U.S. suspends fast processing of high-tech visa applications


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Foreigners aiming for temporary jobs at high-tech U.S. companies will undergo a longer visa approval process after the Trump administration announced it will temporarily suspend expedited applications for H-1B visas.

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) said on Friday that starting April 3 it will suspend "premium processing" for up to six months. Under this expedited procedure, applicants can be eligible for visa approvals within 15 days, instead of a regular review period that can last for up to a few months.

The H-1B non-immigrant visa allows U.S. companies to employ graduate-level workers in several specialized fields, including information technology, medicine, engineering and mathematics.

USCIS said that during the suspension period, individuals still can request expedited consideration, but must meet certain criteria, such as humanitarian reasons, an emergency situation or the prospect of severe financial loss to a company or individual.
U.S. suspends fast processing of high-tech visa applications

Do not suspend it, end the program all together.
Big mistake according to Dr Michio Kaku ..... :cool:

(well worth the time to hear him out)

He is spot on, because the far left that teaches in our university system could care less about teaching actual science. It is about pushing the far left religious agenda. The US spends more to educate a child than just about every other country and has some of the lowest scores in the world. Time to get the far left out of everything so humanity can grow up and prosper!
The reality is that he can sit on a stage and pontificate all he wants but the H-1B visa is simply a way of screwing the US workers.
If we domestically do not have the brain power to fill these hi-tech positions, Then I have no problem using foreigners.

The trouble is with our educational system. A high school senior in many foreign countries is at the level of a 3rd year college student in America.

Not good. ..... :cool:
The reality is that he can sit on a stage and pontificate all he wants but the H-1B visa is simply a way of screwing the US workers.
If we domestically do not have the brain power to fill these hi-tech positions, Then I have no problem using foreigners.

The trouble is with our educational system. A high school senior in many foreign countries is at the level of a 3rd year college student in America.

Not good. ..... :cool:

And if that were true, then the O-visa would be used.
Foreign schools concentrate on sciences like biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, etc.

While our schools teach courses on subjects like: transgender studies, feminist power, white privilege, social justice and black power. etc.

No wonder our kids can't qualify for a hi-tech job. ... :cool:
You know, if instead of whining and pining about a damned manufacturing job, people were to have, when the had that manufacturing job used some of the money the earned there to develop the technical skills and knowledge that are now in such high demand, there'd be little need for U.S. companies to hire many H1B visa holders.
  • Number of displaced manufacturing industry workers: ~4M-5M
  • Number of H1B workers in the U.S.: ~650K-800K
One might ask, "How were they supposed to know they'd need to do that?" The answer is by opening their eyes and looking around. The invention of the computer and its dissemination and application throughout society was hardly kept a secret. Even the writers of popular culture foreshadowed it. All it would have taken is a little bit of thinking to "connect the dots."
  • Lost in Space

  • Star Wars

  • The Jetsons



  • Comic strip -- "Our New Age"


  • The Flintstones

But that's not what the whiners did. What the did was sit back and watch television and just laugh. And now they want the government and the people who did pay attention and act in their own interest to prepare themselves for what was coming to attone for the whiners' not having done so by restricting companies' access to the skilled labor they need. To them, I say, "Hell no."

Winners act proactively on their own behalf; losers whine about what others do.
You know, if instead of whining and pining about a damned manufacturing job, people were to have, when the had that manufacturing job used some of the money the earned there to develop the technical skills and knowledge that are now in such high demand, there'd be little need for U.S. companies to hire many H1B visa holders.
  • Number of displaced manufacturing industry workers: ~4M-5M
  • Number of H1B workers in the U.S.: ~650K-800K
One might ask, "How were they supposed to know they'd need to do that?" The answer is by opening their eyes and looking around. The invention of the computer and its dissemination and application throughout society was hardly kept a secret. Even the writers of popular culture foreshadowed it. All it would have taken is a little bit of thinking to "connect the dots."
  • Lost in Space

  • Star Wars

  • The Jetsons



  • Comic strip -- "Our New Age"


  • The Flintstones

But that's not what the whiners did. What the did was sit back and watch television and just laugh. And now they want the government and the people who did pay attention and act in their own interest to prepare themselves for what was coming to attone for the whiners' not having done so by restricting companies' access to the skilled labor they need. To them, I say, "Hell no."

Winners act proactively on their own behalf; losers whine about what others do.

There is no need for them.
The reality is that he can sit on a stage and pontificate all he wants but the H-1B visa is simply a way of screwing the US workers.
If we domestically do not have the brain power to fill these hi-tech positions, Then I have no problem using foreigners.

The trouble is with our educational system. A high school senior in many foreign countries is at the level of a 3rd year college student in America.

Not good. ..... :cool:
Are you trying to prove you know nothing about how the H1-B Visa is abused or do you use these incompetent Indians?
Foreign schools concentrate on sciences like biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, etc.

While our schools teach courses on subjects like: transgender studies, feminist power, white privilege, social justice and black power. etc.

No wonder our kids can't qualify for a hi-tech job. ... :cool:
Bullshit; I've worked with these Indian "geniuses" and they are NOT even average..they're far less expensive.
I don't know about Indians, but I used to drive by the front entrance of M.I.T. on the way to work, and every other person entering the building was Asian. .... :cool:
You think it has anything to do with their governments paying full tuition for them?
Foreign schools concentrate on sciences like biology, mathematics, chemistry, physics, engineering, etc.

While our schools teach courses on subjects like: transgender studies, feminist power, white privilege, social justice and black power. etc.

No wonder our kids can't qualify for a hi-tech job. ... :cool:

They just make the most noise..............everyone else is busy. Nobody has time for a lot of drama.

Two weeks ago our high school "bagged and tagged" their robot for competition. My 15 year old (and others) taught a section on robotics to elementary students. The competitions regionally, nationally and internationally are in full swing. The US has the talent and more coming but the US doesn't want to pay them.

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