Ukrainian Fascist Torture Russian POWs

Your precious Free Press doesn't tell you how the Ukrainian Nazis are killing civilians en masse in eastern Ukraine? Well, then this is not happening.
You just scooped the free press, Dingo? Oh wait. I’m supposed to take your word for it? On the basis of what? Faith? 🙄 Or, maybe your “free press” makes the claim? Would that be RT, Pravda or Putin’s little red dick?
Given the laundry list of LIES from the media................How can we believe anything anymore.

The boy who cried wolf might get eaten by a real wolf...........but oh well...........he shouldn't have been LYING his whole life.

Now that forces me to make ASSUMPTIONS..........Making an ass out of you and me...............Putin is KGB.............OLD I CAN'T TRUST HIM............What did he go after in the INVASION..............The Black Sea PORT AREAS.............which are STRATEGIC................Had he had an easier time i believe he would have went after Odessa..............

He WANTS THE BLACK SEA PORTS .................All of them.........that is what I'm seeing........He will not give them back........

So this is a LAND GRAB TO ME................
Irrefutable historical truth: There is a serial number on the Kramatorsk Tochka rocket that has been photographed to the internet. Homo sapiens will not have enough IQ to trace it.
Mezin, Ukraine locates the origins of the swastika. The closest biolab would be a nazi biolab, undoubtedly genetics- and ethnicity-influenced. Chernigov is the closest lab to the original swastika. See Skye's Nuland/Biolab thread, post #25, for the map.
Irrefutable historical truth: There is a serial number on the Kramatorsk Tochka rocket that has been photographed to the internet. Homo sapiens will not have enough IQ to trace it.
And that means NOTHING...........Your irrefutable truth is becoming more and more like BS by the day.

You have proven nothing............And hell I actually thought your posts on covid were somewhat looking for the truth..............Now I doubt anything you say.

Given the BS in the media..........and false flags no one is believable anymore.
The Ukrainian branch of ISIS has issued an appeal to the "Free world" (because russians do not need an english translation). Watch, enjoy, this is your heroine.
Of course, it would be better if they found an actress without herpes on her lip.. But, they have, what they have.

Videos are surfacing of Ukrainians shooting POWs in the genitals, knee caps, and feet.
Videos show men committing war crimes.



You pro-Ukraine people are suckers and you support Nazi war criminals.

More truth will come...but you will continue to ignore it.

Whrre can I donate to this ?
A group of Ukrainian "TikTokers" from the ukrainian territorial defense met a damaged or abandoned russian armored personnel carrier and decided to take a session of heroic photos against the background of the enemy car.
Unfortunately, another ukrainian hero was driving by on a tank (you probably heard that Zelensky issued smart decision order to transfer not only small arms, but also heavy equipment to the population) and when he saw the russian armored car, he probably decided that russian soldiers had gathered around it. Therefore, this genius, without thinking for a second, shot at the car from a distance of 50 meters from the tank cannon.
You can see the result and its consequences on the videos.
If it would only be possible to wait a little, then these idiots would kill each other.
ЯП файлы - После выстрела из танка. (RRR)
They have lost any right to decent treatment. Fuck em.
Do progressives intentionally parrot mass media, or is your opinion organic?

Either way...the BBC thanks you.
No nazis in Ukraine!
Interrogations of Ukrainian prisoners of war reveal serious mental abnormalities that are not the consequences of fighting or taking narcotic drugs. Disorders have more innate symptoms based on uncontrolled aggression and manifestations of sadism.

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Dozens of killed civilians found in Mariupol after the retreat of "Azov" (some have their hands tied)
The first video, in the OP is fake. One of the "prisoners" was spotted in another propaganda video done later. I will try to find the screen caps.

The incident the BBC reported happened- the fighting was just a few yards down the road.

As far as I'm concerned, every Russian fighting in Ukraine is a baby-killer, and should be treated accordingly.

So fuck Russia. From now on. :boohoo:

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