U.S. Imposes Stiff Sanctions on Russia, Blaming It for Major Hacking Operation


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Well....it would appear that the turning a blind eye towards Russian wrongdoing is at an end:

The Biden administration on Thursday announced tough new sanctions on Russia and formally blamed the country’s premier intelligence agency for the sophisticated hacking operation that breached American government agencies and the nation’s largest companies.In the broadest effort yet to give more teeth to financial sanctions — which in the past have failed to deter Russian activity — the sanctions are aimed at choking off lending to the Russian government.

In an executive order, President Biden announced a series of additional steps — sanctions on 32 entities and individuals for disinformation efforts and for carrying out the Russian government’s interference in the 2020 presidential election. Ten Russian diplomats, most of them identified as intelligence operatives, were expelled from the Russian Embassy in Washington. The country also joined with European partners to sanction eight people and entities associated with Russia’s occupation in Crimea.
The announcement is the first time that the U.S. government had placed the blame for the “SolarWinds” hacking attack right at the Kremlin’s feet, saying it was masterminded by the SVR, one of the Russian intelligence agencies that was also involved in the hacking of the Democratic National Committee six years ago. The finding comports with the findings of private cybersecurity firms.
Widely anticipated, the sanctions come amid a large Russian military buildup on the borders of Ukraine and in Crimea, the peninsula that Moscow annexed in 2014.

They comprise what United States officials described as “seen and unseen” steps in response to the hacking, known as SolarWinds; to the C.I.A.’s assessment that Russia offered bounties to kill American troops in Afghanistan; and to Russia’s longstanding effort to interfere in U.S. elections on behalf of Donald J. Trump. The key to the sanctions’ effectiveness, officials concede, will be whether European and Asian allies go along with that ban, and whether the United States decides to seek to extend the sanctions by threatening to cut off financial institutions around the world that deal in those Russian bonds, much as it has enforced “secondary sanctions” against those who do business with Iran.
Washington theatrics...we can't sanction them more than we already are....this is just feed for the dumb libtard masses.....better not poke that bear Joe....you ain't got the smarts to do battle with Putin.....not even close....
It wasn't Russia....if it was anyone it was China or our own corrupt CIA....Russia does not have the sophistication to pull this off twice in one month.....
It wasn't Russia....if it was anyone it was China or our own corrupt CIA....Russia does not have the sophistication to pull this off twice in one month.....
Not the Russian govt.. the Oligarchs that run the kleptocracy that is Russia. They lead the world in Cybercrime.

BTW...a ransomware attack is not all that sophisticated.
Not the Russian govt.. the Oligarchs that run the kleptocracy that is Russia. They lead the world in Cybercrime.

BTW...a ransomware attack is not all that sophisticated.
Gee whiz, Mr. Fleegle. Obama and Hillary Clinton couldn't do enough for Russia a few Years back. During the Obama administration, Hillary sold Russia 20% of all our stateside uranium. As if that weren't enough, Obama handed over 3 of Alaska's oil-rich Aleutian islands to Russia that Russia sold to the USA in the Seward/Jefferson administration years.
The Democrats have always complied with Russia and in the case of giving Alaska's property, it is my understanding the current deep state has a lot of explaining to do about their own folly.

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