulb dealer.

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