uh-oh ... pubs doing more sloppy vetting

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Sold his Wells Fargo position (1K-15K) on January 14, 2008
Sold part of his Wachovia position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Sold part of his JPMorganChase position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Sold part of his Citigroup position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Bought Goldman Sachs (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008

Edited. Next tim., Please provide a link.


"My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida"

Lots of his little secrets will be coming out. Anyone wanna bet the rw's will have an excuse for every one of them?

OpenSecrets.org - for the rest of my post.

Doesn't matter though because rw's just love lying and cheating pubs.

"My mom is a Medicare senior in Florida"

Lots of his little secrets will be coming out. Anyone wanna bet the rw's will have an excuse for every one of them?


You're a fucking idiot...

I don't really even support Romney but the progressive position is "Don't vote Romney/Ryan because they're white and successful."

Yeah try running on that and see what happens dummy...

Your attacks are making moderates puke....

Democrats are gong to need a lot more dead democrats than currently exist to get Obama reelected.

Sold his Wells Fargo position (1K-15K) on January 14, 2008
Sold part of his Wachovia position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Sold part of his JPMorganChase position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Sold part of his Citigroup position (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008
Bought Goldman Sachs (1K-15K) on January 22, 2008

Edited. Next tim., Please provide a link.

Brad DeLong: Reflections on Paul Ryan's Transactions in Individual Bank Stocks in 2008

Ya the Obama was such a success at vetting all those tax cheats he had to withdraw from Nomination, And there were so many he finally accepted one cause he couldn't find one that hadn't cheated on his taxes.
Uh oh Luddly, no one cares, lets look at all the money democrats make off of the government? I dont see poor democrat politicians, in fact the democrats are richer than the republicans.
OpenSecrets.org - for the rest of my post.

Doesn't matter though because rw's just love lying and cheating pubs.

Next time use a live link, OK? This time I linked your source, next time I will just trash your post

Luddly you got busted....and yeah you use projection, because you just got caught lying and cheating.....sucks to be a dumbass, well I wouldnt know....;)
if only ryan was a factor than we could talk about what be wants to put forth but since obama is going to win handidly no matter talking about ryan because hes losing anyway. Right? Right? Why all the threads lefties?
Reposting the entire post to Meister because this is being LIED about.
Someone get the Thorazine.

Reposting the entire post to Meister because this is being LIED about.

Luddy just admit you got owned, honestly is good and you'll get respect for it. Or you can be like an Obamabot and DEFEND every stupid thing a liberal says like a rabbid dog.
Wouldn't you know it, "open secrets" is a subsidiary of Media Matters and MM declines to pay taxes because it doesn't have to. What a bunch of hypocrites.
Saying this will probably get me banned but the FACT is I posted a link.

It was not a "live link" but it was a link.

My mistake was in not knowing that the rule is "live" link.

I will now go and read that rule.
Wouldn't you know it, "open secrets" is a subsidiary of Media Matters and MM declines to pay taxes because it doesn't have to. What a bunch of hypocrites.

Oh well, what the hell.
At least you recognize that I did post a link.

Not a LIVE link. Just an old dead link but by gawd, it IS a link.

Thank you.

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