UN Vote on Palestinian State in September 2011


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"With revolutionary fervor sweeping the Middle East, Israel is under mounting pressure to make a far-reaching offer to the Palestinians or face a United Nations vote welcoming the State of Palestine as a member whose territory includes all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.

"The Palestinian Authority has been steadily building support for such a resolution in September, a move that could place Israel into a diplomatic vise.

"Israel would be occupying land belonging to a fellow United Nations member, land it has controlled and settled for more than four decades and some of which it expects to keep in any two-state solution..."

"'We are facing a diplomatic-political tsunami that the majority of the public is unaware of and that will peak in September,' said Ehud Barak, Israel’s defense minister, at a conference in Tel Aviv last month. 'It is a very dangerous situation, one that requires action.' He added, 'Paralysis, rhetoric, inaction will deepen the isolation of Israel.'”

I think this is a bad idea. It is proposed by the "Oslo people" who do not represent a majority of the Palestinians.
The New York Times printed a "correction" on April 4th that's also worth pondering:

"An earlier version of this article incorrectly suggested that the United States would be unable to support Israel by blocking a U.N. General Assembly this September for the creation of a Palestinian state because the United States has no veto power on such a vote. States are admitted to membership in the United Nations by decision of the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council, where the United States can cast a veto vote."

You follow this issue much more closely than I do; however, I don't think you can afford to underestimate the potential for very rapid change imposed by the "Arab Spring."

"Israel, which has settled hundreds of thousands of Jews inside the West Bank and East Jerusalem, acknowledges that it will have to withdraw from much of the land it now occupies there.

"But it hopes to hold onto the largest settlement blocs and much of East Jerusalem as well as the border to the east with Jordan and does not want to enter into talks with the other side’s position as the starting point.

"That was true even before its closest ally in the Arab world, President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt, was driven from power, helping fuel protest movements that now roil other countries, including Jordan, which has its own peace agreement with Israel."

"With revolutionary fervor sweeping the Middle East, Israel is under mounting pressure to make a far-reaching offer to the Palestinians or face a United Nations vote welcoming the State of Palestine as a member whose territory includes all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
And then what? A free Lamborghini to every palistanian?
Germany, France and Britain want negotiations based on June '67 boundaries while Israel argues against that suggestion because it "predetermines the outcome."

Apparently, at the moment only the Obama administration among members of the quartet (UN, EU and Russia) has not formally committed to the June '67 lines as a starting point for negotiations.

"Israel, which has settled hundreds of thousands of Jews inside the West Bank and East Jerusalem, acknowledges that it will have to withdraw from much of the land it now occupies there.

"But it hopes to hold onto the largest settlement blocs and much of East Jerusalem as well as the border to the east with Jordan and does not want to enter into talks with the other side’s position as the starting point."

"With revolutionary fervor sweeping the Middle East, Israel is under mounting pressure to make a far-reaching offer to the Palestinians or face a United Nations vote welcoming the State of Palestine as a member whose territory includes all of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.
And then what? A free Lamborghini to every palistanian?
If the international community recognizes a Palestinian State on the June '67 borders it won't be Arabs in need of fast cars.

"At that moment, every Israeli apartment in Jerusalem's French Hill neighborhood will become illegal.

"Every military base in the West Bank will be contravening the sovereignty of an independent UN member state.

"The Palestinians will not be obligated to accept demilitarization and peace and to recognize the occupation."

It sounds like the "Arab Spring" will kick off a long, hot summer.

Israel needs to launch a preemptive diplomatic strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
Germany, France and Britain want negotiations based on June '67 boundaries while Israel argues against that suggestion because it "predetermines the outcome."

Apparently, at the moment only the Obama administration among members of the quartet (UN, EU and Russia) has not formally committed to the June '67 lines as a starting point for negotiations.

"Israel, which has settled hundreds of thousands of Jews inside the West Bank and East Jerusalem, acknowledges that it will have to withdraw from much of the land it now occupies there.

"But it hopes to hold onto the largest settlement blocs and much of East Jerusalem as well as the border to the east with Jordan and does not want to enter into talks with the other side’s position as the starting point."


The settlers do not have to move. They have been invited to stay as Palestinian citizens.
Do you see it as just land? It's not Israel must have the land to defend itself.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8xAAYMq3vM]YouTube - NTEB: Israel Must Be Able To Defend Itself Early[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jp-_ydl_28&feature=related]YouTube - A Palestian talks about the Nakba -4/4[/ame]
One of the 1st thing they should do after it is to go to Den Haag and demand reparation-payments for things like water Israel has pumped out of ground water.
One of the 1st thing they should do after it is to go to Den Haag and demand reparation-payments for things like water Israel has pumped out of ground water.

Justice would end the conflict.

Unfortunately, justice is a word we have never heard in any of the so called peace talks.
mounting pressure from whom? hamas? hezbollah?

'Konrad-Adenauer Foundation' which is think-tank of ruling-party in Germany
Konrad Adenauer Foundation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
is already calling for unilateral recognition of Palestine within 1967 borders independent from expected UN-Vote.
Foundation's Chairman was President of the European Parliament between 2007-2009.

Die EU sollte Palästina als Staat anerkennen - Handelsblatt

In the run-up to UN vote, most of Latin America has already recognized Palestine.
Some EU countries have upgraded their status of mission in Palestine, although they've not recognized it.
EU wants to have a common approach based on the expected UN vote, but that common approach won't be achieved. Nevertheless, countries like Germany will recognize Palestine.
It's also the EU who is trying to revive the talks and so-called Quartett will meet in Berlin on April 15th.

There's currently a wide political isolation of Israel outside of USA. But this isolation has no effect on legal terms so far as Palestine is recognized selectively under bilateral relationships.
Things would change, once Palestine joins UN as sovereign country.
If the international community recognizes a Palestinian State on the June '67 borders it won't be Arabs in need of fast cars.

"At that moment, every Israeli apartment in Jerusalem's French Hill neighborhood will become illegal.

"Every military base in the West Bank will be contravening the sovereignty of an independent UN member state.

"The Palestinians will not be obligated to accept demilitarization and peace and to recognize the occupation."

It sounds like the "Arab Spring" will kick off a long, hot summer.

Israel needs to launch a preemptive diplomatic strike - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

They've forgot to mention the Wall which runs through the West-Bank
Israeli West Bank barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The settlers do not have to move. They have been invited to stay as Palestinian citizens.

The houses the 'Israelian settlers' live in belong to the Palestinian refugees who must return to their lands for this book (Palestine conflict) to close.
Palestinian refugee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's limited space.

Either that or work out a lease agreement. Many Palestinians would not want to move back to Palestine. A Palestinian friend of mine came to the US, obtained citizenship, and owns his own business. Surely he deserves some compensation, but would he move back to Palestine? The only problem he has is that his wife and two daughters, 9 and 6, live in Jordan and for some political reason they are not allowed to come to the states.

Anyway, it would be a major shuffle. Israel has created quite a mess over there.
I am not sure how this new “Palestine state” thing is supposed to work out. Over 100 countries recognize Palestine on its existing 1922 borders. Most of the new, but not all, recognition is on the 1967 borders that are not really borders but oh well.

The major question is which Palestine , or more precisely, which Palestinian government will be recognized. Will the US imposed military dictatorship in the West Bank be the recognized government, or would it be the elected government in Gaza? Can a dictatorship form a state in ‘67 borders in the opposition of the elected government who believes in the existing 1922 borders? Where is the legal standing of the West Bank “government” to create a state?

I think the creation of a state on ‘67 borders will create more problems without providing any solutions.
Do you see it as just land? It's not Israel must have the land to defend itself.

YouTube - NTEB: Israel Must Be Able To Defend Itself Early
What's defensible about Israel's occupation of Palestine?

Many people around this world believe a crime was committed in 1948 when a Jewish state was imposed by force of arms on a population that was 66% non-Jewish.

Currently that same Jewish state has the 4th or 5th most powerful conventional military force on the planet backed up by 200 nuclear weapons deliverable from land, sea and air.

Israel will exchange land for peace (and tear down that wall) or the Jewish state will vanish from the page of time.

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