U.S. Judge Dismisses Tennessee Refugee Resettlement Lawsuit


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“(Reuters) - A judge on Monday dismissed the state of Tennessee’s lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of unconstitutionally coercing it into subsidizing the federal refugee resettlement program.

Tennessee accused the government of invading its sovereignty by requiring it to provide Medicaid benefits to refugees, or else risk losing nearly $7 billion of Medicaid funds annually, equal to about 20 percent of its state budget, if it refused.

It said this violated the 10th Amendment, which limits U.S. government powers to those delegated in the Constitution. Tennessee was the first state to sue on that basis.

But in a 43-page decision, Chief Judge S. Thomas Anderson of the federal court in Jackson, Tennessee said the state lacked legal standing to sue.”

U.S. judge dismisses Tennessee refugee resettlement lawsuit

That the suit is without merit should come as no surprise.

The refugees are legally in the United States, and residents of Tennessee, as such they’re entitled to participate in the state’s Medicaid program; to deny them access violates settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence guaranteeing all persons residing in the states the right to equal protection of the law, including refugees lawfully in the country.
“(Reuters) - A judge on Monday dismissed the state of Tennessee’s lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of unconstitutionally coercing it into subsidizing the federal refugee resettlement program.

Tennessee accused the government of invading its sovereignty by requiring it to provide Medicaid benefits to refugees, or else risk losing nearly $7 billion of Medicaid funds annually, equal to about 20 percent of its state budget, if it refused.

It said this violated the 10th Amendment, which limits U.S. government powers to those delegated in the Constitution. Tennessee was the first state to sue on that basis.

But in a 43-page decision, Chief Judge S. Thomas Anderson of the federal court in Jackson, Tennessee said the state lacked legal standing to sue.”

U.S. judge dismisses Tennessee refugee resettlement lawsuit

That the suit is without merit should come as no surprise.

The refugees are legally in the United States, and residents of Tennessee, as such they’re entitled to participate in the state’s Medicaid program; to deny them access violates settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence guaranteeing all persons residing in the states the right to equal protection of the law, including refugees lawfully in the country.

The Corrupt Democratic Party needs more poor uneducated voters who hate America
Could the state have refused refugee resettlement? No. Can states refuse to be a part of the Medicaid system? No. Can states refuse to provide tax to the federal government? No.
Sure is beneficial to be a state...lol! Pointless.
“(Reuters) - A judge on Monday dismissed the state of Tennessee’s lawsuit accusing the U.S. government of unconstitutionally coercing it into subsidizing the federal refugee resettlement program.

Tennessee accused the government of invading its sovereignty by requiring it to provide Medicaid benefits to refugees, or else risk losing nearly $7 billion of Medicaid funds annually, equal to about 20 percent of its state budget, if it refused.

It said this violated the 10th Amendment, which limits U.S. government powers to those delegated in the Constitution. Tennessee was the first state to sue on that basis.

But in a 43-page decision, Chief Judge S. Thomas Anderson of the federal court in Jackson, Tennessee said the state lacked legal standing to sue.”

U.S. judge dismisses Tennessee refugee resettlement lawsuit

That the suit is without merit should come as no surprise.

The refugees are legally in the United States, and residents of Tennessee, as such they’re entitled to participate in the state’s Medicaid program; to deny them access violates settled, accepted 14th Amendment jurisprudence guaranteeing all persons residing in the states the right to equal protection of the law, including refugees lawfully in the country.

The only reason they are in TN is because the Fed Govt. ordered TN to take them. If TN had a say then none of those useless fucks would be in their State.

All those refugees should be shipped back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. Ever. Single. One. No way should we taxpayers be footing the bill for these assholes.
The only reason they are in TN is because the Fed Govt. ordered TN to take them. If TN had a say then none of those useless fucks would be in their State.

All those refugees should be shipped back to whatever shithole they crawled out of. Ever. Single. One. No way should we taxpayers be footing the bill for these assholes.
Thank Bush for the judge. Thank Obama for the Turd Worlders.
I understand why Tennessee had to take them though they didn't want to. I understand why the activist judge ruled the way he did though it will probably be overturned on appeal. What I can't understand is how someone like the OP is can be stupid enough to think that it is a good thing and want to boast about it.

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