
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
I think it's the time in our culture that we need to have thought police to monitor what we think.
All in favor say, "I".

Who really cares? Expressing how a person feels is not on, or ever will be on my radar.

Is making jackass racist comments "expressing how a person feels"? Are they bearing their souls and plumbing the depths of their feeeeeelings, or just being assholes? And if some punks are out in a public space with you looking at some 'X' (race, gender, religion, etc) people making jackass comments because they know they won't be heard or understood, you wouldn't even notice? Not talking about smiting them with your swift sword of justice, just asking if it wouldn't so much as catch your attention?
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. I lived long enough to where whatever people say no longer surprises me, nor affects me.
They have a right to say whatever they want as long as they aren't violating any law.
If you are thinned skinned, that's on you. Me? I think I'll go fishing.
Bingo. Racist remarks are par for the course when you are in a melting pot.

Not they are not. What a weak, passive attitude.

Really? LoL you re the one who is a sensitive little doll.

Why? Because I noticed? Because I wasn't just going to hide behind the cantaloupe and skulk away?

And you accomplished what?

What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
Not they are not. What a weak, passive attitude.

Really? LoL you re the one who is a sensitive little doll.

Why? Because I noticed? Because I wasn't just going to hide behind the cantaloupe and skulk away?

And you accomplished what?

What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
What are you going to do? Break the law to make a point? Who the fuck are you? Hall Monitor?
Racists have a right to be racists as long as they don't break the law. Don't like it? Change the law.
Get a fucking life, dude.
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
What are you going to do? Break the law to make a point? Who the fuck are you? Hall Monitor?
Racists have a right to be racists as long as they don't break the law. Don't like it? Change the law.
Get a fucking life, dude.

Let's try this again: If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
What are you going to do? Break the law to make a point? Who the fuck are you? Hall Monitor?
Racists have a right to be racists as long as they don't break the law. Don't like it? Change the law.
Get a fucking life, dude.

Let's try this again: If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
Keep trying. Your experience at the market was in no way what your yarn is preaching now.
Define harassing? Because harassing is breaking the law....pick up your phone and call someone.
Put your fucking testosterone in check and THINK! idiot
So I’m in my local grocery store this morning picking up some fresh produce to make a nice lunch for my son after football practice and I notice a couple of workers restocking one section of the produce area. They are chatting with each other in Spanish, which is fine, when a few customers walk past them who happened to be Asian. The two of them start talking, apparently without concern, making all manner of very inappropriate comments about Asian people ( they were referring to them as Chinese, of course, which is something that a lot of ignorant people do as a blanket term for anyone from anywhere in Asia). They were not whispering to each other either. Obviously they assumed no Asian customers would understand what they were saying so they were standing 4 or 5 feet away making openly racist, insulting comments. When they noticed that I was looking at them clearly understanding what they said and walking towards their area they quickly found someplace else to be. And that was it. Not the end of the world, not a civil rights crisis, but something that made me feel pretty uncomfortable about where some people still are with their whole attitude about these things.
Yes retard every race is racist.. welcome to the real word .. look up the definition of racism.. the 2. Is the only one that does damage.
Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
What are you going to do? Break the law to make a point? Who the fuck are you? Hall Monitor?
Racists have a right to be racists as long as they don't break the law. Don't like it? Change the law.
Get a fucking life, dude.

Let's try this again: If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
....Define harassing? ......

Oh excuse me. "Bothering her." How about that? Can you answer now?
Unk, have a good day, dude.
Really not sure what you're looking for with your story. Two dudes talking in their native language
words you didn't like....you just should have killed them and let God sort it out.
Good evening
Put your fucking testosterone in check and THINK! ...

Not sure what hormones have to do with it.

Do you think it does harm or good to society when people are afraid to make a peep when they see something they know is wrong?
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Look, dude, what people say has no impact on me. ......

And if it has an impact on someone else? If you see some (fill in the blank race) douche bags were harassing some (fill in the blank race) old lady right in front of you - just words mind you - that would mean nothing to you? Just walk on by, not your problem?
What are you going to do? Break the law to make a point? Who the fuck are you? Hall Monitor?
Racists have a right to be racists as long as they don't break the law. Don't like it? Change the law.
Get a fucking life, dude.

Don't give 'em any ideas like that. :rolleyes:
Unk, have a good day, dude.
Really not sure what you're looking for with your story. Two dudes talking in their native language
words you didn't like....you just should have killed them and let God sort it out.
Good evening

Who said anything about violence? I really don't understand why this is so threatening to you. It doesn't need to be. It's not personal.
Really? LoL you re the one who is a sensitive little doll.

Why? Because I noticed? Because I wasn't just going to hide behind the cantaloupe and skulk away?

And you accomplished what?

What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.
Why? Because I noticed? Because I wasn't just going to hide behind the cantaloupe and skulk away?

And you accomplished what?

What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.

So, doing the right thing is enough in itself?
That’s a total cop out. What specifically about my statement was libspeak?
I'm taking my ball and going home now because I refuse to debate you libs. I'm running away. I got nothing. I am a coward. I am 12 years old. I'm a misogynist. I'm a nazi, There, you can relax.
I promise I won’t debate you. I just want to know what you think was libspeak from my statement that you responded to. I’m curious if you can even point to something you disagree with... My guess is you didn’t even read it but I’d love for you to prove me wrong.
You guys don't do proof.
I didn’t say a word about proof. I simply asked what I said that you consider libspeak or what did I say that you disagree with. Come on, stop squirming and just answer the question. You obviously took issue with something so what exactly is it? Grow up and have a real conversation for a change
Classic libspeak, ignores what he said and denies he said it when everyone can see he said it.

didn’t even read it but I’d love for you to prove me wrong.
Hey troll miketx why can’t you answer a simple question?
And you accomplished what?

What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.

So, doing the right thing is enough in itself?

“Right Thing” is subjective. For a teacher you’re a moron.
What is required to make it worthwhile to do the right thing? Are you on the clock whenever you are simply a decent human being?

Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.

So, doing the right thing is enough in itself?

“Right Thing” is subjective. ....

No, it's really not, but if you think so then what is it to you?
Right thing is subjective. Don’t preach to me.

It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.

So, doing the right thing is enough in itself?

“Right Thing” is subjective. ....

No, it's really not, but if you think so then what is it to you?

Yes it is. There is no such thing as “right thing”. You need to go back to school.
It's a question. What is required?

“Required” nothing.

So, doing the right thing is enough in itself?

“Right Thing” is subjective. ....

No, it's really not, but if you think so then what is it to you?

Yes it is. There is no such thing as “right thing”. You need to go back to school.

I've been there. Apparently your education has not equipped you to understand what I'm saying. But that's not your fault. Anyway, you can still answer the question.
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