Ultimate Irony: Sanctuary Cities Will Pay For The Wall

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
"But but but.....Trump said Mexico would pay for it...he's a LIAR!" says the pinheads. Mehico will indeed pay for the Wall many dozens of times over once NAFTA is tossed in history's dumpster. But before that can happen, we need some money upfront. And who better to pony up than the cities and counties who welcome the invaders with open arms, at the expense and often the lives of their legit citizens? We taxpayers give a minimum of $27B in grants to these outlaw regimes while they snub their nose at our immigration laws. $26B builds the Wall....a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL WITH A BIG FAT DOOR IN IT FOR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.


Who gets hit? Chicago takes a gut shot at $3.6 billion. LA? Only $500M so far. Seattle? $276.8 million. Philadelphia? only$26 million, but that buys a lot of fence posts. Like my Dad used to say: "You want to dance, you got to pay the fiddler". And I'd say: "Then I get to call the tunes", and we'd both laugh.

What sanctuary cities stand to lose if feds have their way - CNNPolitics.com
Sanctuary cities, sanctuary, sanctuary city, sanctuary city list, list of sanctuary cities, list, Ohio, jobs, OJJPAC, justice, illegal alien, immigration, amnesty, undocumented, ICE, NYC, IIRIRA, Huston, Chicago, Phoenix, Steve Salvi
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Go onto Yahoo.com....Check out the posts by the leftists. They're hateful people and insist Trump is worthless, less a rapist & Hitler. Note: Yahoo censors posts on the side of the left.
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Go onto Yahoo.com....Check out the posts by the leftists. They're hateful people and insist Trump is worthless, less a rapist & Hitler. Note: Yahoo censors posts on the side of the left.

Katie Couric is running Yahoo news is why....she's built an entire career out of asking Sarah Palin what magazines she read.
"But but but.....Trump said Mexico would pay for it...he's a LIAR!" says the pinheads. Mehico will indeed pay for the Wall many dozens of times over once NAFTA is tossed in history's dumpster. But before that can happen, we need some money upfront. And who better to pony up than the cities and counties who welcome the invaders with open arms, at the expense and often the lives of their legit citizens? We taxpayers give a minimum of $26B in grants to these outlaw regimes while they snub their nose at our immigration laws. $26B builds the Wall....a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL WITH A BIG FAT DOOR IN IT FOR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.


Who gets hit? Chicago takes a gut shot at $3.6 billion. LA? Only $500M so far. Seattle? $276.8 million. Philadelphia? only$26 million, but that buys a lot of fence posts. Like my Dad used to say: "You want to dance, you got to pay the fiddler". And I'd say: "Then I get to call the tunes", and we'd both laugh.

What sanctuary cities stand to lose if feds have their way - CNNPolitics.com
Sanctuary cities, sanctuary, sanctuary city, sanctuary city list, list of sanctuary cities, list, Ohio, jobs, OJJPAC, justice, illegal alien, immigration, amnesty, undocumented, ICE, NYC, IIRIRA, Huston, Chicago, Phoenix, Steve Salvi

Those Texans best get their money ready. I think they have the most sanctuary cites.
You idiots don't realize Trump just can't pull money from certain cities because he feels like it .

At most he could withold law enforcement money . Good luck wh that "Mr Law and Order" .
You really don't understand how dumb you all sound on this thread, do you? As i read each idiotic comment with this air of victory that you think you've won on this issue, I just chuckle and shake my head. Yall sound like children.
Sanctuary cities, sanctuary, sanctuary city, sanctuary city list, list of sanctuary cities, list, Ohio, jobs, OJJPAC, justice, illegal alien, immigration, amnesty, undocumented, ICE, NYC, IIRIRA, Huston, Chicago, Phoenix, Steve Salvi

"But but but.....Trump said Mexico would pay for it...he's a LIAR!" says the pinheads. Mehico will indeed pay for the Wall many dozens of times over once NAFTA is tossed in history's dumpster. But before that can happen, we need some money upfront. And who better to pony up than the cities and counties who welcome the invaders with open arms, at the expense and often the lives of their legit citizens? We taxpayers give a minimum of $26B in grants to these outlaw regimes while they snub their nose at our immigration laws. $26B builds the Wall....a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL WITH A BIG FAT DOOR IN IT FOR LEGAL IMMIGRANTS.


Who gets hit? Chicago takes a gut shot at $3.6 billion. LA? Only $500M so far. Seattle? $276.8 million. Philadelphia? only$26 million, but that buys a lot of fence posts. Like my Dad used to say: "You want to dance, you got to pay the fiddler". And I'd say: "Then I get to call the tunes", and we'd both laugh.

What sanctuary cities stand to lose if feds have their way - CNNPolitics.com
Sanctuary cities, sanctuary, sanctuary city, sanctuary city list, list of sanctuary cities, list, Ohio, jobs, OJJPAC, justice, illegal alien, immigration, amnesty, undocumented, ICE, NYC, IIRIRA, Huston, Chicago, Phoenix, Steve Salvi

Those Texans best get their money ready. I think they have the most sanctuary cites.
Titled, “Federal Funding of America’s Sanctuary Cities,” the report examined 106 sanctuary cities that are home to nearly 6 million of the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants living in the United States. The cities received $27 billion from the federal government in fiscal year 2016.

So it's anybody but Mexico is gonna pay for Donnie Dangerously's wall, huh?
So leave it up to the states how they handle abortions and healthcare, but now the Fed gov thinks it can defund cities and also tell corps what to do by threats.
You idiots don't realize Trump just can't pull money from certain cities because he feels like it .

At most he could withold law enforcement money . Good luck wh that "Mr Law and Order" .

What Lassie? Timmy has fallen into the well again?

South Dakota v. Dole, 483 U.S. 203 (1987)[1], was a case in which the United States Supreme Court considered the limitations the Constitution places on the authority of the United States Congress when it uses its authority to influence the individual states in areas of authority normally reserved to the states. It upheld the constitutionality of a federal statute that withheld federal funds from states whose legal drinking age did not conform to federal policy.
So it's anybody but Mexico is gonna pay for Donnie Dangerously's wall, huh?

Still blind eh, Boo?

I know I didn't do the OP in braille but Mehico will pay alright....just by taxing remittances sent by Western Union.

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