U.S. support for anti-Soviet and anti-Russian guerrilla movements


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
The U.S. government has demanded that nations and international bodies join forces to combat terrorism. Yet the United States has played an important role in fostering the very terrorism it now denounces. While terrorist groups are portrayed as an "evil enemies" by the United States, many terrorist organizations initially received considerable support from the U.S. government, either openly or clandestinely. From the Mujihadeen in Afghanistan to the Kosovo Liberation Army in the former Yugoslavia, the U.S. government has provided training and support to "terrorist" organizations. One of the best ways to combat terrorism in the world today is to pressure the United States and other governments to stop lending support to such organizations.

U.S. support for anti-Soviet and anti-Russian guerrilla movements and the undermining of democracy | Demokratizatsiya | Find Articles at BNET

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