Under Obama- how are blacks doing?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
Living rent free in libs heads
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.


what say you libs? The proof is right here....
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Yep, WHEN the GOP dig holes, they dig it WIDE and deep AND refuse to help get the bus out of the ditch. Go figure

Blacks thought Obama was going to make everything free for them

so they became even lazier
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Yep, WHEN the GOP dig holes, they dig it WIDE and deep AND refuse to help get the bus out of the ditch. Go figure


still blaming GWB I see 7 years after, lmao. Gwb NEVER blamed Clinton for anything while in office.
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Yep, WHEN the GOP dig holes, they dig it WIDE and deep AND refuse to help get the bus out of the ditch. Go figure


still blaming GWB I see 7 years after, lmao. Gwb NEVER blamed Clinton for anything while in office.


Dubya's FIRST recession AND 9/11 remember Bubs?
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Hillary would do the same thing for women, that Obama has done for blacks. Think about it.
hey dadto3.. GWB had to deal with 9/11 and the mess clinton left (banking).. but you never mentioned that I see. BOTH much bigger issues than Barry will ever face.

You mean the DOZENS of warnings that Dubya's admin ignored leading up top 9/11?


Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”

Q Did the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter/Clinton caused it?

A "Since 1995 there has been essentially no change in the basic CRA rules or enforcement process that can be reasonably linked to the subprime lending activity. This fact weakens the link between the CRA and the current crisis since the crisis is rooted in poor performance of mortgage loans made between 2004 and 2007. "


Bush's documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals (2004)
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule (2004)
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0% (2003)
Forcing GSEs (FAN/FRED) to spend an additional 440 billion in the secondary markets (2004)
Giving away 40,000 free down payments PER YEAR (2004-2007)

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis

"It has the potential to be an epidemic,"

A top official warned of widening mortgage fraud in 2004, but the agency focused its resources elsewhere

"We think we can prevent a problem that could have as much impact as the S&L crisis,"

They ended up with fewer resources, rather than more.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis


FACTS on Dubya's great recession | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
hey dadto3.. GWB had to deal with 9/11 and the mess clinton left (banking).. but you never mentioned that I see. BOTH much bigger issues than Barry will ever face.

Tell me what you see...


Spot 2001 and 2007


Now stop talking stupid sh*t.....
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Hillary would do the same thing for women, that Obama has done for blacks. Think about it.

Says the Klown who "believes in" myths and fairy tales. Hint the Randian BS should be outgrown by about 25 Bubs
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Hillary would do the same thing for women, that Obama has done for blacks. Think about it.

Says the Klown who "believes in" myths and fairy tales. Hint the Randian BS should be outgrown by about 25 Bubs

You just showed how little you know about anything. You made a feeble attempt to attack my character, but couldn't seem to address the issue of how little Obama has done for blacks.

I love seeing just how desperate you people on the left are. Little ankle-biting dogs with lots of bark, but no bite. :biggrin:
hey dadto3.. GWB had to deal with 9/11 and the mess clinton left (banking).. but you never mentioned that I see. BOTH much bigger issues than Barry will ever face.

Had to deal with 9/11?

Maybe if he hadn't been such a 24 ply dumba**

The book's opening anecdote tells of an unnamed CIA briefer who flew to Bush's Texas ranch during the scary summer of 2001, amid a flurry of reports of a pending al-Qaeda attack, to call the president's attention personally to the now-famous Aug. 6, 2001, memo titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US." Bush reportedly heard the briefer out and replied: "All right. You've covered your ass, now."

The Shadow War, In a Surprising New Light
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Hillary would do the same thing for women, that Obama has done for blacks. Think about it.

Says the Klown who "believes in" myths and fairy tales. Hint the Randian BS should be outgrown by about 25 Bubs

You just showed how little you know about anything. You made a feeble attempt to attack my character, but couldn't seem to address the issue of how little Obama has done for blacks.

I love seeing just how desperate you people on the left are. Little ankle-biting dogs with lots of bark, but no bite. :biggrin:

I get it Bubba, YOU have reading comprehension issues. Look to my posts again Bubs

"We fukked up the economy, but hate the way you tried to fix it" The GOP

not one reply on the op- how are blacks doing under Obama. He was supposed to be hope and change, not more of the same.

Yep, in CONservative/GOP "reality" it doesn't matter the size of the hole the GOP drove US into, just why didn't the Dems fix our economy faster. Famous words since Harding/Coolidge HOSED us!
Ninety-five percent of black voters in 2008 voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama. Surely a "progressive" black president would care about, empathize with and understand black America in a way no other president ever has or could, right? Exit polls from Pew Research show that 63 percent of all voters -- and 65 percent of Obama voters -- cited the economy as the number one reason they voted for him. Iraq was a distant second at 10 percent. Even for black Obama voters, "It's the economy, stupid."

After six years, the report card is in. The grades are not pretty. By every key economic measurement, blacks are worse off under Obama. In some cases, far worse off.

What about poverty? In 2009, when Obama took office, the black poverty rate was 25.8 percent. As of 2014, according to Pew Research Center, the black poverty rate was 27.2 percent.

What about income? CNNMoney says, "Minority households' median income fell 9 percent between 2010 and 2013, compared to a drop of only 1 percent for whites." The Financial Times wrote last October: "Since 2009, median non-white household income has dropped by almost a 10th to $33,000 a year, according to the U.S. Federal Reserve's survey of consumer finances. As a whole, median incomes fell by 5 percent. But by the more telling measure of net wealth -- assets minus liabilities -- the numbers offer a more troubling story."

What about net worth and the black-white "wealth gap"? The Financial Times said: "The median non-white family today has a net worth of just $18,100 -- almost a fifth lower than it was when Mr. Obama took office. White median wealth, on the other hand, has inched up by 1 percent to $142,000. In 2009, white households were seven times richer than their black counterparts. That gap is now eightfold. Both in relative and absolute terms, blacks are doing worse under Mr. Obama." Remember, these numbers apply to all "non-whites." For blacks, it's worse.

Larry Elder - Under Obama, Blacks Are Worse Off -- Far Worse

what say you libs? The proof is right here....

Hillary would do the same thing for women, that Obama has done for blacks. Think about it.

Says the Klown who "believes in" myths and fairy tales. Hint the Randian BS should be outgrown by about 25 Bubs

You just showed how little you know about anything. You made a feeble attempt to attack my character, but couldn't seem to address the issue of how little Obama has done for blacks.

I love seeing just how desperate you people on the left are. Little ankle-biting dogs with lots of bark, but no bite. :biggrin:

Bite down on this....


then google "Mafia Winsome", Rand Cultist.....
not one reply on the op- how are blacks doing under Obama. He was supposed to be hope and change, not more of the same.

Keep reading while I call a certain Minnesota dentist of my acquaintance....

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