Ukraine destroying records of military bio labs in Ukraine, according to Foreign ministry of Russia.

It's pretty much picked up steam with the Q community.
I guess Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland is in the "Q community"

Rubio - "Does Ukraine have biological or chemical weapons?"
Nuland - "Uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities, which we are now in fact quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces may be seeking to, uh, gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of, uh, Russian forces should they approach."
Actually, the Russians first spread the nonsense,

And somehow, someway, that pillar of journalistic integrity and due diligence.....Alex Jones, then broke the story here. And Great Awakening, Epoch Times, Gateway Pundit, and their Q-Cult grabbed it and ran with it.....and continue to beat the drum for it.
So the Duped & Snookered continue their remarkable record of marching into the cellar of the spooky house on Elm Street.

It is disinformation. Duh!

Have the Russians ever used that tactic before?

Asks no one anywhere at any time.
Uh, Ukraine has, uh, biological research facilities,

Which like at Cornell, Purdue, UC-Davis.....those "biological research facilities".....hold for it.... research biological stuff. Like how to grow purple potatoes, get better yields on grapes, and develop a switchgrass with better standability....and so on.

Remember....again, and again......the source of this 'ominous-ity' Russian Foreign Ministry.

Trust them?
Go ahead.
You first.
Hey Moron, we know this propaganda about bioweapons is a lie. It is a lie to justify your killing and murder of Ukrainians.
Hey Moron, we know this propaganda about bioweapons is a lie. It is a lie to justify your killing and murder of Ukrainians.
Putin was killing Ukrainians before this story broke. Biden's inept administration didn't key in on false flags until after the story broke. It was clumsy and second rate CYA.
The Russian propaganda is so lame and transparent. Anyone with a brain knows this is just made up BS.

Not big surprise at this point. Government websites of the US and Ukraine have are purging all records of the existence of their 11 bio labs and US are trying to get all the assets they stored in those labs out, mainly some pathogens they have been "researching".

Time will tell what the Americans have been doing in these labs, but whatever it is, they clearly dont want Russia to know.

Take your Russian propaganda and put it where the sun don't shine.
May we ask the good poster Rogue, how he made the conncection from 'biological research facilities' to.....his "bioweapons".

Who said "bioweapons" first?
The difference between 'research' and weapon is simply a matter of where the material is. It's research in the lab, it's a weapon if released on the public.
It's research in the lab, it's a weapon if released on the public.

Ah, so it was the good poster Rogue Al who came up with the term "bioweapons".....and that it is weapons that are produced at "biological research facilities"?

I dunno.
Can't say I'm persuaded by Al just yet.

For example, I know a researcher at a biological research facility and she claims they're trying to parse out the signals that activate certain algae cell activities....such as division or quiescence. I dunno, at this time, how the Russians, or the Americans, or for that matter, Ukrainians, are gonna make bombs out that stuff.

Do you Al?
Ah, so it was the good poster Rogue Al who came up with the term "bioweapons".....and that it is weapons that are produced at "biological research facilities"?

I dunno.
Can't say I'm persuaded by Al just yet.

For example, I know a researcher at a biological research facility and she claims they're trying to parse out the signals that activate certain algae cell activities....such as division or quiescence. I dunno, at this time, how the Russians, or the Americans, or for that matter, Ukrainians, are gonna make bombs out that stuff.

Do you Al?
You clearly do not understand bioweapons, they do not require a bomb. Educate yourself.
China brought up the labs first. Probably working together with Russia, or just for themselves.

It's the Biden administration goofball reaction and response that should be of concern. Nuland screwed that all up.
And your response would be?
Fau Chi's influenza "research" manipulates the pathogen. Baric found lout how that can work at the North Carolina lab: what bat virus recombinant they thought would turn out benign was actually more dangerous than the starter organism. Dilyana has covered much of this, and British MI6 knows that Ukraine has one of their viruses which was founds in Ukraine, A/Anglia/42/72.

Fau Chi Avian Influenza Experiments

The CIA software is already in place to sabotage Russian translations of Izvestiya and other newspapers. Since the CIA's perennial conundrum is the concept "intent," here we see Stoltenberg mouthing off about intent:

Stoltenberg Acccused Russia of Planning Chemical Attacks
'....12 marta, Zakharova zaiavila, chto Minoborony U.S. prevodilo milliony dollarov v Ukrainy dlia razrrabotki biologicheskogo oruzhiia.
On 12 Mar, Zakharova sgtated that U.S. Defense Ministry was transferring millions of dollars to Ukraine for development of biological weapons.'

Even a grade-school American kid can figure out that it would be dumb not to experiment with known viruses that do not occur above 50 deg latitude, because of livinng things now moving northward due to climate change: barn owls are showing up in reindeer country, the the Kanti and Mansi of Siberia have no word for barn in their language.

One of the cutting-edge organisms is a hemorrhagic virus, one also documented by Dilyana at Tbilisi for testing on military personnel: CCHF. CCHF stops at 50 deg N latitude, which is precisely the epidemiological installation at Kharkiv.
Dilyana's blog has already been hit by the same CIA-MI6 surveillance software that is now sabotaging Izvestiya. So we'll be getting things in hard-copy, just to be safe.
Regardless that USMB fascist nazi theologians move threads around, the fact remains that MI6 has an investment in knowledge of influenza precisely occurring in the Ukraine. Dilyana's reporting is more than conspiracy theory, only IQs around 80 should take the bait of the theologian and word games.

No Homo sapiens can refute that Russia already has every organism that Ukraine has. It does n ot have every organism that may have been manipulated in the lab. No human can refute that this conspiracy theory par excellence is based on truth.
China's permanent representative to the United Nations demanded that the United States tell about biological laboratories in Ukraine. The United States and Kiev should answer Russia's questions about military biological activities on the territory of Ukraine, China's permanent representative to the organization Zhang Jun said at a meeting of the UN Security Council.
"Russia has disclosed recently discovered relevant documents. The parties involved should answer the questions and provide timely and comprehensive explanations in order to remove the doubts of the international community. We do not believe that too much is being asked of the parties. There should be no double standards in this matter," Zhang Jun said.

Not big surprise at this point. Government websites of the US and Ukraine have are purging all records of the existence of their 11 bio labs and US are trying to get all the assets they stored in those labs out, mainly some pathogens they have been "researching".

Time will tell what the Americans have been doing in these labs, but whatever it is, they clearly dont want Russia to know.

Yeah you don’t hear any of that reported from the corporate controlled media of course.

Not big surprise at this point. Government websites of the US and Ukraine have are purging all records of the existence of their 11 bio labs and US are trying to get all the assets they stored in those labs out, mainly some pathogens they have been "researching".

Time will tell what the Americans have been doing in these labs, but whatever it is, they clearly dont want Russia to know.

Good to see the Ukrainians taking time off from destroying the Russian Army to destorying labs.

You guys need to provide them with more targets. Apparently the Uks don't have enough to do.

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