Ukraine- What would Reagan do?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
WATCH: Stewart Mocks Conservative Chorus on Ukraine?'What Would Reagan Do?' | Alternet

Jon Stewart made merciless fun of the recent outpouring of conservative pundits calling for President Obama to be more Ronald Reagan-like when it comes to dealing with the unrest in Ukraine. "What would Reagan do?" has been the common hue and cry on Fox news and other news outlets. Especially rich was having Reagan lackey Oliver North commenting that Reagan, unlike Obama, did not draw "red lines," he simply acted. Yes, Stewart pointed out, that's Oliver North, the one illegally sold arms to Iran, and illegally funded the Nicaraguan contras. That's the one we should be listening to all right.

Stewart then gave several examples of how well Reagan's action-oriented policies yielded such fantastic results. Funding the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Of course, it was the the extreme elements of the Mujahadeen that became the Taliban, but, we didn't have to fight them for another "12 years," said Stewart, long after Reagan had left office. And, of course, Reagan selling arms to Saddam Hussein, whom we did not have to fight for another "two years . . . and then another 12 years after that."

Needless to say, the video is hilarious and factually spot-on.

Therefore, its entirely unsuitable viewing for the Putin-loving right.
This never would have happened while Reagan sat in the oval office. It would have been solved before anyone knew what was going on. See...President Reagan was a real president. Not a piss-ant community organizer with a TV addiction.
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Reagan dealt pretty effectively with the Russians by forcing their collapse. It's your inept community organizer that allowed them to make a comeback. And only an idiot looks to the likes of second rate comics like Stewart for political commentary.

"Look Mommy, I'm wearing my helmet!!"
Funny Stuff! Yup, we have armed many who later became our enemy. It is the GOP solution...
WATCH: Stewart Mocks Conservative Chorus on Ukraine?'What Would Reagan Do?' | Alternet

Jon Stewart made merciless fun of the recent outpouring of conservative pundits calling for President Obama to be more Ronald Reagan-like when it comes to dealing with the unrest in Ukraine. "What would Reagan do?" has been the common hue and cry on Fox news and other news outlets. Especially rich was having Reagan lackey Oliver North commenting that Reagan, unlike Obama, did not draw "red lines," he simply acted. Yes, Stewart pointed out, that's Oliver North, the one illegally sold arms to Iran, and illegally funded the Nicaraguan contras. That's the one we should be listening to all right.

Stewart then gave several examples of how well Reagan's action-oriented policies yielded such fantastic results. Funding the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Of course, it was the the extreme elements of the Mujahadeen that became the Taliban, but, we didn't have to fight them for another "12 years," said Stewart, long after Reagan had left office. And, of course, Reagan selling arms to Saddam Hussein, whom we did not have to fight for another "two years . . . and then another 12 years after that."

Needless to say, the video is hilarious and factually spot-on.

Therefore, its entirely unsuitable viewing for the Putin-loving right.

Quoting someone else's description of a TV comedy show is pathetic. Don't you have any original thoughts? What does Reagan have to do with Ukraine?

The salient point is that our President has lost all international credibility. His public intention to "reset" relations with Russia, his private assurance that he could be "more flexible after the election" and his unilateral "good will" gesture to cancel a well justified ABM installation in Poland were an open invitation for the Russians to do anything they wanted without any fear of reprisal.

If you want to compare his foreign policy to that of Reagan's, ask yourself this: Which of them will have left our world standing in better shape?
Ukraine- What would Reagan do?

Nothing, because U was part of the USSR when he was alive.

If he was alive today? Nothing.
Which East European nation got freedom when he was President?
WATCH: Stewart Mocks Conservative Chorus on Ukraine?'What Would Reagan Do?' | Alternet

Jon Stewart made merciless fun of the recent outpouring of conservative pundits calling for President Obama to be more Ronald Reagan-like when it comes to dealing with the unrest in Ukraine. "What would Reagan do?" has been the common hue and cry on Fox news and other news outlets. Especially rich was having Reagan lackey Oliver North commenting that Reagan, unlike Obama, did not draw "red lines," he simply acted. Yes, Stewart pointed out, that's Oliver North, the one illegally sold arms to Iran, and illegally funded the Nicaraguan contras. That's the one we should be listening to all right.

Stewart then gave several examples of how well Reagan's action-oriented policies yielded such fantastic results. Funding the Mujahadeen in Afghanistan to fight the Russians. Of course, it was the the extreme elements of the Mujahadeen that became the Taliban, but, we didn't have to fight them for another "12 years," said Stewart, long after Reagan had left office. And, of course, Reagan selling arms to Saddam Hussein, whom we did not have to fight for another "two years . . . and then another 12 years after that."

Needless to say, the video is hilarious and factually spot-on.

Therefore, its entirely unsuitable viewing for the Putin-loving right.

Actually its not spot on, at all......intellectually lazy folks buy Stewarts take on history, you get what you deserve, which is; derision. :lol:

and who is this putin loving right btw?
Back in the seventies, Iranians were pissed off at the Shaw, their reaction to American foreign policy was to abduct embassy workers, they hated Jimmy Carter and America THAT much. Iranians aren’t’ stupid, they realize Americans back in the 50’s tried to manipulate their future. It makes me so sad. But Iranians can also take back their future. Iran has plenty of oil, they have no need for nuclear anything . If they say No to the SHAW, then they can just as well reject nukes, too.
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The mujahadeen did not become the taliban. They became the Northern Alliance who helped us fight the taliban.
Iranians hate Jimmy Carter to this very day because of the support he gave the mullahs.
Reagan never would have weakened the U.S.' prestige around the world to the point where the Ukraine situation would have been possible.
We have members of the Putin loving right on the Board and have since last year. Distressing, but weak heads will be weak heads.
Ronald Regan, god rest his soul. He gave amnesty to illegal aliens ,crushed unions and (sorry got dust in my eyes) helped the Afghani freedoom fighters, the taliban and al qaeda. Back in the day..,
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