Ukrainian Fascist Torture Russian POWs

RT had at its disposal a recording of a telephone conversation of foreign journalists, who visited the Borodyanka settlement that had come under the control of Ukraine.
During the conversation, reporters note the destruction of the village, but there is no information about the alleged executions and the bodies of the dead in Borodyanka.
oh yeah... :popcorn: full of them in Ukraine, sadly....Russia caught him

Also....why is Zelensky the puppet in high heels, asking young, very young boys to go for a certain death ? and fight for him and the Globlalists?

Zelensky is a monster.


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Well I tell you. If Russia doesn’t appreciate Ukrainian hospitality then Russia should just go home and boycott Ukraine.
Well I tell you. If Russia doesn’t appreciate Ukrainian hospitality then Russia should just go home and boycott Ukraine.
You can't just boycott an illegitimate state since 2014 and neo-nazi genocide since then. Hitler's swatika originated in Ukraine. That's what's gotten the nationalists so excited: they know that fact and so did Hitler.
You can't just boycott an illegitimate state since 2014 and neo-nazi genocide since then. Hitler's swatika originated in Ukraine. That's what's gotten the nationalists so excited: they know that fact and so did Hitler.

As memory serves there have been two elections since 2014. Just because you don’t like the outcome doesn’t make the result illegitimate.
I am sure that Hitler would have won any election in Germany, even in 1945.

Actually. The Nazi party was losing seats in the Reichstag. It was the Conservatives who felt they could control Hitler who made him Chancellor. The Military thought the little Corporal would be easy to manipulate.

After being made Chancellor Hitler outlawed all other political parties. So the only elections he won were the ones where they were the only name on the ballot.

That wasn’t the case in Ukraine. Zalinsky won the runoff with a huge majority.

The pro Russian candidate got a fraction of what he needed. And a fraction smaller than Putin’s Penis.

The only people who didn’t vote were the people in the annexed Crimea, and Donbas regions. Even if they had voted 100% for the Pro Putin puppet. He wouldn’t have won.

So by that standard, the claim that the invasion is justified is yet another lie isn’t it?
That wasn’t the case in Ukraine. Zalinsky won the runoff with a huge majority.
Zelensky won only because, firstly, he was anti-Poroshenko (this turned out to be a lie, since he continued Poroshenko's policy on steroids), secondly, he was a popular comedian, who played an honest, popular president in a TV show. And of course, he was a protege of the Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoisky.
Elections in a fascist state mean very little. Only the same fascists can support the fascist state.
RT had at its disposal a recording of a telephone conversation of foreign journalists, who visited the Borodyanka settlement that had come under the control of Ukraine.
During the conversation, reporters note the destruction of the village, but there is no information about the alleged executions and the bodies of the dead in Borodyanka.

Without hesitation they went right to the mass graves for evidence to blame Russia.
As memory serves there have been two elections since 2014. Just because you don’t like the outcome doesn’t make the result illegitimate.
Illegitimate. IQs above 80 shouldn't hold CIA-sponsored elections during a civil war. We have seen the same dangers with the current CIA-POSPOTUS puppet. Those burned alive at Odessa began the nazi sequences to follow. That was a cool one. There should be a pop-quiz on it.
Actually. The Nazi party was losing seats in the Reichstag. It was the Conservatives who felt they could control Hitler who made him Chancellor. The Military thought the little Corporal would be easy to manipulate.

After being made Chancellor Hitler outlawed all other political parties. So the only elections he won were the ones where they were the only name on the ballot.

That wasn’t the case in Ukraine. Zalinsky won the runoff with a huge majority.

The pro Russian candidate got a fraction of what he needed. And a fraction smaller than Putin’s Penis.

The only people who didn’t vote were the people in the annexed Crimea, and Donbas regions. Even if they had voted 100% for the Pro Putin puppet. He wouldn’t have won.

So by that standard, the claim that the invasion is justified is yet another lie isn’t it?
Your argument relies on the ahistorical, amnesia. The nazi strive for pure form was already rabidly raging in the country due to decades of nationalist nazi schizophrenia and liberal, promiscuous decadence, not only as a CIA-MI6-benefitting drug trafficking hub for Europe and London.
Illegitimate. IQs above 80 shouldn't hold CIA-sponsored elections during a civil war. We have seen the same dangers with the current CIA-POSPOTUS puppet. Those burned alive at Odessa began the nazi sequences to follow. That was a cool one. There should be a pop-quiz on it.

First. A civil war by definition would mean that it was hostilities between the same people. The citizens of a single country. Since Russia has been sending troops to fight in the Donbas since the beginning. It isn’t exactly a civil war.

Many Russian servicemen went to Donbas in cleaned uniforms in unmarked Russian military vehicles.

The truth is that nobody could hold out for eight years without significant support in manpower and munitions.

So calling it a civil war is not just rewriting history. It is whitewashing history. The truth is lost in your version isn’t it?

The problem with your next claim. The drug pipeline claim. It just doesn’t make sense.

Heroine from Afghanistan would have to pass through Russia if it traveled by land. If it came from the orient, again same routing. If it came by sea, the smartest and simplest route would be through the ports in Norther Europe. Perhaps the Balkins.

Cocaine? Why sail it all the way to the Black Sea when those ports are more regional instead of major international hubs? It would be smarter and easier for it to get lost in the shuffle at major ports which deal in millions of containers a year instead of a few thousand. Again. Northern Europe or even St. Petersburg.

So claiming that Ukraine which isn’t in the EU and has cargo shipments inspected at the borders is a major pipeline doesn’t make sense. Not when the cargo, once in the EU can move unmolested from nation to nation. Hell it would be smarter to send it through Ireland than Ukraine.

And the drug lords are not dumb.

The real threat to Russia wasn’t drugs. It wasn’t the imaginary Nazi’s. It was the solidification of western values and freedoms.

It is a threat to Putin’s dreams of a new Soviet Empire.

That is what the Russians are fighting for. Not any other propaganda bullshit.
Your argument relies on the ahistorical, amnesia. The nazi strive for pure form was already rabidly raging in the country due to decades of nationalist nazi schizophrenia and liberal, promiscuous decadence, not only as a CIA-MI6-benefitting drug trafficking hub for Europe and London.
A bunch of jibbering. That is what you posted.

True or false. The Nazis were losing seats before Hitler became Chancellor?

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